Failure ago

Of course

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@kevdude the attacks on me continue, now in a new form. part of a now 2 day long massive 2000 dv 50 post 900 comment non stop attack on my character and reputation because i brought up @lockeproposal being a reddit cancer mod and provided solid proof.

Failure ago

That would be censorship though

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hence the :( face.

because fuck bans and shit. free speech for all!!!

i sure as fuck don't delete comments in v/til. that's @lockeproposal reddit cancer bullshit.

notice my personal note in the side bar: "no-holds-barred"

comments are 100% censorship free.

but i'm pointing out this attack vector is done in a way that can't be defended against and can be considered harassment, breaking voat user agreement and would warrant a deletion by the ADMINS for breaking voat rules and they may ip ban.

i don't agree

but i understand they did just that for a long time to illegal content on voat.

Failure ago

If you dont like it, then why call for an IP ban?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

did not call for an ip ban; libel.

shilling confirmed

sorry failure your questions are disinfo tactics.

i gave you the good faith attempt

100% shill previously confirmed. capped archived and logged for shill.

Failure ago

"@atko @puttitout the only way to stop this obvious troll harassment is with an ip ban :("