Gothamgirl ago

@EmeraldRoses your really slacking this week.

Trollstomper ago


Crensch ago


Trollstomper ago


Gothamgirl ago

Crensch lost his fucking mind...

blumen4alles ago

You are a moderator of v/GreatAwakening and posting shit like this? What a massive cunt.

Crensch ago

The user in question doxxed another user, had child porn on her phone, and supported a pedophile while he was threatening to sodomized young children.

1990 is something her pedophile boyfriend started.

Maybe you should keep your nose out of places where you don't know shit about what's going on?

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't dox anyone, and I didn't have cp on my phone even the police I sought for help, said I didn't.

Big deal 1990...

As far as my relationship its been over since 7/3/19, which was right after his comments towards. It played a part in our break up. You should keep your nose out of places where you don't know shit about my relationship, or my ex, you delusional basket case, you're a compulsive liar.

Crensch ago

Yes, you did, and yes you did.

You accused someone else of putting it there, mother of a very lucky dead child.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know me, and your a complete basket case.

You are a terrible friend to Srayzie.

I gave you every opportunity to STFU.

I extended a few olive branches, yet you continue to accuse me of things, I didn't do, and things I am not. You continue to talk about my children. You have burnt your bridges on this site for eternity, whether you choose to believe it or not. Nobody will ever trust you again, nobody will want to even know you.

You have soured everything you have ever done and more.

You continue to be foul. I played you like a fiddle, until you broke. For the attacks and your words, your Flappy titty cunt, will pay the ultimate price. I have everything she has ever done online. Matter of fact i have hide it all over the internet, and on an external drive.

As you carry on daily, I have archived, copied and pasted everything you have ever said to me and others, you are a phoney POS.

You will be featured as the main attraction on the front page of my website, right next to the big letter Q.

I made my site dark, in the hopes I never had to use it. But for the last week or so, I have been adding data, and I am almost ready for the big rollout. I have had major success, on quite a few occasions making things go viral, by myself.

I can guarantee when I am ready 1-2 million people will view it in less then a month.

You pricks are fucking done.



Crensch ago

You will be featured as the main attraction on the front page of my website, right next to the big letter Q.

I made my site dark, in the hopes I never had to use it. But for the last week or so, I have been adding data, and I am almost ready for the big rollout. I have had major success, on quite a few occasions making things go viral, by myself.

What do you think better researchers than you have been doing for you and everyone you love for months? Preparing for some stupid cunt move like this, because you're a stupid, fat, cunt.


Something your daughter isn't doing.



Gothamgirl ago

Hasn't phased me yet and won't you are weak. The only thing you accomplished in the last 2 years is making yourself look like a total failure and mentally disturbed. You have also made your friend look like the biggest whore on the internet..

Crensch ago

Hasn't phased me yet and won't you are weak. The only thing you accomplished in the last 2 years is making yourself look like a total failure and mentally disturbed. You have also made your friend look like the biggest whore on the internet..

Nah, you and your buddies tried to make that narrative stick, now you're all crying like bitches that the narrative that you're all a bunch of sick, immoral fucks is what's sticking.

Everything I write fazes you, because you're a low-IQ Missing Link subhuman that will never be able to win.

blumen4alles ago

I am familiar with the 1990 -

This is lame though.

Crensch ago

Not really interested in your opinion.

blumen4alles ago

Are you going to ban me here too?

Crensch ago

What a silly question!

blumen4alles ago

Doesn't seem very silly to me since you banned me from v/GreatAwakening for what I said here.

Crensch ago

The sub is classified as a shitposting sub. You have no right to complain since sbbh bans people for no reason and has for years.

If you don't like it, you can thank them and you can thank PV.

Crensch ago

You seemed exceedingly vested in defending two pedophiles.

And you sound like heru.

Crensch ago

That's fine. I'll respond that the person you are defending had child porn on her phone and invited a pedophile into her home that she claimed to love while he was threatening to sodomize little boys.

Gothamgirl ago

Jan 8 tomorrow was my daughters birthday.

I am glad you are doing this, you're showing how creepy and disgusting you really are, to everyone.

You a 100x worse then zyklon ever could be.

I hope you rot in hell but it sounds like you already are.

Crensch ago

I don't know why you have this thing for posting music videos, but that one is about something ticking, right?

Want to know what isn't ticking?

1990 anencephaly

Gothamgirl ago

I am still ticking and it's making you bat shit crazy. What's the matter Crensch you can't take down a girl? 😆😂🤣👍

Crensch ago

Your daughter isn't. She's the first one of your brood to make the right choice.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know me, and your a complete basket case.

You are a terrible friend to Srayzie.

I gave you every opportunity to STFU.

I extended a few olive branches, yet you continue to accuse me of things, I didn't do, and things I am not. You continue to talk about my children. You have burnt your bridges on this site for eternity, whether you choose to believe it or not. Nobody will ever trust you again, nobody will want to even know you.

You have soured everything you have ever done and more.

You continue to be foul. I played you like a fiddle, until you broke. For the attacks and your words, your Flappy titty cunt, will pay the ultimate price. I have everything she has ever done online. Matter of fact i have hide it all over the internet, and on an external drive.

As you carry on daily, I have archived, copied and pasted everything you have ever said to me and others, you are a phoney POS.

You will be featured as the main attraction on the front page of my website, right next to the big letter Q.

I made my site dark, in the hopes I never had to use it. But for the last week or so, I have been adding data, and I am almost ready for the big rollout. I have had major success, on quite a few occasions making things go viral, by myself.

I can guarantee when I am ready 1-2 million people will view it in less then a month.

You pricks are fucking done.


Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

Kike ^^^^

Crensch ago

Kike you spelled your name wrong

Even your anancephalous daughter didn't think you were clever. Why are you still trying?

Trollstomper ago

Come on guy this is to far.

Crensch ago

Here you are attacking a woman that shared her pics with exactly one user that stabbed her in the back and sent them to 3 other users, and constantly had her child threatened with rape, cannibalism, and murder by a violent pedophile convict.

Here is a couple posts about it.

Too far? An innocent woman was scared for her family's well-being and was fighting against a violent pedophile convict, and what did you do?

Trollstomper ago


Crensch ago

You said you weren't going to respond to me. You said you would fuck off. Now this is what happens every time someone says 1990.

Every decision you've made on this site has caused your experience to go from bad to worse. How many more bad decisions are you going to make, I wonder?

Gothamgirl ago

I love this site, however you do give me an occasional headache. It's not damaging to me at all, it's been kinda fun showing everyone the psychopath you really are. It's now proven 100%. It's retribution for the people you ran off here. Especially for what you think you have done to Jem777's reputation. You are paying mentally with every breathe, it couldn't be more satisfying.

Heebro ago

Can we also make an announcement about srayzie's abortion too?

Crensch ago

You seem to have a problem differentiating between information that was shared on here by the user herself oh, and information that was doxxed here.

Not that this username will Survive the first ban wave when putt comes back.

Heebro ago

Is that supposed to scare me lol




VoatContainmentGuard ago

Did you do an evil laugh after uploading this? wait... Do you have a mini me? A Minsch?

Crensch ago

He's Uber

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Two things:

1) Srayzie attacked many users. Users attacked back.

Srayzie got even nastier and then she & her white knight army started brigading. In return, users got pissed and came at her twice as nasty.

Srayzie then goes over the top so then users go over the top in retaliation. Shit gets messy. Zyklon goes nuclear. All the photos she uploaded and whatnot gets shared. Voat gets divided, old users and new. People pick sides.

Srayzie then plays the victim, Damsel in distress, and dindu nuffins. Since, you have wondered the land trying to protect her "honor", calling anyone you encounter a "pedophile". Your whole world has been turned into black & white. You view the world as Srayzies followers or pedophile doxxers. You completely damaged your reputation in a way that it cannot be salvaged. To make things worse, and stranger, you take over the Q sub and power mod it banning users for various reasons, some warranted, but many others not. You aligned with a pro-israel/pro-zionist movement and became its leader. I liked you at first. Then I hated you. Now I just feel sorry for you. You're a lost soul and I hope you can find peace.

2) Why do you speak to Buddha in a different manner than everyone else. When you approach him you do it with your head bowed. You know he's non-white and that makes it even stranger because I've watched you annihilate others in nasty ways. There's obviously things behind the scenes I don't know. I don't know who the players are and their status. or do I? Either way, very strange.

Gothamgirl ago

This is the truth ^^^

Crensch ago

1) Srayzie attacked many users. Users attacked back.


Srayzie got even nastier and then she & her white knight army started brigading.

Never happened. Unless you're talking about her trying to stay afloat with her alt after she deleted and you all wouldn't leave her alone. If that's the case, kek, she had every reason to get nasty.

In return, users got pissed and came at her twice as nasty.


Srayzie then goes over the top so then users go over the top in retaliation. Shit gets messy. Zyklon goes nuclear. All the photos she uploaded and whatnot gets shared. Voat gets divided, old users and new. People pick sides.

Srayzie was only ever retaliation. Not an ounce of proof that it ever happened the other way around.

Srayzie then plays the victim, Damsel in distress, and dindu nuffins

Strange, since not even that fat cunt @Trigglypuff could come up with something srayzie did wrong besides a blatant and easily disproved lie.

Since, you have wondered the land trying to protect her "honor", calling anyone you encounter a "pedophile".


And I call zyklon and GG pedophiles since GG had CP on her phone, and zyklon fantasized about sodomizing children constantly.

More of your lies.

Your whole world has been turned into black & white. You view the world as Srayzies followers or pedophile doxxers. You completely damaged your reputation in a way that it cannot be salvaged. To make things worse, and stranger, you take over the Q sub and power mod it banning users for various reasons, some warranted, but many others not. You aligned with a pro-israel/pro-zionist movement and became its leader. I liked you at first. Then I hated you. Now I just feel sorry for you. You're a lost soul and I hope you can find peace.

Let me know when you get the pedophile cock removed from your throat.

2) Why do you speak to Buddha in a different manner than everyone else. When you approach him you do it with your head bowed.

Kek. First off, not even remotely. Second off, he's the only one of you low-IQ retards that had a clue what or why I was doing what I was doing. Looks like he fell off that train, but despite being a nigger, he seems to have his shit together better than the rest of you.

You know he's non-white and that makes it even stranger because I've watched you annihilate others in nasty ways.

He's a nigger and he understands what's happening better than you and everyone else that claims to be white. Despite my hatred of him and treating him like shit, he's like a fat fucking chink buddha smiling and waving hi every goddamned day.

A nigger buddha.

I don't like him, but I'll converse with him as if equals in an attempt to find out if he's capable of human thought on whatever subject we're discussing.

There's obviously things behind the scenes I don't know. I don't know who the players are and their status. or do I? Either way, very strange.

Just FYI, I have you on ignore. You're a waste of time, and I really don't care to respond to you for the most part. If you want to know what's going on, watch the people with the facts and evidence to support their claims.

Oh wait, that's ONLY me.


PuttitoutIsGone ago

Just FYI, I have you on ignore

Get owned again huh? You aren't very good at this.

Crensch ago

If I paid attention to every username specifically created to attack me, I wouldn't have time for anything else. But that's your game, isn't it?