Did we have to be shown how corrupt the government is? The entire world sees.
Did we have to be shown the courts wouldn't do anything about it? Now we all know.
Did we have to be shown there was no other option than the military?
Game theory question: why let it drag on any longer? Is there any good reason? If the military is going to rain hellfire down on the enemy, why wait another month?
The time is NOW. Do it Q!
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26788828? ago
Non idiots knew the government was corrupt as hell 30 years ago.
26793564? ago
Half the people on this site still think the right is the "good side" and going to help them.
26791954? ago
.... much longer than that ....
26789444? ago
I was redpilled by 9/11. Been doing my own research for a long time too.
26793573? ago
Same here. 9/11 and Alex Jones. People can say what they want about him and maybe he is controlled opposition but he's helped wake up a lot of people and he's been right an awful lot.
26788945? ago
And you did nothing about it for 30 years?
And you are the "non idiots"??
Now, thanks to DJT we are doing something about it!
26791835? ago
All you are doing is fantasize about a better tommorow with a bunch of deluded retards.
Not even thedonald.win wants you losers.
26790202? ago
Multiplying the corruption and damage by 10. "The swamp" has never been this full in US history. The intentional damage to America has never been this great.
26789547? ago
Excuse me, I guess I should have shot up cnn. My bad.
26789460? ago
LOL some of us called it out and were called quacks, so there's that. You can't imagine how much harder it was to get through to people even 10 years ago. People today have at least seen enough to be less surprised by hidden truths.
26789142? ago
What do think should of been done?
26791969? ago
They should have detonated Hillary's "SNUKE" and saved us all.
26790792? ago
Honey, it's "should have".
26794950? ago
Thank you Karen
26790084? ago