Gothamgirl ago

The lies never end with you disgusting pedo filth mods. She didn't prove a fucking thing except that she is definitely

The Fattest Whore in Babylon

HollaKost ago

Your husband is turned on by sodomizing little boys!

Protect your son! Bitch!

Gothamgirl ago

You're a psycho.

HollaKost ago

Pedo enabler

Trollstomper ago

I thought you could leave the cuck faggotry over at reddit I see I was wrong.

Native ago

Shut up Crensch you stupid Israeli Spy...and unban me from your gay v/awaking site

Crensch ago

Go rub elbows with your pedophile buddies, faggot. Nobody knows who you are or cares about you.

Native ago

You're just jealous more people like me than you.

And that I get to go home to homemade dinners. What do you have?


Crensch ago

You're just jealous more people like me than you.

I don't want anyone that likes you to like me. They're obviously stupid and have low self-esteem if they think you're worth being around.

And that I get to go home to homemade dinners. What do you have?

A house instead of a barn with subhuman animals.


Everything you wish you had.

Native ago

A house instead of a barn with subhuman animals.

The fuck is wrong with a barn and goats? Good milk, fantastic steaks after a few years!

Everything you wish you had.

I'm happy with my barn thank you.

Crensch ago

The fuck is wrong with a barn and goats? Good milk, fantastic steaks after a few years!

As a home? Go home to your pig wife and eat some of her slop?

I'm happy with my barn thank you.

No, you're not, which is why you have to bring up IRL so often. You're insecure about it.

But seriously, I hope we wind up seeing eye to eye about the pedos, because I'd really like to not see your username again. You come from the top ropes when you haven't been tagged in and I have no idea what your beef is or why you show up when I'm fighting against literal pedos and almost provably pedos.

Native ago

As a home?

Jesus was born in a barn. It was his for a time. A farm is just an extension of a barn. Come on man, we were so close to being friends and then you insulted me.

We do agree on fighting pedos though and as an olive branch, please unban be from v/greatawakening you can ban me if I step out of line, at this point you already know who I am so it won't be that hard to notice me. Deal?

Crensch ago

we were so close to being friends and then you insulted me.

No, we weren't. We were close to figuring out that you might have a human thought in your head now and then, and maybe we could find SOME common ground, even if it's the white man's ground now.

We do agree on fighting pedos though and as an olive branch, please unban be from v/greatawakening you can ban me if I step out of line, at this point you already know who I am so it won't be that hard to notice me. Deal?

No. I'm afraid there's nothing in it for me. You're irritating when you show up for no apparent reason to attack me, but not irritating enough to be asked why I unbanned you 2 weeks from now when you've shit all over the carpet. And you certainly haven't been reasonable enough to suggest that I might have caught a fish in the crap trap.

Native ago

Just unban me. It will take 20 seconds and take even less if I fart up the place. Which I won't. This I can promise you.

Despite the rumours, I'm actually very good in serious subs and post/comment on topic. Promise.

As for your other post on GG, it just looks like hear say, girly gossip and I stay away from it. I've literally never interacted with GG a single time and don't have a dog (nor cat) in that fight.

Crensch ago

It's not about who has the dog or cat in what fight.

The questions asked are logical, and the conclusion is logical.

Just unban me.

People far too eager to have me do something for them when they dismiss logic as "hear say" really seem to only be acting reasonable because I have something they want.

Native ago

Crensch ago

Shouldn't have asked for it in a subverse called "destroyers", I guess.

Native ago

I asked for it in my sub v/destroyers cause it was funny. Even you can see the humour in it. And I was in fact banned for being a 'for being an asshole drunk injun' which proves that it was a joke. She even sent me an inbox text telling me to send her a message to unban me, whenever, though I deleted it awhile ago.

Crensch ago

Even you can see the humour in it.

I perceive no humour in it.

And I was in fact banned for being a 'for being an asshole drunk injun' which proves that it was a joke.

Shouldn't have been an injun.

She even sent me an inbox text telling me to send her a message to unban me, whenever, though I deleted it awhile ago.

Let me know when you work out who put CP on GG's phone. Let me know when you work out why loli posting pedos are on his mod list.

So, wait... the banning wasn't what's had your panties in a wad about me? It was solely my complete destruction of Zyklon as anything but a Jew, cryptoJew, or otherwise that walks, talks, and acts like a Jew?

Native ago

Then you are humourless and I will be hourlessly banned by you.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Uh oh. @Kevdude is gonna get paranoid. Lol