26898623? ago

If they’re not raping you out of everything that is your identity. Then yes they’re probably raping kids

26898592? ago

Wow! thank you

26898439? ago


26897877? ago

Thanks. Time to make a video of this post. I’m surprised I’m not kicked off twat for this one yet. https://files.catbox.moe/o4y49m.mp4 thank u to whoever made it.

We need continue spreading this to the normies.

26897627? ago

Reminds me of this thread. They're all friends. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/4067073

26897515? ago

Nazitards will believe anything posted on catbox.

26898427? ago

Thanks rabbi, you can go back to sucking baby cocks now

26897741? ago

National Socialists wanted what they currently have in Israel. A country for their own people where they can live freely and celebrate their heritage, culture and history. Anyone that uses the term "nazi" is a child raping kike and at a minimum deserves the rope.

26897729? ago

^^^ (((Pedoshill))) ^^^ needs to get back to his kiddie porn

26897550? ago

gas gas gas you kikes. Counter the evidence. Oh wait you can't because its the truth and jews rape, sacrifice and even eat gentile children.