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26899011? ago

One of the MAJOR lessons we as Souls are here in Life to learn, is to let go of worldly attachments Frens.

If (You) truly Love a thing, then let it go (where ever it wants), and if it's meant to be, it WILL come back to you.

In other words:

"So long, so long, so looooong, and thanks for all the fish!"~Dolphins (The highest intelligence of Earth in hitchhiker's guide)

Either something better will come along or, like 8kun, someone will step up and take on the mantel.

God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, trust "The Plan" (God's plan, not Q's), because every One KNOWS, that in "The End": "GOD WINS!"

Besides that, WE WERE WARNED, by Q, of a total internet black-out ("Archive offline") military is the only way and the EBS was needed to for the black-out attempt by 'big tech'. Please know that Patriots Are Now In Control = P.A.N.I.C. in D.C. and keep on keepin' on!

Good Hunting, Good Luck, and GODSPEED Patriots!