26912322? ago

I wish he'd just hand it over to someone here. Then we could preserve it and he doesn't have to do shit.

26912466? ago

Yes, that is the easiest path of action, maybe, like others suggest, there are hidden reasons he is not disclosing.

26912264? ago

2.24 million dollars in bitcoin and it's out of money?

Hmmm, sounds like its operation got unplugged from /whatever three state agency had it employed.

26908542? ago

chill out you fucking noobs. Why not just use https://conspiracies.win/

26908178? ago

26907316? ago

Who else wishes they saved their btc back in the day? Must save voat they said! This is some bs.

26905099? ago

Putting the forum up is one thing, the code is available:https://github.com/voat/, and there are others like Lemmy; https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy. Keeping it up, I imagine, is quite difficult and expensive. Forums are tough because of there dynamic nature, there isn't as much that can be done in terms of caching or preloading content. I think the whole model needs to be rethought.

26905284? ago

Yep the dynamic aspect is a tough one

26904547? ago

DO IT - We can't let this place die.

26904164? ago

I will donate monthly too

26907342? ago

Like those suckers that sent putt their btc. Luckily there is a way to donate though. Take some cash and flush it down the toilet.

26905853? ago

Thanks brother!

26903697? ago

all of you fucking kikes that think you'll get your filthy zionist hands on Voat can go jump off a fucking cliff.

26903610? ago

You were awfully silent for those years. Why?

26905295? ago

I was not. I have been changing usernames from time to time, for fear of repercution I must admit.

26905348? ago

Fair enough. Can you reveal the name of your company? Not that your offer isn't appreciated, but so that we know the appreciation's going in the right direction ;-)

26905386? ago

okhosting.com we are a mexican, small company

26905504? ago

Are you willing to end your support for facebook? FB is a large part of the problem - not a solution - It's the major source of disinformation. Zuckerberg funded election fraud and supports a criminal for President.

"The world is experiencing very strong pressure as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, but not only is there concern about issues related to the health of the population, actions are also being taken to contain or reduce its impact on the economy and business. Facebook is one of the companies joining the effort to try to avoid a major impact on the economy."

You all are probably very nice people, and there may be anons comfortable with this, but I'm not one of them.

26905630? ago

You are correct, but I believe those companies should be wisely used to reach a large audience (like Trump uses twitter) while at the same time dropping red pills everywhere.

26905712? ago

I get it (although FB censors red pills - never used it and never will.) I'm pretty much at the point of zero tolerance.

It's kind of you to answer these questions. Please know it's nothing personal.

26905400? ago

Thank you.

26903379? ago

Fuck qiggers.

26902747? ago

The web is controlled opposition.

Use it only to point/mirror to off-web sources. Usenet, Bitmessage/BitTorrent, Freenet, I2P, Diaspora, Steemit, and anything else p2p, or self-hosted.

26905889? ago

All good sugestions, thanks

26902719? ago

Well, it was fun you dipshit retards. Ive been here for 3 years, shilling away...calling you morons, and cultist, and fucktard boomers....

It was fun always being right, it was fun watching you move goal post after goal post when nothing ever happened. Every time there was a "boom!" post , or "MOAB!" or "BRING THE PAIN" posts...I was there to tell you what fools you were.

It was great. Lots of laughs for me and my friends at your expense.

Remember the midterms? Rememeber when everyone thought JFK JR was still alive? Remember when you were SURE that THIS TIME, everyone was going to be arrested by the military?

Oh man..good times. It seems like our time is coming to an end though. I hope you all enjoy the next 4 years of Bidens first term. It was a good time, I hope you enjoyed your LARP.

Cheers you retards! Merry Christmas!

26909300? ago

Such proud words. You might be able to deceive others, maybe even yourself. But you must know you are accountable to something far greater than your ego.

Since you are so smart, answer one question. Where did everything come from? (You will not get credit for saying, "The big bang" or any other such distractions, because the matter that expanded out from that bang had to come from somewhere. So where did it all come from originally?)

I'll wait. You have until Christmas, apparently. How appropriate.

26910555? ago

Actually FWIW I am Christian and believe in the grand architect model.

26911168? ago

Thank you for the honest reply—I'm not being sarcastic, I really do appreciate the way you responded.

