Datawych ago

If I saw that at my Target, I'd make sure to use her lane whenever I bought pork.

UnknownCitizen ago

Shit post. No way to authenticate and the images look manipulated. nope.

auto_turret ago

My apologies for twice commenting on this.. but this really stuck with me and I am angry as hell this is allowed to happen. I don't give a shit if the entire store calls me racist, I WILL bring pork and alcohol down that aisle, and if she doesn't ring me up I will make a very yuge public stink. I do not accept this bullshit in my country. Never.

MWcrazyhorse ago

Well at least they ask nicely. I am a bit surprised actualy it doesn't read "take your infidel food to another lane whitey". I can deal with people asking nicely. This does not anger me. As an employer I would tell her that her superstitious beliefs are a bit silly. Pork is only a problem to health if you eat it raw. The Koran is a guide for people of the bronze age who did not understand this. There is no spiritual reason. Pigs don't have demons in them.

Can we expect muslims do understand and accept this? We are constantly mocking and berating creationists over evolution. I think we need to start mocking muslims. They take their favorite book far too dogmatic... It's just a book.

sinjinsmythe ago

So then technically is she required to kill herself because her mere existence as a mayo dumpster is not haram?

auto_turret ago

Attention Target customers: We accept every single race, gender, religion, and culture. However, you must not ever bring pork or alcohol through cash register 12, a muslim works there. They don't accept anything, or anyone.. Why should we? Why did we hire her exactly? Clean up in aisle 3...

fagnig ago

What youre truly offering there is real work, not a lick and a promise. If not truly exploitative i believe most citizens would hop on board in good time.

*But ensuring there is competition between citizens and not imported labor is essential to that agreement yes

acheron2012 ago

How about we fire her for not doing her job?

fagnig ago

Capitalism is inordinately better than crony capitalism and government fixed monopoly, for sure. Not sure how your second half ties in with that, but my 2c is immigration which fills a gap the nation cant fill has value, if not truly at odds with employment seeking citizens.

ibepokey ago

Now, i am MORE glad i don't shop Target any more.

fagnig ago

To liberals who disagree: not doing business with someone is not depriving them of any rights. Free association is a fundamental human right.

You're not wrong, its just when corporations chase the bottom line over the nations own workers, you also have an issue that even the liberals dont want to touch with a ten foot pole. Frankly im glad someone like Trump is making moves in that direction, does that make him a liberal?

musicalbaboon ago

I honestly think Trump is liberal in many ways. The left have fucked up that term.

fagnig ago

Neoliberals have fucked up that term, and im not sure there is a Left left to own that term anymore... although im waiting for that day they return

Kal ago

I wonder if the nationalists can refuse to sell cheap Chinese crap too.

FemaleVet4Trump ago

So interesting because not that long ago many were upset that some pharmacists did not want to sell "Morning Afte" pill -- but the same people are okay with cashier not selling you bacon?

bulldog65 ago

Are Christian and Jewish (who get no special treatment for non-kosher items) employees allowed to impose their personal religious beliefs on their employers ? Tell them your personal religious beliefs prohibit working certain days, or selling contraceptives. Then see what happens with your part time, no benefits job.


Javik2186 ago

Walking into lane with muslium cashier

M Cashier: "Sorry. This is wine and I cannot allow this purchace."

Me: "Seriously? These are bottles of water. I just picked these off from the shelf a minute ago. It's not my fault that my Father gave me the power to turn water into wine."

ShitsInPringlesCans ago


uCameFromRedditNotMe ago

How come none of you pussies fuck up the place? You take a picture like a passive faggot and say "here everyone else, you do something. or sit behind your computers calling me a pussy for not doing anything, because i am a pussy"

FisterRoboto ago

I don't believe this is real but it doesn't really matter, I stopped shopping there after the tranny bathroom BS.

YamaMaya ago

Oh if I see this shit I'm going to do it on purpose, you should not have done that.

Pwning4Ever ago

Shouldn't even be allowed in the country. If your religious push conflicts with the constitution.

auto_turret ago

Stupid sand nigger bitch you are either going to ring up this 50 lbs of bacon and beer or get your shit and leave the country.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed shill alt. continue capping archiving and logging for confirmed shill

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed shill alt 0 use account with other like 0 use accounts. continued capping archiving and logging for confirmed shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

4 day old account with shit comment

possible shill detected, for the sjws on v/sjwhate 99% chance. logging in case shill.

yergi ago

Organize a protest by gathering a large group of people paying in change, to purchase one pork product each?

antiliberalsociety ago

A Minneapolis based company? Say it isn't so!

