drstrangegov ago

You talking to me? I have one account I use.

virge ago

Nice edit to parent comment so you may include yourself to your list of "disingenuous" accounts. Lol.

Further example of Type 4. It doesn't matter to this person what my response may be, because ultimately they don't care if their accusation is true or not because it's only made to attempt to incite me into replying to defend myself.

It's quite simple. There is absolutely zero point in responding to the accusation of a Type 4 because they don't actually care and are just pandering to an audience (usually, of themselves, ironically) and their only objective is to engage a genuine person and to troll them.

Don't recognize their bait as credible by simply ignoring it. Defending it is a waste of time. Classic example of a Type 4 in-action. It will just keep responding with no other objective but to try and argue, ostensibly under other pretenses (such as comedy, satire, etc)

albatrosv15 ago

Thank you for this educational class.

(probably copy-pasta, but hey, still worth it)

virge ago

No copy pasta, all unique work.

virge ago

So which one do you fall under?

This is an example of a Type 4 troll disingenuous behavior. The most interesting thing is if you simply ignore these people, their tactics lose all meaning so they move on to targets that respond to their behavior.

Easiest solution is to pretend they don't exist. Some, like WhiteRonin, sperg out and get frustrated by this. Others continue to talk to themselves for a while (often using multiple socks, amusingly), before eventually giving up.

Ignore and they are harmless.

drstrangegov ago

Great advice, thank you!

virge ago

Realistically there are 4 types of disingenuous accounts:

  1. Sponsored brigades ("I do this for money" because corporate espionage, viral Marketing, competition, etc)
  2. Ideological groups (religion, ethno-national, geopolitical, terrorist, etc)
  3. Government (alphabets, Government-embedded Corporations, NGO's, misc. other Government welfare employees)
  4. Just plain room-temperature IQ NPC's (tinfoil, insane, drung-addled, and/or just plain stupid)

These have been listed in a specific order, for specific technical reasons. Dial_Indicator just seems to be a Type 4, for example. Some, like Zyklon_B or WhiteRonin for example, fall into multiple categories and they can be classified as "mercenaries".

zxcvzxcvzx ago

I done far more on voat than you could ever imagine virge. Dial was an alt, along with army of 13.... ever look into their posting histories?

I've deleted, so many alts... Had so many alts be downvoated to death I simply cannot remember them all

here virge, You fall into suspicious account who wiped their entire posting history and you some authority on judging people. Pretty lame if you ask me.


zxcvzxcvzx ago

I done far more on voat than you could ever image virge. Dial was an alt, along with army of 13.... ever look into their posting histories?

I've deleted, so many alts... Had so many alts be downvoated to death I simply cannot remember them all

here virge, You fall into suspicious account who wiped their entire posting history and you some authority on judging people. Pretty lame if you ask me.


drstrangegov ago

Do you think these people are completely disingenuous? I don't like to think that way about zyklon, I believe he is honest in his own way. But I know he is a mercenary.

virge ago

Do you think these people are completely disingenuous?

No. Nobody appears to be completely disingenuous. Even the 99%ers like Zylkon_B mix in some genuine content, mostly as filler I'd imagine.

I also think genuine people can shift into any combination of the five disingenuous at will.

Ultimately what matters is the simple fact that genuine conversation is oil to water to any disingenuous behavior. They simply don't mix, for obvious reasons - genuine behavior is looking for genuine participation, where disingenuous behavior is prone to feeding off tricking or aggitating genuine behavior.

drstrangegov ago

Fascinating stuff, how do you come upon this information? I want to be part of some "good guy information corps" but I don't even know if they exist. If they don't, we should make one. Like a not fake q movement.

virge ago

Fascinating stuff, how do you come upon this information?

I've spent years observing it. I've used Type 2, Type 4, and Type 5 behavior in my own past posting to validate the hypothesis.

This is all just my opinion, based on readily available data. You're welcome to poke holes in it if you'd like, I don't pretend it's infallible.

drstrangegov ago

Thank you very much for sharing with me! If I'm guilty of any disingenuousness it is because I am in category #5. But unfortunately I lack a lot of background knowledge. I don't even have a college degree.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

@crensch is an enemy of free speech, which makes her an enemy of the United States. Fuck GA.

Warmoose76 ago

Also they are against freedom of expresion which is against America. How am I supposed to express myself if they censor my BBW tranny posts?