Since you are Christian, you know it's wrong to deceive. And that means it's wrong to be evangelizing against Q unless you absolutely KNOW he's a fraud. But we both know you don't know who Q is and you don't know all that's been going on behind the scenes. Yet you profess to "correct" others with your superior understanding and potentially convince them to give up their resistance against the evil in this world. God would not approve.

If you really read the Q posts yourself (and I invite you to do so carefully), you will find certain things were posted in advance of events that no larper could ever have known or maneuvered.

For example, on June 30, 2018, in Q post 1649...

Anons asked:
Please do not let No Name off the hook. he is a disgrace to Veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.

Q replied:

Think SC vote to confirm (coming).

No Name action.

Every dog has its day.

Enjoy the show.

Then on July 25, "No name returning to headlines" with a photo of McCain.

John "No Name" McCain died exactly 4 weeks later on Aug. 25th, and the media well-wishing spread on Dog Appreciation Day)

Sauce: https://twitter.com/cindymccain/status/1033516318924763136, https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/?q=every%20dog%20, https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/?q=returning%20to%20headlines

The posts are coded so they can only be deciphered after the fact, and that leads people to jump to incorrect conclusions when trying to predict what will happen. But those predictions don't undermine what is in the Q posts. The coding serves to keep the bad actors from anticipating what is going to happen, but it's so clear after the fact that it serves to add credibility to the things that haven't happened yet. As Q explains the method, "Future Proves Past"—and many of us think McCain met with a traitor's justice, which would make the timing easy for insiders to predict.

You don't want to help the world's worst criminals by undermining those who would work against them—even if it's just by demoralizing those are beginning to question but whose confidence or motivation might be wavering.

There is such a thing as the Deep State, and they are truly evil. Communism is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions all over the world. Human trafficking, banking cartels, biological warfare, terrorism, technology suppression... I could go on. The Deep State is hell bent on the enslavement of mankind, and if you are against those who are against them, where does that leave you?

Unification of the masses is a necessary step to defeat the Deep State, because they can only control us so long as we work against each other.

By trying to undermine Q's efforts at unification and education, you are playing for the wrong team.

26912426? ago

Sorry friend...you are describing a process that psychics, mentalists and scammers call "cold reading".


John Mccain was all over the news that summer, and is a very public figure. Making a vague prediction about him allows the scammer to with a high probability of success tie his statement to any possible future outcome.

Here a fun video showing how it works: www.youtube.com/watch?v=acnUkYNTk90

They are using the examples of people who claim to speak to the dead.....where as Q pretends to know the future (in that there are secret events that we will soon have revealed) but the technique is the same.

"Every Dog has his day"... well that could mean just about anything. So it can mean everything that people want it to. Also you are cherry picking the data points that are only kind of connect....and dismissing every time we KNOW Q was wrong.

The midterms, sessions, the impeachment, COVID, the general election, every time someone was going to jail, or arrested, or indicted every single time he was wrong.

How do you explain that? How do you explain that there have been no arrests? How do you explain that "Patriots are in control" yet trump lost the election by the largest margin since 1931?

There is no evidence of a "deep state" ...this is just the same "illunminati" or "NWO" paranoia that goes back to societies like the masons, or fraternities, or whatever have you.

We shill because we can't believe how people fell for something that is so obviously false. I mean, you guys are the laughing stock of the world...

Me being an asshole on VOAT has nothing to do with me being a Christian. I love the lord for sending his son to die for my sins and still be an asshole. David was a real POS himself for example.

26912752? ago

Way to dismiss what doesn't fit your argument! Literally every point in those posts is an exact match for the news that came later.

  • "Every dog has his day" and "Dog appreciation day" are slightly different wordings for exactly the same thing: a dog day
  • A supreme court confirmation hearing about executing traitors who are citizens is exactly a fit for executing a traitor.
  • Predicting "action" to bring justice to McCain exactly 2 months before his death is announced—and predicting he'll be back in the headlines exactly 1 month before—are precise predictions.

This is not cold reading.... "someone whose name starts with J will be talked about..." or "a respected man will fall ill in the summer..."—that's cold reading. Saying JOHN MCCAIN will face ACTION that will hold him ACCOUNTABLE for his treasonous acts on DOG DAY with a relevant SUPREME COURT CONFIRMATION hearing to come is SPECIFIC. And if you dig a little, you'll find lots of publicly available data that point to arrest and execution for McCain rather than cancer. They can't come out and predict "John McCain will be executed for treason on Aug. 25" because then the cover story you need the sleeping masses to accept is blown to hell. Q is about gradually waking the populace, not causing a panic. However, some things were made THIS clear to try convince people like you who would seek to dismiss anything that wasn't extra clear.

