Dial_Imitator ago

That paedo fucking bitch needs to go

Dial_Imitator ago

Fuck off you shit alt! I will fucking destroy you!


Crensch ago

She has everything to do with it. She has sick desires and she wants to blame other people for what goes on in her own mind.

Gothamgirl ago

All my desires become reality, and they're not sick.

as34aeaa43a ago

you even listen to this pedo i kno more fucking lies,


Dial_Imitator ago

shit alt! I will fuckinhh deystfetoo yu, tI AM THE iron firsst, you jabe no ida who you are messing witn. Me na my butt buddy goat4044 take rll the tie- he's an alcohlc like lme

Crensch ago

Bringing a pedo into your home was your desire. Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about having sick desires.

Gothamgirl ago

My desires are to be close to God.

Zyklon is not a pedo, you're a disturbed dickhead.

Crensch ago

I'm sure your God feels close to you when you defend a pedophile

Gothamgirl ago

Shut it serpent.

I am not defending him at all, I am correcting your lies and for the last time. Zyklon can speak for himself. His reputation is not my problem so leave me out of anything that has to do with him.

Crensch ago

He threatened to skin children alive while he was with you and you didn't bat an eye.

Also, thanks to your white knight, I know you're a "muh genetiks n condishuns" fatty.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't see it I keep asking you to provide those 60-120 threats you claimed were made by him, but you refuse, therefore I don't believe you.

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago


Crensch ago

That's what I'd tell you if you came up to hit on me. I'd fear for my life over those cheekbones hitting me.

Gothamgirl ago

Don't flatter yourself you'll never be my type. You have such low self esteem and you cry over another mans wife daily.

Crensch ago

You're not even human, and your self-esteem is in the sewer, where it belongs; you just think you're fooling people by pretending it's sky-high.

Nobody that looks like you has good self-esteem without serious self-awareness issues.

Gothamgirl ago

I have no idea what your alluding to, I am confident in myself everyday, there is nothing that would change that.

"Your not even human" - Really rat face? You can do better then that.

I have great self esteem. I am self aware that I am dealing with a stalker who shows necrophiliac intention towards my deceased child.

Crensch ago

There's an audio recording of you telling me that you would knock me the fuck out and stab me in the neck.

Gothamgirl ago

That's awesome!

Crensch ago

It is. It shows him to be an unhinged imbecile.

Gothamgirl ago

You take first prize sweetie.

Crensch ago

Only in your deluded mind.

Gothamgirl ago

I said you were a winner, gosh..

Crensch ago

You always threaten me with what you're going to do to me because you're fragile little mind can't handle it.

You also deleted your username 20 seconds after talking to me

Crensch ago

Cave troll whiteknight

Crensch ago

At least I know what words mean, and something like that as a mistake not an indication of a lack of ability to use the language.

Crensch ago

Poor illiterate white night doesn't understand the meaning of words

Crensch ago

Your cave troll needs a white knight! Dial to the rescue!

Gothamgirl ago

I do.

necrophilia[ nek-ruh-fil-ee-uh ]

noun Psychiatry.

an erotic attraction to corpses.

Crensch ago

Show me where it looks like I'm attracted to your child's rotting corpse

Gothamgirl ago


7 days, 36 comments 6 submissions

You seemed very excited, stimulated, and satisfied about a dead baby.

*Edit: now 37 times

Crensch ago

You sound really butthurt. I guess you're just an over-emotional woman that can't handle the internet.

Always projecting your own emotions onto something.

Crensch ago

So you are projecting both homosexuality and necrophilia onto me? Strangely enough, despite all the sick shit you've done, I still thought better of you than that.

You are one sick fuck.

Gothamgirl ago

I have done nothing wrong. You need to lay down the drugs, and also seek psychological help. It's the only way, if you want to get better.

Crensch ago

You killed your child and now you're projecting homosexual pedophilic necrophilia on to me.

Gothamgirl ago

38 now.

This Guy Is Sick

Crensch ago

And you're pretending not to know what the word projection means.

Gothamgirl ago

@EmeraldRoses I have waited 7 days for you to make a post about him, the way you did to me. You're awfully quiet lately.

This ex- Pizzagate mod, is posting about a dead infant obsessively.

Whatcha going to do about is, huh shit alt?


Crensch ago

Username hasn't posted for 7 months. Why don't you address the issues of your feelings for your dead child being exceedingly disgusting?

Gothamgirl ago

Well duh it another of your shit alt's you used to slander me, and if she is real, then she should address, and write a post denouncing your dead baby fetishes.

Crensch ago

You're the one that posted about your dead baby. You presented the information leading to the conclusion that you killed your own baby and you are a sick fuck.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't kill any baby that's your friend Skrayzie. Go take you meds Maniac.

Crensch ago

I don't believe you. Thanks to your own information I read into what killed your baby. It was most likely you.

And you still haven't presented any evidence that she killed anything.

Gothamgirl ago

Well your a deluded degenerate I expected nothing less

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You sick.