19086948? ago

Anyone want an update about the nazi/fake aliens VS human/real aliens? Tommy.

18982890? ago

This bitch is a fucking disgrace. Voat version of jewdank

18990166? ago

What's so pathetic is she's still lurking under a bunch of alts but she's so obvious. Such a lolcow. Makes me vom.

18983294? ago

And like most bitches she’ll burn the place down on her way out.

18982585? ago



18982547? ago

So this Srayzie bitch is suppose to be a mom right? When does she parent?

Looks like she’s up late into the night (while her husband probably is sound asleep next to her) and then she’s on voat all day. It’s summer in the states so her kids should be home all day now. Why would you sacrifice such precious time with your kids?

When @empress had her twins her participation on voat went down big time. Why? Cause she’s being a mother!

I’m not saying moms can’t be on voat. There’s a wonderful sub here for moms but there’s no actual stay at home mom on voat who dedicates more times on here then Srayzie.

She’s throwing a lot of accusations at people but isn’t look g inwards to see how she’s part of the problem.

Here’s one thing I know for sure: there is nothing I would not do to protect my kids and my family. Srayzie should of protected her family almost a year ago!

While trolls keep searching for her tit pics her kids are searching for their mom pre voat days.

18982565? ago

She's pathetic and her husband needs to take away her computer and phone. She's proven that she's incapable of handling the responsibility that comes with online activity.

18982610? ago

Im just a little stunned by voats blind acceptance of her massive amounts of time here. I thought voat valued the role of a mother yet here they are never calling out her over abundance of time here. Most of these trolls have desk jobs and voat on company time. This bitch is voating on her kids time, her husbands time.

Isn’t the all that Q bullshit she believed in all about the family and protecting American families. But here she is giving internet trolls all her time and information.

18982646? ago

My husband would've lost 100% of respect for me if I'd behaved in that manner. She's just an attention whore- no more, no less.

18982772? ago

Any wife sharing pictures with internet strangers should loose all respect. Even just face pictures. All us females of voat know damn well that there was NEVER anything innocent about her first round of face pictures.

18982835? ago

I make a distinction there. If a photo isn't sexual in nature I don't think it's a huge deal. The problem is sending out a pic like that to people you don't know. In and of itself though, face pics aren't bad (so long as they aren't sexy face pics).

18990131? ago

She sent sexual pictures to mods though.

18982968? ago

I can see where you’re coming from but my question why show your face at all? What gain do you get by sharing your picture? The only gain a married woman on voat would get from showing her face is attention. Attention you should not be seeking online.

There is nothing respectful about her actions.

18982800? ago

What pictures

18990080? ago

these pictures:






18995147? ago

look at dem fat ol titties. tubby needs to lay off the shmear on the bagels

18990817? ago

Lol what a fat ugly whore

18984519? ago

Google her name, it will link you to them. Google now links her username with tit pics. lol

The ultimate Streisand effect.

18986008? ago

It didn’t for me

18986044? ago

You must not be very good at google.

18987595? ago

“Type in her name”

18983094? ago

Oh shit you haven't seen them? Everyone else has.