I could delve into other proofs, but there's obviously no point if you will dismiss something this specific.

The fact that not every event that makes the news was predicted in Q posts is the weakest possible evidence for claiming Q is cold reading. And "The Plan" is under way, so it's expected that everything hasn't happened yet. You're convinced there have been no arrests, but how do you know that? After all, McCain supposedly died of cancer.

Good luck to you. I suspect being an asshole and feeding your own ego won't be considered especially good justifications when you meet your maker.

26912880? ago

Um...he was never held accountable for a treasonous act...you added that yourself. It was also known that he had terminal cancer, so predicting his death was not a prediction at all. 2 months shows how random the prediction was..why not the day before? Why not state what the date would be? It was an arbitrary prediction and you are filling in the detail for Q...which is what cold reading audiences do.

There is not a single scrap of evidence that his death was anything other than cancer. You are again filling in a story. This is what Q community does, its like a snake eating its own tail. There are literally no actual proofs, its all made up and you fell for it.

As far as what God will think. Im sure he has a sense of humor. Ill tell him I tried to help the morons, but they were too lost to see past their false beliefs. I'm sure he will give me a fist bump and say "yea, sorry I can only forgive your sins, I cant fix the public education system that failed them"

26913947? ago

McCain was never publicly tried for treason, but do a bit of googling if you have the slightest curiousity about his history as a traitor. It goes back to Vietnam, where he sold out in exchange for better treatment as a POW in the 'Hanoi Hilton' and continues thereafter. He actively worked against efforts to free the POW/MIAs left behind after the war ended. His fellow Vietnam veterans hated him and called him "Songbird McCain," which was not because he had a lovely singing voice.

His death was not publicly designated as an execution, but since "dog day" was predicted for when "action" was to be taken to hold him "accountable," it isn't a very big jump. The reference to a "coming" supreme court confirmation also suggests execution for treason, since the very next confirmation hearing featured Lindsey Graham's exchange with Kavanaugh on exactly this topic. I can't cite a NY Times article about this, if that's what it takes to open your mind, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I can't cite a NY Times article that proves election fraud either, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Why not predict it 1 day in advance? Because if he's dying of cancer, that could be predicted with good odds by anyone who knows what his medical condition is. Predicting it accurately 2 months in advance is unlikely as hell, even for his doctor.

I've lost 5 family members to cancer. The predictions for how long you've got only get accurate when you're at the very end, with days or hours to go—and even then, it's within a day or two because everybody's different. For my dad, they gave him 3 months and he died in 10 days. My grandfather was diagnosed as terminal but lasted another year. My aunt was told she had weeks when she had days, my mom was told maybe a year or two, and it was 3 months. I had a friend who was told to get his affairs in order, and he lived 8 years. You cannot know to the day 2 months in advance—the odds against 'dog day' being 'dog day' by chance are astronomical. You cannot know to the day even 1 month in advance. But you can know exactly when someone's execution is scheduled, because it's on the calendar. And that makes it easy to code a message 2 months in advance—and again 1 month out—that alerts those who are paying attention, which Q knew the autists on 4chan certainly were.

Keep reinforcing your own beliefs and enhancing your opinion of your superiority. I can't convince you to evolve if you don't want to. Free will is to be respected above all else.

Good luck with your reliance on God's sense of humor. He may not agree with your assessment of who the "morons" are, and he may not find your giant ego is as endearing as you think. But I'll leave it at that because I don't want to spoil the surprise.

26914027? ago

There is no such thing as a "private trial for treason". You are 100000% wrong about Mccain in Vietnam as well. The man is a hero and a patriot. He was tortured, broken, and refused to leave until all his men were released even though he was offered leniency due to his fathers rank as an admiral.

You are a real piece of shit if you think a national hero, a Christian, a patriot and a veteran is anything less than exactly the kind of American we should revere,

If you honestly believe that your government, Trumps own administration secretly tries American citizens for treason, provides them no public trial and rights afforded them in our constitution, then murders them....

I have to ask...are you sure you are on the right side?

26914374? ago

Military tribunal, not private trial.

Don't take my word for it on McCain's Vietnam treason:


I am on the side of truth. I was genuinely once a McCain supporter, but when faced with evidence of his crimes, I changed my opinion. Can you say the same?