That's why I vote with my wallet & shop non pandering stores

7471967? ago

The picture is photoshopped, here is how Target appeases muslim workers:

Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.
Several times on his first day as a cashier, Dahir said, customers brought pork products to his register. He asked them to take their goods to another register, and a customer complained to management.

“They told me, you have to check this,” Dahir said. “I told them, I can’t do this. You want me to do something that’s against my religion.”

Dahir said a manager told him that was part of the job, so “I just put down my uniform and I left.”

He said it doesn’t matter if the pork product is packaged. “Even if you just sell it to someone, you break a promise to Allah,” he said.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


2 or you're

personal attack repeated

possible shill detected we'll start at 5% for longstanding participation in voat. could just be regular goat deciding to shill just for this. logged in case shill

Baconmon ago

Is this real????????????? I hope this is just one random incident.. If I ever see any thing like that in real life I would boycott target immediately.. I already boycott walmart, maybe I should boycott target as well?..

EDIT: It is fake, and has been photoshopped.. This is why you should not instantly trust every thing you see on the internet..

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuzzywords is a shill and codes voat more than any other non-dev person this past year a v/SJWHate post. yup. sourced. (but buried/censored by auto-sjw downvoats right at posting)

newoldwave ago

No problem, I'll just shop elsewhere.

nobslob ago

If they were being more honest, the sign should also ask gays to respectfully find another line. Why liberals have sided with that barbaric ideology is beyond me.

summary: look how inclusive and open-minded target is being by being exclusionary and close-minded to their customers. wtf!?

Samsquamch ago

If I use that lane to buy my Christmas pork, and she refused to serve me, would that not be the business refusing to serve me because my religious Christmas dinner conflicts with their business policies?

misogynistic-prick ago

target lets dudes with dick piss next youre 10 year old daughter and calls you a fucking asshole

OhBlindOne ago

Also, if any of your items relate to the act of treating women with an modicum of respect and/or said items infer that gays shouldn't be stoned to death or thrown off a building and/or said items don't condone rape and/or said items.... please use a different lane.

Scrapco ago

It's fake.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.

Seems like a reasonable solution. "Figure out a way to do this job, or you're doing another job."

Artofchoke ago

Thank fucking goodness, I've had to boycott... fucking everything, it seems. :/

twee ago

This comment needs more upvoats.

Scrapco ago

if you run your own private business, you should be free to deny service ... to any person for any reason.

Like, say, pork-eating beer drinkers?

I think this is idiotic, but they're fully within their rights according to your beliefs. So yeah, the free market will sort it out, if there are any beer-drinking pork eaters who still go to Target after Bathroomgate, or whatever we're calling that.

I like Target, but I'd still go through this lane. Fuck that. They respectfully asked me to choose another lane; I respectfully declined.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

I stopped shopping at target after getting carded for a couple clearance video games. I'm not even close to underage so that attitude combined with their bathroom policy, ever present lack of cashiers on hand and the fact they are just a gussied up Walmart has ensured I don't go back.

But if you like em more power to ya.

piratse ago

How dare you point out that Target is doing exactly what people on this site champion! But seriously, they are exercising their free market option. You either comply or not. You can support them or not. The market will decide, and sometimes the market doesn't side with you.

jerrykantrell ago

Consistency of application is key here. Your sarcasm glosses over this point.

piratse ago

where do they owe you consistency? It's their choice if they want to be consistent or not. Again, free market right?

jerrykantrell ago

Jesus, I am talking about the law being applied consistently. You can't say, oh target has free market to bow to Islam but bakers do not have free market to refuse service to gays. Do you understand now?

piratse ago

they aren't refusing to serve customers, look at the wording. even though this is fake. the wording isn't denying service, as the cake bakers did. And anyways, go ahead and sue, get this one on the books. you are comparing two different situations and companies as if they are one in the same.

Maeglor ago

They can ask to touch my balls as well, as respectfully as they want to.

