26146685? ago

Very British! :)

26147732? ago

you know it

26145986? ago


26145571? ago


26145328? ago

He must be very mad. He'll take it out on vindmans' ass tonite no doubt.

26147737? ago

haha fo'sure

26158526? ago


26143994? ago

Dual citizen.

26143812? ago

Go back to Israel you filthy kike rat.

26143793? ago

Can I get some sauce on this please?

26143560? ago

You spelled dirty jew wrong.

26143437? ago

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26143116? ago

These exact same words come out of my mouth every single time he opens his! Same goes for pelosi, hirono, swallowell and the rest of the ass-clowns.

26143010? ago

A $100/person PPV of this kike getting slowly necked could potentially save the economy.

26142951? ago

All they ever do is accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of. It's so disgusting to think people like that represent our nation.

26142997? ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

26142760? ago

Astonishingly childish.

26142732? ago

Better yet...die bitch die!!

26142704? ago

No, fuck you Schumer.

26142669? ago


26142628? ago

You just can't hide evil like that.

Maybe it was the invisible demon who was in his seat.

26142563? ago

What'd he do this time? Is he filibustering the covid relief again?

26142475? ago

Sheer panic. The deepest bowels of hell are awaiting you, Senator.

26143418? ago

They aren’t panicking. Why do you people always think that? They are simply going back to the well. Using the method that always fucking works. Why would they panic? No one is doing anything to them, no one is close to doing anything to them, the FBI is going to drop investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, the media will cover for them, and nothing will ever happen to them. Nothing. They are doing what always works. That’s all this is. Lying. Gaslighting.

It. Always. Works.

26143797? ago

This ain’t the same game son, buckle up buckaroo!

26144089? ago

Not OP, but really, son? Show me one of them who has been arrested or has charges pending?

Name one deep state member or pedo that's scared right now.

Look at all the Ilhan Omar data, nothing.

Look at FBI hiding laptop info, amongst other things. Nothing.

Kevin Clinesmith committed treason. He didn't lose his law license and he got 5 months. That's it. He's the only one.

That's all you got SON.

26146695? ago

Ghislaine Maxwell has shit all the way down her silky white thighs, she's so scared !!!

26145621? ago

so you are grandpa?

26142378? ago

He needs to had on back to gringots.

26142336? ago

What a fucking disgusting kike.

26146420? ago

I hunk he Huntered his niece... Amy Schumer?

26144682? ago

both his face and his voice make my skin crawl, couldn't listen to him

26145957? ago

I hate looking at the top of his fucking head.

That's all he does. Look down and read shit, because he's so fucking stupid he can't remember enough shit to talks without notes.

Fuck him.

26142216? ago

I have but one upvoat to give, this fucking GOBLIN.