26914550? ago

You're a fool. And clearly never served. There is no such thing as a secret military trial. The constitution is not thrown out because it fits your pretend fantasy.

My god you are a fucking retard man.

26915231? ago

You're right, I never served. But my uncle died in Vietnam. My dad was in the army. My grandfather was in the navy. My father-in-law was a marine. I have had friends who served. I have a lot of respect for them and their service, but that does not extend to having respect for John McCain because I believe he was a traitor who cost the lives of a lot of soldiers to save himself.

The name-calling isn't really helpful if you hope to convince me of anything. If my facts are wrong, you'll need to direct me to some proof, because while highly controversial, there is definitely evidence we've used secret military trials...

"Unlike traditional criminal trials, the proceedings of military tribunals can be kept much more secret. The United States has not convened such a tribunal since World War II."


"A secret military tribunal was hastily established in Washington DC in July 1942. Seven generals acted as judges and jurors."


"To preserve wartime secrecy, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered a special military tribunal consisting of seven generals to try the saboteurs."


"Civilian trials must be open to the public, while military tribunals can be held in secret."


"Audio recordings obtained by NPR provide the outside world with its first window into the secret world of military tribunals at the U.S. prison camp for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."


26907982? ago

Sure you made money and sowed chaos but youre still a low self-esteem self-hating immoral loser. No matter what you still gotta look at yourself in the mirror and wonder why youre such a piece of shit and hate yourself.

26910531? ago

Lol, not even close! This was an epic year for me. Enjoy the show!

26914320? ago

Pretty close. You get your thrills and kicks in life off the suffering of others. How miserable of an existence is that? Your existence is dependent on the downfall of others. There's nothing lower self-esteem and inferior than that! Enjoy the show!

26914588? ago

Because when nothing happens, your sadness and misery is delicious!

I love the excuses, I love the goalpost moving, I love the continued hope that THIS TIME its all going to happen.

Its not. It was always fake. We love laughing at you as you realize we were right all along.

26923578? ago

You get off on sadness and misery because you are a sad miserable person yourself. Pathetic and low self-esteem in every way and you want to make others feel that way. Why? Because you're a little bitch crying inside about how life isn't fair to you and as a result want to make it unfair for others. To you, this is justice.

It was never fake, but you are too low IQ and to fathom how Q comms works. You are not only an insecure individual, but a stupid one. I know how your psychology works. Since you hate yourself so much, you should kill yourself. That's a better option than to bring suffering onto others. The only people who deserve to live are the ones who aren't little bitches complaining about how life isn't fair. They are the people who have the strength and fortitude to overcome life's unfairness.

26927608? ago

hahaha, nah son. I had an epic year personally and professionally. I am everything you hate. Educated, successful and happy.

And right.

26928485? ago

Your epic year is dependent on the downfall of others. That's a pathetic year by a low self-esteem loser. My success is based on the value I provide my customers. You are providing no value just feeding your small ego.

26928806? ago

jumping in here...our year wasnt dependent on the great Qtard downfall of 2020...but it does make it sweeter. I just WISH VOAT was still here on inauguration day so you could see the full undeniable collapse of this LARP. Death to Q, Hail to the Shills! Nice work boys. See you in the next cesspool of ignorance!

26931239? ago

Low IQ and self-esteem morons will never see the truth in Q, youre just too dumb. It's okay, just sit back and enjoy the show. When truth and light is revealed to the world, just look in the mirror and wondered why you were too much of a moron to see it.

26928582? ago

No its based on my TSLA stock that I bought in april of 2020.

26903458? ago

I, for one, appreciate your contribution. You actually did a lot to help noobs and boomers evolve.

26904433? ago

Cheers bro! Stay safe and healthy and Q free this holiday season! Best to you and your family!

26903021? ago

You're going to have egg on your face soon, commie.

26904506? ago

Qiggers are all commies in denial

Gas them, every last one

26904375? ago

Nah. Im always right remember? Also, I bought into a company 2 years ago that is doing 30-50K COVID tests a day at $200 a pop.

Its a VERY MERRY 2020 for our family.

26902535? ago

I'm gonna grep your root and tar your proc.

26902464? ago

Hosting is cheap. DDoS protection is expensive.

26906646? ago

What is the monthly cost for a website like this?

