Kippering ago

You morons even went as far as to ban the entire dailymotion domain and blogspot while allowing smut porn merchants to spam their faggot whore reddit filth bullshit here

Cynabuns ago

Hey Gang - thoughts on cross-posting this to v/whatever?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Anything that helps tech-tards like myself would be greatly appreciated.

I seem to have misplaced that cute little baby goat you gave me the other day. If I promise to be a better caretaker can I have another one?

Cynabuns ago

I found it!!

I didn't want you to have to keep checking my comment for an edit so I made a new one ... besides, they're free right?!!? :D

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

When you're as inept at finding things as I am you are dependent on the kindness of strangers. Thank you.

Cynabuns ago

You are very welcome! She was cute enough that I've saved her now too LOL

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This will forever be Your face to me. If that's not ok now's the chance to change that. Thanks again.;-)

Cynabuns ago

Ha ha ha! Yep, that's me alright... when I'm not wearing my cape anyway (see my avatar pic, a gift from an awesome Goat) LOLOL!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm keeping that one too. My aunt used to raise pygmys, got a BIG soft spot for cute little kids.

Cynabuns ago

They are definitely adorable! How fun that must have been to visit her!! :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My own private petting zoo. Parents always knew where I would be, filthy of course.

Cynabuns ago

Just the way God intended for kids to be - dirty and happy!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

HIS way of preparing me for sons, "Alright I've had enough, everybody out of my house, go roll in the mud for all I care!"

Cynabuns ago

True dat!

Cynabuns ago

Okay, thanks!

You bet! Let me see if I can find it again, I'll edit this comment if I do :)

Mumbleberry ago

Yes, needs the visibility

Cynabuns ago

Thank you for the feedback

Cynabuns ago

I can handle this one but if you hit that report button under the comment, it will make it into a special anonymous report that allows mods and janitors to address the spam post haste :)

Mumbleberry ago

Gooks in the wire!