Cynabuns ago


@DerKatalog - I agree with FPK's thoughts on this. Best to do here is watch and tag, and when the dust settles if there's any left that need attention, a post at v/ProtectVoat would be a good first step and/or a post at v/AnonBoard for some awareness and further exploration/discussion.

brandon816 ago

I feel like these could be made into a bookmarklet. I might try something later.

Cynabuns ago

That's exactly how I have them in my Chrome browser! :D

Cynabuns ago

Mod's Note:

I've been compiling all the posts for several weeks now, preparing reports with the post data for the fastest review and action by PuttitOut; he's recently modded me to help make the sub a bit more functional and user friendly. Going forward, to keep track of these posts, I'm going to start flairing these so that everyone can see what's been submitted, Submitted for Review or maybe Watch or something along these lines. Once PuttitOut makes a decision on a post, the flair will change to Banned.