26099164? ago

You’re kidding.

26097354? ago

Everyone knows he was on the plane, just like Trump. The problem is that there's no evidence showing Clinton ever landed on the island. He flew to a bunch of other places, typically with other public figures.

26095784? ago

Wake me up when they admit Hillary was on their as well...

26095613? ago

Being on island doesn’t mean shit. Nothing will come about here.

26095522? ago

Oh cool. More shit that we already knew that the media can continue to ignore. Great! They are our number one enemy.

26094298? ago

https://dontvis.it/https://www.newsweek.com/ghislaine-maxwell-confirms-bill-clinton-jeffrey-epstein-plane-unsealed-documents-1540852?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1603375179 :

None | Ghislaine Maxwell Confirms Bill Clinton Was on Jeffrey Epstein's Plane in Unsealed Documents

"Ghislaine Maxwell told a court Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's private plane in testimony unsealed today."

'Sigrid McCawley, Guiffre's lawyer, then asked: "You did fly on planes, Jeffrey Epstein's planes, with President Clinton, is that correct?"'

'McCawley then asked: "When you were on the plane with Jeffrey and President Clinton, did you observe Jeffrey and [REDACTED] talking?"', "Epstein's ex-girlfriend accused Giuffre of lying about President Clinton visiting Little St James, the financier's private island."

'In July, Angel Ureña, a spokesperson for Clinton told Newsweek he had "never been to Little St. '

This has been an automated message.

26093625? ago



26093640? ago

We're in 2020

You a sleeper?

26093687? ago

We all knew clinton was verifiably on the plane before Q was even a thing.

26095589? ago

Yeah but he amazingly predicted that there would be booms today, you know, on a day when Giuliani and Bannon already said we were going to be releasing information, on a day when we already knew the deposition was dropping, wasn’t that courageous of him to make that bold prediction?! In fact, he even said this is not a drill! Anyone who hasn’t figured out by now that they are being played by a fucking LARP who takes random guesses is a fucking retard who deserves to be lined up with the communists when the time comes.

26093716? ago

We did, but there are still sheep out there who don't know.

The more reporting on it the better.

26093713? ago

No, you had evidence of it. Now you have corroborated evidence. Stupid fucking retard.

26095142? ago

Whoa! That totally means we're going to get justice now, right?

Oh wait, Epstein died in prison under 24/7 surveillance in a safe room designed so mentally ill people can't hurt themselves and the guards aren't talking.

All the major players are still walking around free after 5 years.

They aren't getting arrested.

Corroborated evidence = gold star sticker

26093613? ago

no no no motherfuckers, we want to know why Epstein has a painting of Bill in a blue dress. Does nobody have the fucking balls to ask him or Hillary why?

26094696? ago

City was called St. Thomas, a satellite sub State Virgin Islands (VI) ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3946017 Terramar??

26093556? ago

No shit we knew that.

26097581? ago

Dershowitz said he wasn't there, so that means he wasn't there.

26095373? ago

exactly. the one I'm REALLY waiting for is confirmation of SCOTUS John Roberts

26094377? ago

Lol you're not happy with these EARTH SHATTERING BOOMS?

26095535? ago

Oh, come on now, what about all of the news we were already expecting because people of been laying it out for days? What about the deposition that’s worthless and meaningless? All those boom boom boom’s that were coming today!

tHIs Is NoT A DRiLl!!!!! Hurrrrredurrerrrrrr!!!!!

26094407? ago

Nothing is happening.