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26802611? ago

It's very simple what happens next. Mike Pence counts the votes on Jan 20. 3 senarios could happen

  1. IF these states are still being disputed in open court cases THEN Pence will throw out both sets of votes and count neither the democrat nor republican electors. Meaning neither candidate gets 270 votes. Then one of two things will happen.

    • The house of representatives will decide who becomes president. probably Trump is president
    • OR The supreme court will get involved and force Pence to count the democrat electors. Biden is president
  2. IF there are no open disputes. (all the court cases have been thrown out or ruled in favor of Biden) THEN Mike Pence will count the democrat elector votes ... Biden becomes president

  3. IF by this time the supreme court has ruled in favor of Trump... for example "all mail in ballots where signature cannot be verified are invalid"... or "all the dead people's vote don't count"... THEN Pence will count the republican elector votes and Trump will be president.

26802846? ago

It's very simple what happens next. Mike Pence counts the votes on Jan 20. 3 senarios could happen

Couldn't even get the date right, so how do you expect anybody to believe the rest?

26803555? ago

You made a typo so whole argument is invalid.

Found the dumb ass.

26807266? ago

Yep. Just like my sister! "Your source was denoted a liar in my 'Liar's Handbook' which of course could never be weaponized, my goodness me, whatever would make you think that scary thought?"

She's full of fear, and projects it!