26625991? ago

That dude is one weird chick.

26625981? ago

That chick is one weird dude.

26625588? ago

Trans = Fag

26625605? ago

well duh

26625143? ago

Satan is furthering his agenda to destroy our youth.

26623427? ago

TOTALLY Q related.

26623325? ago

This is news? Who gaf?

26623243? ago

Cutting your dick off is irreversible, bro.

26623281? ago

She's a chick

26623329? ago

Nah, biology doesn't change dude.

26622988? ago

Same as a Pakistan and Masonic logo... Hollweird is an Odd Fellow place... He / she / it prays to a tranny baphomet shemale tentacle god creature? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4126503

26622936? ago

Only Voat's faggot shills care about this BS, with your pedophile link.

26622901? ago

Is this some sort of retarded television-related item?

26622794? ago

Who gives a shit?