26902395? ago

I think it's not about the money but probably the liability. Imagine FBI breathing down your neck and groups like ADL wanting to sue you and hold you liable for things people say and supposed violence they may organize on your platform. That's not a couple grand a month that's life ending amounts like millions of dollars in liability.

26905923? ago

That's a BIG issue. Looking for descentralized options

26902309? ago

Itll take more than preserve. Someone needs to run it.

This is half the step tough, so BRAVO AND THANK YOU.

26905930? ago

Thanks for the encouragement brother

26902276? ago

Q told us that only 8kun would be left standing. This place was good for quick access to information. So it sucks it will be gone but oh well. Cant speak for all of them but we knew mods were comped since the beginning.

26902126? ago

Have a good look at the logos for this site. I've been saying it all along, as I begrudgingly benefit from the content.

26902093? ago

Wow. You hiring fag?

26902060? ago

The old voat btc wallet has 150 BTC in it, this isn't about money. He's lying as usual. https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/00000014ea8b260f

26908446? ago

Currently 97.21 btc worth around $208k

26910060? ago

Can you fucking count?

btc are $23500 each

26906988? ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @pixelkitteh.

Posted automatically (#152960) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

26906978? ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @pixelkitteh.

Posted automatically (#152959) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

26906951? ago

If this is real, someone has given him a hell of a lot of money within the last couple of weeks...

26902421? ago

Is that for real his wallet??? WTF

26902435? ago

If that's the case he could just be retiring then. Damn people gave him too much money

26902475? ago

Yup, people are stupid, and they got milked. Whoever is in control of Voat is now a millionaire.

26902695? ago

If hating Jews is so profitable then we should...

In minecraft

26911668? ago

Only Jews in Minecraft are the Villagers. Even in video games the Jews are all about money....

26903211? ago

Hate jews in minecraft?

26901881? ago

If voat is important to Q, shouldn't they protect it?

Patriots are in control. They should be able to provide money and legal protection.

26903190? ago

you poor ignorant bastard. It's Over

26903205? ago

Indeed it is.

26901864? ago

I have a couple websites hosted by host gator. Could switch to yours if you drop the name

26901726? ago

It's obvious he's compromised. His post is bizarrely worded, full of dick jokes and religious appeals, and he's pulling the plug in just four days? He's either lost his mind or is being forced.

26905574? ago

Or he'd rather not see Voat be used against what it was originally meant to be. Or it's about to become to dangerous to keep up. Or, as he said, he's just out of money, and he's not willing to raise funds to consider.

Putt has put in a lot of time, and we should all be grateful. Time for him to move on. Any of us can start a replacement off web, and share it here before Christmas.

We were told to save everything. The web is controlled opposition. We knew (or should have) this would come sooner or later.

26908612? ago

Sometimes it's the simplest, he's tired.

26910332? ago

Then ask for financial help from the community to hire someone.

We don't get to be tired right now. This is a fight for the soul of the country.

This whole thing is fishy as hell.

26926151? ago

By this logic, we should have as many voat replacements as we have voat users by voat's end.

I'd recommend nodes in a decentralized network, rather than individual sites, but what "we don't get to be tired right now", so do something.

26908424? ago

Or it's about to become to dangerous to keep up

When Trump drops the hammer people are going to search the internet for information but the main source of information is about to be shut down because of 'funding problems'. Just sounds like twitter's version of shutting Q related accounts down to silence people and prevent people from finding the truth.

26926207? ago

The speculation is ridiculous, and irrelevant. We can't know why he's shutting it down. Those of you assuming the worst when there is no reason should check yourselves. You seem like narcissistic children.

Who knows why Putt is shutting it down. Maybe he is saving your dumb ass from yourself given trouble that could come for any voat users in 2021. Maybe he's getting married. Maybe he's tired of voat being used more for noise by our enemies than as a forum for us.

We can't know this. Quit your fucking crying already, and make an alternative. You have hours to start a Usenet site, or Freenet, or other channel, or create a torrent, or whatever the fuck you want to do. Those of you children whining about Putt's motives that you will never know, and who aren't replacing voat with something else, are the worst kind of worthless.

26932923? ago

Wow, attack attack attack eh? You must be a democrat pleased that such a free speech platform is being shut down so that you can force your opinions on everyone.. Judgemental moron.

26904395? ago

Can't have this site as an asset if he wants to cash out those BTC.

26903445? ago

Where is this post, im confused after a weekend in hospital

26903981? ago

It's stickied to the top of the site

26904074? ago

You can lead a blind man to water but you can't make him drink it.

