SaneGoatiSwear ago

awesome post. agreed. stop in to v/til and voice it.

shills should not be censored. they should be pointed out!

Open_Discussion ago

If they shouldn't be censored then why have you deleted so many submissions and benned so many users from v/til?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

What does the widget show the user? Conceptually, it shows the user how much confidence others have in the page/site being shown.

This has been proposed and actually done many times. It never caught on.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Can you point me to one of these prior instances?

Did any of those implementations include the ability to control whose votes are and aren't included in one's display?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Avast Webrep

As for choosing whose votes to include it can't be done without performing vigorous privacy rape and/or a totally unwieldy control panel of meta-reputations. There are three or four proposals on too, but I couldn't find them easily.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Thanks for the reply.

mywot is one of the things I specifically mentioned in the OP. It's one of the key elements which are incorporated.

And it's not privacy rape if it's volitional. Maybe I didn't make clear that that was part of my concept: this is an opt-in system. When I talked about the ability to put in an anonymous or alt-account rating, I guess I figured that the volitional element was squarely implied there. Any ratings submitted are submitted voluntarily and in whatever mode/account the user chooses.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Why thank you. Updating my perception accordingly.

It's always intriguing to find how often the apparently novel turns out to be a rerun (albeit a still-brilliant one)!

ETA: this bit at the end of the article seems to foresee, at least somewhat, the very problem I'm looking at in this OP:

Others see the period of uncertainty ahead as a rare opportunity for people to shape their own technological destiny. "We need . . . a firm idea of the kind of media environment we would like to see in the future," warns Howard Rheingold in his new book, The Virtual Community. While it may be difficult for communities as diverse as those on the Internet to set their own agenda, it seems increasingly likely that if they don't, someone else will do it for them.

PM_me_your_mitts ago

I'd rather just become a hermit and discover real truths.