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drstrangegov ago

Le squish is good people. Shut your faggot mouth

Crensch ago

No. She. Isn't.

drstrangegov ago

I've never had any of these issues with her.

Crensch ago

That's because you never stepped away from their narrative. Try it. They're not as wholesome or smart as you think they are.

SHE certainly isn't. Posing as a tradwife while acting like a man online? Kek.

drstrangegov ago

Dude. There are worse sins than shitposting. I see it as an introduction of much needed levity into your oh so serious circlejerk. I've been waiting for YEARS for even one high level arrest. Not a sausage. I see nationalists rising up all over the world. Disarmed people. Disempowered people. While millions of jacked up, pissed off, armed Americans "trust the plan". You know what I see? Deception. Keep those stupid Americans resting on their laurels until The elite get their little problem mopped up. Then those Americans will be a cinch. THATS what I see going on here. And that makes you a fucking enemy. A pied Piper . A wolf turning little children into jackasses. I've got a lot of evidence, but I'm not 100% yet.