26799347? ago

pornography sites, interweb chat rooms ... https://voat.co/v/QRV/4151081

26798575? ago

I doubt it.

I doubt it, too.

26799372? ago

? not all opinions are valid.

26798455? ago

That video has been heavily edited, I'd like to see the complete original footage. It does seem that he is a bit "off".


26799403? ago

Wiki Leaks posted old news reports on MK-Ultra?

26798209? ago

aka Cognitive Dissonance

26798204? ago

https://psychcentral.com/news/2012/11/22/in-3-case-studies-a-link-between-internet-use-and-psychosis/48020.html , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberpsychology , https://psychscenehub.com/staging/psychinsights/can-internet-addiction-lead-to-psychosis-a-case-report/ , https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0163834312003246 , ...a new game came out ... @CluelessInTheDark @blumen4alles @TREDDITFIRST the video game said ... "Cyberpsychosis is a dissociative disorder which occurs when someone with preexisting psychopathic tendencies enhances themselves via cybernetics to the point they no longer see themselves or others as complete, sapient organisms, but simply as a collection of replaceable parts. Common symptoms of cyberpsychosis include lack of self-preservation, complete disregard for others, poor impulse control, and explosive outbursts. Let's get this clear from the start: if you already have these underlying psychological issues (in game represented by a very low Empathy) you are more likely to be a candidate for cyberpsychosis)." ... reddit thread - n CP2020, cyberpsychosis was first and foremost a game mechanic that kept PCs from cramming themselves full of cyber, and made it so that anyone who was crammed full of cyber was also a crazy murder machine. You had a stat (empathy, I think) and as you installed cyber, it dropped until you went c-psycho at 0. Pretty much just like Shadowrun, etc.

26798099? ago

...its real?

26798145? ago

vid seems real ...they already got them to burn and riot by putting Floyd news pop ups on their social media @fluxusp @Conspirologist ? @veteran88 ? @New-World-Ebola @madmalloy