Trollstomper ago

She sent me a bunch so crensch is lying again.

argosciv ago


Oh my fucking god LOL!

I am so glad the thumbnail loads via archive.

This might be up there near the peak of Mt. Kekerest, in terms of top-most keks.


HollaKost ago

go get a job and exercise. Maybe one day you'll look presentable again.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But I thought more people everyday are telling @gothamgirl how she's getting "prettier"?

Oh this is good shit!

Crensch ago

Only when they realize who they're talking about. Remember, Zyklon is our UNTOUCHABLE LEFTIST JEW.

Gothamgirl ago

Like this one? Check out who she follows. Is her mouth like that because of being a jew and incest shit? I bet she once had 60 teath in that grill 😂🤣

Crensch ago


Is that why you never show yours? You're jealous of women with teeth, because yours are fucked up from drugs?


Gothamgirl ago

I show mine all the time. Are you made cause you only have 3 fully clothed pictures, and I am not a skank like srayzie the crazy? I don't do drugs or drink and never really have..

Didn't Srayzie recently admit to being a recovering addict? 🤣😂 you people are really dumb..

HollaKost ago

Are you mad cause you only have 3 fully clothed pictures of me?

There ain't no in the world who's mad that they don't have to see your flabby outta shape nastiness! Cept maybe a few niggers.

Crensch ago

I show mine all the time. Are you mad cause you only have 3 fully clothed pictures of me?

I'm exceedingly grateful that that is all I've ever seen. Your face is that of a cave troll, and usually is an accurate foreshadow of the rest of the body.

I am not a skank like srayzie the crazy? I don't do drugs or drink and never really have..

You're a race traitor, you married a race traitor, and your face could give nightmares to infants.

Didn't Srayzie recently admit to being a recovering addict?

Don't recall. So what? Your husband's art is dead children.

🤣😂 you people are really dumb.. I want to destroy her for her actions, that's not jealousy fuck head, that's revenge.

No, you want to destroy her because zyklon really was more interested in her than you. Then again, he's probably more interested in a pig than you, but you have money.

HollaKost ago

Thanks for the reminder! I'm saving that.

BraunF14 ago

Lol. Still defending huh?

HollaKost ago

Your eyes don't lie do they braun? That woman is nasty!

Crensch ago

Enjoy the upvote on the post linked in OP. I hope it spreads around so that fat ugly bitch can see that she wasn't even attractive years ago.

Have you seen her recent hogpic? Dude.

Dafuq you doing going after srayzie after seeing that? Thing is a farm animal, and ZYKLON is porking it.

SrayzQ ago

That is priceless! You just told @Gothamgirl, who is @zyklon_b’s wife, how ugly she was! 🤣

You made my night

Gothamgirl ago

You must be retarded. You are at least 350 pounds of lard cunt. Do you like when Crensch refers to your kids as taco niggers? Do you know a? never mind chico..

Gothamgirl ago

Still not as ugly as you