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25704181? ago

The left is all about science and appeals to authority when it (appears to) suit them.

But what do they do if it doesn't?

Simple. Just remove the authority from whoever is saying it. Can't be proven wrong by a scientific authority if you annihilate all of the ones who disagree with you.

25704497? ago

Yeah, they say they revere science but they don't. Climate "science" proves that. They start at the end and tune out anyone and anything that doesn't go along with the narrative. They were caught, red handed, fixing data - and still deny it. Wait until people find out about the holes in evolutionary theory. Could drive a moving truck through them.

25715865? ago

Lol, the evidence for evolution is beyond abundant. I'm sure you're trying to forum slide by pushing nonsense and turning this board into a bunch of retarded flat Earth creationist idiots but someone has to call out the disinformation operative on the board.

25786509? ago

but they are almost as dumb as rocks?

25790709? ago

They’re underevolved