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AR47 ago

You don’t want your mind changed. You want to show everyone just how well researched and up to date you are on this shit because it makes you feel superior.

Honestly does it matter if Q is real or not? What has changed other than more blind worshipping fucks to the president that puts Israel first.

Nothing will change because it isn’t how the story is supposed to be written. Never was and never will.

Our government within USA is made up in a way that promotes separation and struggle.

These days being an American just means that you can eat stress and shit out motivation.

Crensch ago

You don’t want your mind changed. You want to show everyone just how well researched and up to date you are on this shit because it makes you feel superior.

I'm always open to my mind being changed. Don't mistake me for being low IQ like you. I don't need to cling to false beliefs if shown evidence to the contrary.

I am superior. That's pretty well known by nearly everyone. Nobody wants to say those things, though, just like they didn't want to about races. Turns out, some people are just smarter than others, ferret.

The rest of your comment is lovely blackpilling. @VicariousJambi has a decent retort.

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AR47 ago

No what you are better at is subdivision and you always have been. Your ability to skew a narrative far surpasses anyone I have ever seen, but you rarely use it for anything save your own gain.

I don’t nor will I ever take a side with these pointless shit flinging fights on this or any other platform. None of you will ever impose your ideas in the real world because you are afraid of your personal image.

Your ideas are forever stuck within the walls of the internet. That doesn’t make you smart. It makes you a coward.

Before you say what about you? Well I don’t have any plans, because I want to see how things go. Don’t want to kill anyone or force them away. Just want to see how history unfolds myself so that I can plan accordingly.

Also what is with the red pill, black pill, and all these various pills you refer to all the time? Are you obsessed with pharmaceuticals and their influence? If so why not just call things what they are?

I don’t get the need for slang as if it makes you seem smarter when it just generalizes shit so you can be trendy. That what you want? To be trendy so you can appeal to more people.

One more thing you seem to always take a side. I don’t because used to I cared about this site and it’s continued endeavor. Now I just don’t because I can pick and choose my battles. Seems to keep that “full of zealous retards” all on its own without any interference from me.

Crensch ago

Your ability to skew a narrative far surpasses anyone I have ever seen

I provide sources for my narrative.

But somehow I skew them and am not called out on it in any convincing way.


AR47 ago

All I said and that is all you address?

Seriously you are becoming a lazy troll.

Crensch ago

And you still won't admit you're wrong on that point.

Why read the rest? You lied about me in such an obvious way, the rest of what you said kinda doesn't matter.

AR47 ago keep seeking that validation from complete strangers and proving just how goddamn better you are to people that will never have any bearing on your life.

Just like a woman.

Crensch ago

I bet that lack of accountability translates at a one-to-one ratio with your real life. I can't imagine how much it must suck to have you around IRL. Never wrong, Never Back Down, and entirely too stupid to make good decisions, which is probably why you needed so much help a while back.

AR47 ago

Also I wanted to add to this now that I have had a moment to actually think about it.

I am wrong at times, but I have the personal accountability to admit it and learn from my mistakes. I am human and I do fuck up, but this place isn’t about any of that. This place is about opinion and self image. You know those things that make YOU a narcissist.

I don’t nor have I ever cared what you or anyone else here actually thought of me or I would have taken a side. I always went with what I felt was right.....see opinions being the motivation.

I also knew when to just say fuck it.

Now how people actually thought of me....well it has been shown that some did think highly of me when I asked for help and oddly enough many did.

I was actually humbled by that. Even cried a few times.

AR47 ago

Lol I would tell you to go to hell, but with as negative and horrible you are to just about everyone that calls you on your shit.....I think you are already there.

I really hope you have a day in your life someday soon where you don’t step in dog shit and get it all in between your toes. Just a good day where you don’t have one negative thought or action.

Really I do.

Crensch ago

Is this one of those, "Don't have Hate in Your Heart" moments?

That's Jewish, you know. It is not only healthy, but necessary to hate those that would do you harm if you want to survive in a non dysgenic Society.

