25942498? ago

As a kid I remember boycotting Jaffa oranges and later, Sodastreams because they came from Israel.

Pragmatically now I don't give a shit about the Palestinians either, but maybe I was more engaged back then.

I'm sure Biden is working on an oath to protect China too

25876153? ago

Dey bez Kangz n Queenz n Sheeeeeit https://voat.co/v/news/4053418/25875702

25767386? ago

Not just USA? Another Shape shifting dual citizen https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/4039822/25764755

25767599? ago

Swiss had one of those multi cultural nations that did work, but they were Caucasian White and they were all European culture. In the recent past they mostly avoid wars, clever diplomats, good chocolate, shifty bankers, a lot of weirdos and dictators will gold bars and bank accounts in those mounatins. Not sure if the Swiss will make it out of the next Big War, if Europe goes in flames I dont think Swiss will escape this time. Mostly an older population birth rate is like 1.4 now or something maybe even lower in 2020? One natural death every 8 minutes and One net migrant every 11 minutes huge number now coming in from Albania, Kosovo, Eritrea Niggers, Brazil, Romania, Sri Lanka street shitters, how many kids will the migrants have? I dont trust their chruches seem to be the usual Evangelical, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran masonic Germanic French crap. @green_man @Conejo_loco ? @folkov ? @ThAssOfHats @500five The Atheist godless population is high not sure if thats a good thing or bad but the Hindu street shitter religious grows in Switzerland, I guess a positive is its less than 1% Jewed? 17,000 + (0.2%) were Jewish but Islam is at 5% and growing and Albanian spoken by 3% of the population, I find Albanians to be a cultural mix of something between a Turk, a Gypsy, a Mexican criminal and a Balkanized commie Arab. The entire of Europe has tried to absorb Ottomon Albanians into Europe but they still have not really become Europeans. Being able to have firearms to defend your family or property is always a positive but I'm not sure why these nations are importing jihadi people importing islamism...what the fuck use is islam? Are there pedo apologists and terror arabic supporters in Switzerland or some other weird shit going on

25731411? ago

good thing I call them scum then.

25731257? ago

This is why things are collapsing. All these schemers. What they don't realize is no one will win if Whites don't get their countries back, for themselves alone.

It will all just disappear. This ugly dream.

25732018? ago

It’s called the Kalergi plan.

25736573? ago

Never treat niggers as equals, they’re sub human low IQ parasitic filth that needs to be exterminated.

25731059? ago

Not new. This was from 2018. It has been a stealth take over.

25767375? ago

Still ongoing since they want the Jew Israel Loyalty Laws State by State

25731033? ago

Yes, they bought large chunks of the oligarchy.

And now Trump will use that to amend the constitution.

25777796? ago

immigration reform, loyalty laws, border wall? https://voat.co/v/news/4041283/25777720