Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

This is still going on? Jeez I thought we were joking about it at this point.

@crensch snap out of it dude. @trigglypuff is one of the sweetest people on voat. None of this is worth it for some flappy tits or q-shit. Man now I'm sad.

Crensch ago

She helped dox someone off the site. Willingly participated in the dogpiling while someone threatened to rape and murder the children of the victim multiple times daily for over a month

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

And she apologized for doing it. Which is more than most people would have done.

Crensch ago

And yet she still joins in on the threads where her buddies attack srayzie.

Empty apology.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Attacking srayzie is not the same as doxxing her. She attacked someone, crossed a line, backed off and apologized, and continued attacking from behind the line. This srayzie person is not untouchable now just because she was wronged once.

Crensch ago

No, when you attack someone and you go too far and someone had to change their life and give up something they built because of something you helped perpetuate, you fuck off and leave them alone. You've done enough damage.

Well, that's how a white man would respond. Someone truly repentant for what they have done wrong even if they still despise that person. Apologizing for going too far and then continuing to tow the line after the fact just shows that you would go further if other people didn't call you out.

She wasn't sorry, she just didn't want to be banned permanently.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I guess I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because I've known her for so long, meanwhile you don't or see only the maliciousness.

But I think its so long now that its a joke, rather than touchy subject, like 9/11. Which maybe is what some people are getting at.

Crensch ago

Nobody is getting at that at all. They hate Q and they hate the subverse and they want to do something to destroy it.

That's why they keep up this narrative and ping me to it.

Gothamgirl ago

You have lost your shit, psycho. 😂🤣😂🤣

Did you see what that Fat fuck Kat looks like? Fuck no......... Will never be me!

@Trigglypuff is way smarter, and much more tech savy then me.

Zyklon is a guy, and @theoldones doxxed his mugshot. Plus he posted video of him himself. Your retarded crew, memed us for months, together....

You have to be fucking 😂🤣 kidding 😂🤣 me you really suck at this, get a better job dickhead.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff is way smarter, and much more tech savy then me.

And thinks you're the same person, you fat, trollfaced liar.

Your retarded crew, memed us for months, together....

Literally your own narrative.

You have to be fucking 😂🤣 kidding 😂🤣 me you really suck at this, get a better job dickhead.

Learn to read, retard.

Gothamgirl ago

you fat, trollfaced liar.

I get hit on every single fucking day in middle of no where 😂🤣 and I am none of that..

Literally your own narrative.

Go eat a dick.

I can read just fine...


Crensch ago

I noticed how you aren't after Trigglypuff for claiming you're also katharzso. Just me. Almost as if there was ever only one person you would be attacking here for any reason.

Gothamgirl ago

I am to busy cross posting to 5 different sites now, I never saw it.

That person only stood up for me because it's zyklon's friend, and if I remember correctly had issues with Srayzie in the past on GA.

Pretty sure zyklon said its a guy.

If that person thinks I am Fatskat then they're not as smart as I originally thought...

Crensch ago

Trigglypuff is zyklon's friend? Kek.

That's what this whole thing is about, moron. Trigglypuff claiming you, zyklon, kat, and some other users are all the same LARP.

Gothamgirl ago

Again, I have no clue what your talking about.

I haven't talked to zyklon since July 3rd, when I left him at hotel at Talladega, and kept going till I reached Florida.

Fatskat is disgusting liberal, dyke coal burning, degenerate, whore, who admitted to sharing cp with other users on here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

True, but most of those alts are just variant u/gabara bots. u/trigs is just not that motivated to actually do it herself. She only has like six accounts.

Creative ideas aside, she's actually (on her own efforts) our least effective troll, by a somewhat substantial margin.

But can you really expect any more from a woman?

Crensch ago

But can you really expect any more from a woman?

Nope. I never expect much at all from women.

I DO expect them to remember their place and get the fuck back in the kitchen; especially as a former mod of /v/TraditionalWives.

True, but most of those alts are just variant u/gabara bots. u/trigs is just not that motivated to actually do it herself. She only has like six accounts.

She was thoroughly motivated to destroy @srayize for some strange reason. Could it be jealousy? I'm betting it was. @Trigglypuff brings up that I called her a "smoke shadow" (It's smokeshow, but triggly is a barely-literate fronthole) quite often. Poor triggly wanted my attention, it seems.

Creative ideas aside, she's actually (on her own efforts) our least effective troll, by a somewhat substantial margin.

This suggests you're part of a group of trolls that congregate to the point of having some kind of mental ranking in your head for each. Care to expand upon that?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


  1. Me.
  2. u/gabara bots (combined score)
  3. TheAmerican (not affiliated, but very good)
  4. u/imperatrice_d_ane
  5. u/tallest_skil

Triggly is after like two dozen more.

She tries hard.....

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

4 damns

I guess if you figure in all the alts that's about where I am though.

I'e never downvoted on this acct even once.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Mostly it's because the bot runs 24/7 and you had a hiatus.

Imperatrice_d_Ane ago

oh i meant 4th was good i am thankful

Tallest_Skil ago

What is this autistic conversation and why am I listed here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Crensch ago

... but she's a woman.

Thanks for the info. Gabara isn't a single user, is he?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/gabara is a series of bots like you see around here, though the team has login info so we can do stuff if we need.

Crensch ago

That's a little sad. I genuinely liked the guy once upon a time.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

no guy to like

but then many liked tay

Crensch ago

A great law came from Tay.