AR47 ago

Soooo that is a “fuck you” to me?

Either way I actually want you to have a day of pure happiness before you die. Judging from your response it will be a near life experience I promise.

Crensch ago

Soooo that is a “fuck you” to me?

Pretty sure it's exactly what I said it was. Ponder it or not, that attitude is the roll-over-and-die attitude Jews want us to have.

Either way I actually want you to have a day of pure happiness before you die. Judging from your response it will be a near life experience I promise.

Nearly every day of mine is a happy one. What happens here is fully compartmentalized from what happens out there, but it doesn't matter, because I enjoy myself doing what I do here, too.

AR47 ago

because I enjoy myself doing what I do here, too.

You speak of murder and that is what you like to do? Yeah that shit isn’t compartmented no matter what you think.

Your random musings are right out of a FBI confession tape on lifetime network.

Whatever because one day it may come to it and you will be a talker.....just talk and bleed others dry of resources. Hopefully you change and learn how to use all that pent up shit you have within you for something good before it is too late.

Crensch ago

You speak of murder and that is what you like to do?


You mean of the subhuman invaders? Yeah. I want to snag a white posse and cause a bloodbath.

Yeah that shit isn’t compartmented no matter what you think.

Thanks for telling me how my mind works. Also, even if not, it's not an unhealthy thought.

Your random musings are right out of a FBI confession tape on lifetime network.

(((FBI))) kek. "Don't be like THIS guy that fought back, goy!"

Whatever because one day it may come to it and you will be a talker.....just talk and bleed others dry of resources.

Oh, I would never miss the chance to kill invaders. Never.

Hopefully you change and learn how to use all that pent up shit you have within you for something good before it is too late.

I am already. That you don't see it is really not my problem.

AR47 ago

Glad you have it all figured out.

The rebirth will surely be in good hands with you.

I wonder if you realize that within the upcoming decade there will be more Americans over the age of 62 to 65 than there will be 15 to 18.

Our economy will likely collapse within that time, and I hope that you figure out your place.

Crensch ago

Glad you have it all figured out.

Chaps your ass that you're not getting through to me, I see.

The rebirth will surely be in good hands with you.

Snark confirming the above.

I wonder if you realize that within the upcoming decade there will be more Americans over the age of 62 to 65 than there will be 15 to 18.

So, what? We import niggers to keep the population up?

Our economy will likely collapse within that time, and I hope that you figure out your place.

For different reasons. The difference in population age would not cause anything to collapse. Another Jewish lie you're parroting.

AR47 ago

You think your passive aggressiveness is angering me?

Lol no it doesn’t. No matter how much you throw I honestly just hope you can find actual happiness and in a way that doesn’t involve the hurt of others.

You may not like it, but currently and for the foreseeable future Jews, niggers, Mexicans, and what the law considers a human isn’t ok to kill.

Plus if you claim self defense I am sure with the amount of technology and such the cops have they will find this shit you type out, and they will use it to show premeditation, or motive.

Just try and make the best with what you got.

You can take this with a grain of salt, but life is waaaaaay to short to give anyone your time by hating them.

Crensch ago

You think your passive aggressiveness is angering me?

Your passive-aggressiveness suggests that is the case.

Lol no it doesn’t. No matter how much you throw I honestly just hope you can find actual happiness and in a way that doesn’t involve the hurt of others.

I don't consider mud and shitskins to be human. I consider their demise to be the saving of both human and animal lives, and the ultimate reduction of suffering across the planet. Filthy fucking rape apes.

You may not like it, but currently and for the foreseeable future Jews, niggers, Mexicans, and what the law considers a human isn’t ok to kill.


Plus if you claim self defense I am sure with the amount of technology and such the cops have they will find this shit you type out, and they will use it to show premeditation, or motive.

Good for them. SHTF and power goes out. Nobody will see anything.

Just try and make the best with what you got.

I always do, and I never stop planning.

You can take this with a grain of salt, but life is waaaaaay to short to give anyone your time by hating them.


AR47 ago

Wish you well.