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Crensch ago

The submission rules you enforce wouldn't fly in v/news.

Sure they would.

There are different sub types.

Not anymore.

I see no double standards.

"Keep quiet" "Don't mess with the trolls" but roll out the fucking red carpet for those trolls being obnoxious blowhards.

Any sbbh faggot can whine about being attacked, then gang up on two women that did absolutely no more than they, themselves did. Somehow those women are the bad guys.

Zyklon never backs down from a fight. Anyone going to crucify him like y'all did to srayzie? Nah. (((chosen ones)))

@Trigglypuff acted like an overemotional fronthole, y'all gonna gang up on her and mock her for it? *crickets~

@Expertshitposter whines about how much of a threat I am to voat, and makes a strawpoll. I wonder what would have happened if shizy had done that?

@KatHarzso dogpiled both shizy and srayzie, but let's keep to the pattern of (((chosen ones))) where Trigglypuff is concerned.

@Expertshitposter whines about not having proof that it's someone from SBBH when this group of everyone and no one gives him just another form of Zyklon's License to Jew™.

How Jewish is that, honestly? "YOU CAN'T ACCUSE SBBH" when attacked. "WE ARE NO ONE" when excusing the behaviours of the group.

Look at who's being attacked. Still. After they've deleted and gone. Look who's not being attacked. For anything.

One group, kevdude. One group of obnoxious faggots that formed a nepotistic clique of Jews. And your policies pave the way for them.

KatHarzso ago

@KatHarzso dogpiled both shizy and srayzie, but let's keep to the pattern of (((chosen ones))) where Trigglypuff is concerned.

I have never interacted with Shizy before. However, I did tell Srayzie to take a day off or so and a breather cuz there is more to life than this beloved shithole on the Internet. Nah, that makes me a bad goy!

Don't ping me anymore or use me to spread your rhetoric. However, it is fun to watch your freak out like an autistic child. So yeah, keep pinging me! So I can keep watching you, taking precious psychological notes to pass off to my superiors so they can take down (((Q)))!

Crensch ago

Still refusing to acknowledge the hypocrisy of your SBBH buddies.

Somehow I'm compromised because you say so.


KatHarzso ago

Get some help.

Crensch ago

Right. Thanks for the logos. I'll be sure to change my mind and find the nearest shrink. You're SO convincing!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Everybody is jews amirite, even though YOU are the one who aligned with a Zionist group who was harassing and brigading users. We now know why you white knighted Srayzie the way you did and continue doing. You got tricked a jewess. Its sad. Now you are powermodding to try & keep her narrative alive. If there's a jew group it isn't SBBH.

Crensch ago

You haven't been relevant since right before you got your chain tucked and you left the website.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

LOL For one, I don't try and be "relevant". I'm just an anti-zionist user of Voat and THAT triggers you. I'm not an attention whore or uppity idiot. I left for IRL reasons and didn't come back for many months. Many knew I was leaving before I exposed you as a jew shill. Keep hanging onto that, incel, if it makes you feel better. You like spinning the truth because you are a manipulator. I called it day one. You were tricked by a jewess. Those tit pics really did a number on you, man. This is how she had a legion of incel warriors at her brigading command. I figured such. Or maybe you and she work for the same (((group))) and have been lying in wait? I could be running thread after thread kicking the fuck outta you, destroying you, and haven't. I sat back and watched you destroy yourself. Now you're a reddit libtard power mod. Zyklon is Voats immune response to you


Crensch ago

I'm just an anti-zionist user

That argues and acts like a Jew. Which is why nobody likes you.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That argues and acts like a Jew.

No. That would be YOU! All anyone has to do is read your comment history and they will see a jew boy.

Which is why nobody likes you.

ah ah ah rent free. You are a very emotional incel warrior.


Crensch ago

No. That would be YOU! All anyone has to do is read your comment history and they will see a jew boy.

TIL Jews use logos and logic to argue their points. Yes, go see what I've been writing, anyone that isn't a Jew. Well, you Jews can, too, but you won't understand how evidence works when faking something like the Holocaust.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You can tout all the Nazi shit you want to, Ben Shapiro. The jig is up.