ExpertShitposter ago

Trufe mane.

But yo u posted nothgin in 1 mont.

ANd i read nothing in 1 month.

Yeah whateveer. we iz gunna make it.- Breh.

playitagainsam ago

Yeah, I know I haven't posted enough. Haven't felt inspired. I'm also sick of all the idiots on /v/all. Higher percentage than there was last year. But the solution is really to stay off of all and avoid it.

Also, Happy New Year if I don't see you again!

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah its hard to avoid some pointless people.

Also, Happy New Year if I don't see you again!

You too...but...what do you mean?

playitagainsam ago

Next few days are busy. Not sure if I'll be around much. I'm applying for some jobs. Fingers crossed!

ExpertShitposter ago

Ah ok, thought you we gonna go a-wall forever or something.

playitagainsam ago

I might. Don't tempt me. :p

ExpertShitposter ago

One day.....maybe we all will. When we make it.

Usereman ago

where is ?

ExpertShitposter ago

+1 drink brigaded