Doesn't mean it's going to change my vehavior at all.

PhilaFerret ago

Dear Defensive Line,

We request you approach quarterback with respect while she is in her safe space.


Opposing Team

chrisb_beats ago

Thats cucked up

cyks ago

Absolutely. And one should also reach out to all sources of their capital. Check to be sure that your building wasn't built by any homosexuals, locate all materials supporting your building and be sure none of those were sources by any homosexuals. Tear them down and build a new building to align yourself better with your beliefs, don't forget to inquire each new builder's sexual preference and allow free market capitalism to run its course. Call all of your baking suppliers and do a robust check on every employee and farmer's penis to be sure none of them are homosexual. If one discovers any hint of homosexuality, consider sourcing new baking supplies from a new source. Do not forget to ask the new sources what they do for sexual release and the free market will surely prevail. If all else fails, close down your business because everyone is gay.

Gigan ago

Target has been cucked for awhile. I avoid shopping there as much as I can.

shwanky ago

I would choose that lane every time and refuse to go to another. I don't drink and eat very little pork products but would make sure I have one of each in my cart every time. And then have a bash at the end of the year with free booze and pork for all my friends. Because I'm a dick.

Mariner00 ago

Happy that these fucks left Canada. Now waiting on the rest.

markrod420 ago

Ugly ham thinks she's quirky. Can see it in her eyes. Out there somewhere is a never responded to dating profile where that eat beast describes herself as quirky.

Bitch if you think binge eating disorders and extremist religions are quirky, Then yeah, u r quirky.


I would wear a ham hat and tip my fedora.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


Tor1 ago

Target stock still down 15 percent, slashing $8 billion from the company’s stock value

DietCokehead1 ago


Strat0 ago

It's against my religion to use another lane.

Apathy ago

Now imagine if every cashier is a muzzie, then what? And since when is this twat allowed in public without being accompanied by a man related to her? Funny how that pork thing sticks no matter what, but everything else is just a guideline.

RedViiper ago

I only buy Bacon & Beer from Target.

bikergang_accountant ago

Then forget the pork (pork kind of sucks anyway) and just leave it unattended at the front of the lane and continue to use her. It will make it apparent that this policy is creating a shrinkage problem. They can't just put the meat back in the refrigerator.

ilovepussy ago

Fuck Target - I stopped going there when they went for the gender neutral bathrooms. I will "respectfully" choose another store.

TheDude2 ago

This has to be fake. Otherwise retarded Christians should be able to refuse service to faggots. Racists can refuse to server white/blacks/chinks/whatever.

lordtyp0 ago

"The other lanes have 10 carts each. I respectfully decline your request to move lanes."

1Sorry_SOB ago

This is not the end. We are only at the beginning.

Helios-Apollo ago

Leaving everything else aside, everyone who has worked in retail knows that customers don't read signs anyway.

8BigMacNMuhDietCoke ago

So why does she even choose to work at a place that sells these items? If I'm a vegetarian, I don't choose to be a butcher. If I'm against child labor, I don't go work for Nike or pretty much any apparel manufacturer. If the destruction of nature bothers me, I don't get a job with Exxon. Right? Or have times gotten so desperate we are forced to work at places with incongruous values? Which if that is the case why are we accepting more migrants we don't have jobs for?

windsse ago

She expects everyone to bow down to her, and the courts would probably side with her.

Black_Phillip ago

Bitch, I go for the shortest line so you can respectfully fuck off

HamsterSlayer ago

Grab a bottle and seek her out every damn time


I would use that lane every single time.

Artofchoke ago

You'd have to get behind me, lol. I'll trade you my bacon for your booze. 🐐

AOU ago

Food list:

  • Bacon

  • Salami

  • Beer

  • Condoms

  • Panties

  • Iberico Ham

Aliantha ago


You monster.

ilikeskittles ago

I agree, I'd buy a package of bacon every time I went and go through her lane.

RedViiper ago

Maybe Target is secretly red-pilled and is doing this for reverse psychology.

Strat0 ago

How would that make them red-pilled?

RedViiper ago

They could be paying that spanish woman extra to wear the Hijab to increase sales of bacon and beer.

Strat0 ago

they would just be screwing over other people who are red-pilled then...

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If you get bacon and beer out of it ae you really screwed over?