26904477? ago

I think that's supposed to be horse

26905532? ago

You can lead a blind man to a horse but you cant make him drink? Wtf

26903279? ago

Muslim Atif Colo's website gets yanked at the same time the military is conducting an op that will end foreign propaganda outlets' stranglehold on online discussion. Think logically. Voat's bitcoin address remained active and received millions in donations. They have enough to keep the site going for a decade. They're Muslim terrorists and the "Angel" is the Caliph of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is SHTF, boys.

26908442? ago

That wallet is currently worth $208k so how on earth can he say he's running out of money??

26908006? ago


26907361? ago

I've suspected this all along. The fact that nobody ever criticized Islam spoke volumes. It was all criticism against Christians and Jews. And it was clear somebody was supporting voat at a certain point since the owners had already mentioned the need for financing to keep going from the beginning to the time QRV started. Then it was mentioned that an "Angel" arrived.

26907290? ago


26905137? ago

So foreign propaganda outlets are naming the Jew here on VOAT? Get the fuck out of here. The Jews are pissed and are clearly trying to take us down. I hope he's OK.

26903995? ago

at the same time the military is conducting an op that will end foreign propaganda

No evidence of this.

26903150? ago

Could have been hacked also....there's that.

26913795? ago

By at @gabara..

26902910? ago

He was comped years ago you new fag Qtards.

26903867? ago

Not the Qtards faggot. This is way beyond feeble conspiracies.

26901689? ago

How do I donate?

26901783? ago

Thanks buddy, will keep you all guys updated on this

26901587? ago

I have no problem donating to the cause, I'm sure there are many others with a similar view. Keep us posted.

26901550? ago

Are you a jew and how many jews work for your company?

26901678? ago

Legit questions.

Of course a jew would lie to get what they want.

26901177? ago

Please PM me and maybe we can figure it out!

Can Putt tell who you are in here?

26901322? ago

26901003? ago

All you need then is the domain. AMIRIGHT?

26901080? ago

If /u/PuttItOut can provide us the domain name and the database and source code, that would be magnificent. If he can't or he does not want to, we can try to create a mirror site with a different board but at least try to migrate/scrap all content from voat in order to preserve it.

26902832? ago

Listen to me faggot, you can download the whole shit from here: https://voat.co/v/SearchVoat/4170146

If you know how to scrape data, you should consider doing it this way.

26903046? ago

Thanks for the suggestion, seems like a good idea, you bitch!

26903477? ago

I fucking love this site, some of us niggers need to preserve it and keep it up. The problem is establishing one central site instead of everyone from this community going separate ways, and therein lies the issue of who controls the new site, and what their motives are.

26902323? ago


26903187? ago

Fah kin wee Todd did

26901251? ago

I get the feeling it would be different.

Free speech + anonymity = great debate.

Attempts to suppress shills or trolls ends up being one less mind conversion to the good side. I mean by allowing the shills here for all these years we have had more then a couple conversions. There really is no free exercise of ideas anywhere in the world including online. Community voting is a great concept but always leans towards group think. Most downvoted posts and threads should have a moment to shine. Not because they are wrong but because they are different.

26903930? ago

I've said repeatedly downvotes should simply be moved to the bottom of the queue not censored (hidden)

Free speech is not a fucking popularity contest

That's reddit mentality

And pure fucking cancerous failure

26902680? ago

From: doglegwarrior

I destroy the anonymity aspect with my greatness.. just kidding normal guy with one important message

  Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

26910722? ago

For many years, no one listened. Then you did. Thank you.

26901383? ago

The community really helps keep shill and troll narrative in check and it turns out to be beneficial overall for visitors at different levels of learning. Also, hell I’ve made a handful of troll posts for feeling frustrated with what’s happening or just for a good kek. I’ll sometimes upvoat a troll or shill if I think it’s kind of funny. It all goes here and that’s what makes it such a dynamic conversation.

26901869? ago

Yeah, the last conversation is over.

I'm the guy that consistently posted whatdoesitmean.com everyday for the last 3 years. While being under constant attack by people and their opinions whiles refusing to allow me to have my own opinion. Personally I like the site and the pro Trump slant. Plus the fun memes. It was real fun sharing and also pissing off a couple people that had no control over any of it.

Americans are a spiteful and defiant people by nature. It's healthy. We need to get back to that in more ways then one.