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26511803? ago

And they're allowed to lie about their religion to "protect it" from the goyim. Making them defacto satanic. Children of the father of lies.

26512710? ago

Aus will fall? A media of global fake reports and an MK-ultra brainwashing science backed up by war mongering banks and psychopathic psychologists? In Afghanistan the mohammedans they force little boys to dance while boys get dressed up like girls, the pedo prophet of islam himself may have raped animals, probably had sex with his dead aunt and dressed in women's clothes...all there inside the Quran or Koran and other so-called holy islamic text if you happen to read a translation of it. Look at the old roads and symbols, why do both Kikes and Muzzies feature and the nations and new kingdoms many of them old colonies of the British Empire, the old Anglo-Dutch corporations. In the newspapers and tv broadcasts now you have Crazed psychos who pushed a bunch of tranny babylon and transexual baphonet bullshit, the perversion, the control the psychology/psychiatry industry? Old roads across Arabia, Greece, Egypt, Rome and Babylon, the off shoot cults Freemasonry the Jewish Occult and the Shriners praying to amhomet and the Society of Jesus (aka Jesuit order) can be seen as having more or less evolved from the Knights Templar, and the Jesuits most likely also had a hand in the creation of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. What were those symbols on the Epstein property...Some have said Symbolism will be their downfall.

What is the Skull and bones, the sisterhood and frat boy blackmail rituals at college and uni...Black Nobility refers to an old dark gay mafia, faggots, criminals crooks and back stabbers that rose to power almost becoming Kings across Europe and of course when they arrive in the America's their gay blackmail stone rituals from Babylon arrived with them? If a group of good people can get together so can evil people. The problem currently is it doesn't seem there is a flock of good or righteous people together in our governments. Currently its , hollywood weirdos, the anti-American tax dodgers, jew supremacist, saturn cult , faggot pedophiles , the war mongers, bolsevik globalist commitards, serial killers and miscellaneous evil. Finders cult and Franklin scandal, Member the gay escort that visited the White House? Pepe members. Masonry today...What exactly are " shabbos goy " ? perhaps you know what goy means, but not shabbos goy. Most masons today are part of the club, they move in ignorance, wash dishes, sweep floors, they do not see the Demiurge rituals on the other levels, the Luciferian symbols in other ranks, maybe are the soldiers of Satan and do not even know it. There is that CAA talent agency building, you should see the symbolism above by plane or helicopter or satellite view, a member of the notorious Soda Pop Club, where child actors Corey Feldman (messed up), Corey Haim (overdosed) and other pre-teens were repeatedly, horrifically abused, Alyssa did an excellent job of hiding, and deflecting any knowledge whatsoever of this situation.Who was she was dating at the time? Both Corey’s. We worried she might slip and tell a real abuse story or too, but our girl has kept her cool.And that incident with River Phoenix? Well she’s remained mum about that all these years as well.The human trafficker ring?Its Charlie Sheen. You ever go to a stange place to buy some keyboard or guitar, ever enter a strange old dusty books shop, ever take your car into a body shop and feel like you were transported to another planet? All the employees in some of these Odd Fellow Lodges have worked together so long they've created a normal that isn't anywhere near normal. They become freaks. It happens in different work places and the people in them get married and not married, have or don't have kids and pets and live in places according to the perverse normal set by their long term employment in one place that isolates them from normal. Why the mohammedan rituals, why pray from pagan Arabia, Masonry also takes many ideas from Jewish kabbala. References to building of Solomon's temple & other construction projects. Jesuit Occult started out as a different name, perhaps as assassins for the Vatican Bank well over a thousand years ago. Blackmail and Extortion has been centralized ever since. A reminder of Talmudic Jewry with their Shabbos Goy's was there a link between the Jew Occult, Mohammedanism and Bolsevik Communism, a Politico-Occult-Judaeo-Masonry Chart compiled by Leslie Fry illustrates how a Jewish masterplan for world domination is linked to Judaic, Masonic, Occult, and World-Political organizations. Is there another step above again, freemasons/illumanitati are obviously kike controller? Why the weirdos in the British family, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew etc, time to end Dual Citizenship and start looking into what Maxwell was really doing and drug tests. Often.

26520495? ago

You've been awake for a while too, eh?