Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I don't speak for anyone at SBBH other than myself, and still consider you one of our own. Some of my buds have gone overboard in their disdain.

That said, the first Q post bugs the heck out of me. What was that all about?

Crensch ago

Bugs me, too. Marker for future endeavour? Allowed to be canon because it was convenient? Early disinfo to add plausible deniablility?

Not really sure.

All I know is Q gets it right more than any news source I know of. And I believe it's indisputable at this point that Q is sanctioned by Trump, meaning that post is part of whatever plan or non-plan they have, and he's happy with it.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I appreciate your honest feedback. I believe Trump acknowledges the Q movement, though am of the opinion that's after it became a phenomenon.

Crensch ago

I can't imagine him acknowledging it early on would be a good move. Ever. Too much credibility to the movement before it was big enough to withstand the (((media))) onslaught. Plausible deniability with disinfo/actors playing their parts.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I acknowledge that possibility, while maintaining my current mmmmm not really a "belief" in the sense that who knows anything for certain, more supposition that the Q phenomenon eventually got Trump's attention, and while he doesn't overtly endorse it, seems to acknowledge & passively encourage the movement.

In the meantime, there have been a number of very bad actors in the civilian intelligence and law enforcement agencies at the federal level - the real focus of this administration's background efforts to drain the swamp.

Crensch ago

and while he doesn't overtly endorse it, seems to acknowledge & passively encourage the movement.

While I'm more or less in agreement with the rest of your comment, I got over this hump by looking at the proofs that Q is directly linked to POTUS by predicting when and what he would say. Sometimes posting at the exact same time as a tweet goes out from POTUS.

THAT isn't an act, or some passive acknowledgement, to my mind.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

'Q' was a four chan joke. Only believed by people with a very low intellect.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yeah, ask me. I outted you as a zionist shill. You're welcome, Voat.