GreatCoons ago

Voat is all the evidence you need that Quality > Quantity.

Hand_of_Node ago

Just woke up and looked at the front page. Fuck.

White_pride_cis ago

I think it took us less than 36hrs. Right around his skilll and bones article is when I noticed he was a shill.

Ina_Pickle ago

I'm so damn proud of us.

Itsdone63 ago

What's the story for people not in the loop?

Atticus_Lowry ago

Think of all the experience it had dodging accusations prior to coming here. Straight up autistic savants in this bitch!

Le_Squish ago

No admins to protect them here and they really weren't prepared to deal with public modlogs.

@NeonRevolt is definitely sobbing into his soylent right now. I think he's got enough T-shirts to dry his eyes with though. The ill-gotten gains will sustain him for now...

WhiteRonin ago

It also took us less than 12 hours to out the TA mods as asses!

Kippering ago

what or who is this @NeonRevolt fag nigger ?

WhiteRonin ago

He was/is a major Q anon decoder and has a rather influential blog and YouTube channel. He is also reportedly part of the reddit power mods within theawakening sub.

YoHomie ago

So he's a couple steps lower than a niggerfaggot?

icydays33 ago

A retarded niggerfaggot with AIDS and kids he doesn't care about.

WhiteRonin ago

That’s rough. Kids gotta come first!

LostandFound ago

Native ago

Kek that's was glorious!

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Voat most of the time: "I hate all you fuckers"

Voat during a Reddit migration: