26832558? ago

Fucking clown 🖕🖕

26832388? ago

President Trump to you, faggot!

26832347? ago

Joe Biden hasn't answered any real questions in months and I'm OK. So don't let it get your pantyhose in a bunch. The GEOTUS will tweet/twat when he's damned good and ready.

26832197? ago

Twitter was sending me loads of tweets from other people’s followers and I have none of those either

26832129? ago

The strength of his Leadership is similar to comforted by a loving mother embracing you in her arms.

26832230? ago

^^ found the jew faggot

26833229? ago

^^ Homosexual Jew hater

26833252? ago

^^^ Found the CNN "legal expert"


26833391? ago

Your Jew hating stupidity has nothing to do with the law, it's a personal problem.

26832065? ago

Thats good because quite frankly he's beginning to sound like the whiny asshole the left has accused him of being for years. Telling Republicans to man up. Is he fucking serious? YOU wrote the fucking EO to stop all this shit GET TO IT and stop asking TRAITORS to be PATRIOTS

26831994? ago

It's over!!! We should kill ourselves!!!

26832105? ago

You go first, we’ll follow.

26833428? ago

Speak for yourself.

26831958? ago

Just when you thought this sub couldn't get any more pathetic......

26833260? ago

You got more pathetic.

26836441? ago

The jeâ‚©s got even more pathetic? Yeah, appears they did.

26831848? ago

He and Jared is watching ivanka take on a pack of niggers for a Hanukah celebration.

26831817? ago

CCP interference per intel analysts in intelligence communities is pushing to have Trump & supporters painted in narratives, MSM and social media as white supremacists, and racists, and the DS in intel is saying only Russia Russia Russia did interference. DNI Ratcliffe will not sign off on the Report if China stuff is not included

26831793? ago

hes been banging melania for a marathon tonight.

good for him

26831895? ago

Melania and Baron already moved out of the White House.