26102456? ago

I read some and she was dodgeball at every question. No proof she is in our team..

26100203? ago

I got a feeling she wouldn't be as cocky after sitting in jail this time.

26096188? ago

So where is the meat? Just being on a plane with may be underage girls to a private island does not really prove anything. We have heard all kinds of horror stories about what may have occurred on the island but have yet to see real proof. Without signed testimony and/or video or photos we have nothing. Hearsay about what might have happened on the Island will not convict anyone. Everyone knows Clinton was a frequent visitor to the island but so far the DOJ and FBI are not even remotely interested in even starting an investigation.

26096114? ago

Title should read: breaking: gislane Maxwell's 465 page deposition has Flopped

26095640? ago

I think I found something big in the redactions. In several places throughout the document there are redactions that I was able to determine that the first word/name was 9 letters and the second one was 7 letters. Page 131, line 3 is a good example because the redaction was split on 2 lines. I started trying to find a first name with 9 letters and none that popped up looked like they belonged. Then it hit me - Secretary Clinton! As confirmation, on the same page lines 9 and 10 it looks like "The Secretary" fits there. I'm not certain on this one - depends on the abbreviation - but line 4 they are talking about flying from somewhere to somewhere, and "Washington D.C." fits perfectly in the from.

Thank God for stupid people who still use monospace fonts on redacted documents, or the smart ones that do it on purpose.

26095639? ago

I just redacted my vote.

26095235? ago

Brief analysis says its mostly nothing. Maybe there's something buried in there but I doubt it.

26094473? ago

Surprise surprise, another nothing burger. When will you idiots accept that Q is a larp who doesnt know any more than you?

26094462? ago

If nothing comes of this it will just be written off as vast right wing bullshit.

26094213? ago

shit's redacted yo

26093861? ago

Interesting question about Israeli intelligence towards the end.

26093344? ago

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26093200? ago

Through 150ish pages, essentially a Virginia Roberts smear campaign + typical wizardry responses.

26092885? ago

It's a load of "Im instructing her not to answer."

"I don't remember." "I cannot recall."

Blah blah blah.

Nothing burger.

26092692? ago

The "pesky" analog video footage is going to help jar [her]


[stupid bolsheviks]

26092537? ago

HUGE Q https://www.baldingsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KVBJHB.pdf📁

WELL WORTH THE DOWN-LOAD do kiss your free time good-bye for awhile. Window shaking BOOMS

26092484? ago

As with other info releases...I swear I read this, or large parts of it years ago while reading about the journalist who uncovered Epstein's activities. I think I even saved it on an old computer, lol.

26092415? ago

Ghislaine Maxwell deposition - use index to figure out names! Clinton, blacked out, at p425, comes between "clients" and "clock," for example. Cite your findings here!

At page 450 of index, should be "Prince Andrew," between primary and print. I figured out that the puppet Epstein had was a caricature of Prince Andrew, using that index.

Using the index. At p425, all clinton references are listed between "clients" and "clock." Then you go to those referenced pages. Unforttunately, Maxwell lies and obfuscates. The best info comes from the attorney asking the questions, referring to other documents and statements of others.

26092624? ago

Somebody just flat out forgot to redact page 135. 'President Clinton' is on it four times.

26092714? ago

13+5=17 BOOM

26093979? ago


26094498? ago

Q believers are a special breed of stupid

26092368? ago

I find it funny that the lawyer is objecting to every question that is posed to her. What a pigeon pecker.

26095046? ago

he's paid to be there. He has to show his client he's doing something even though it's pointless. The most he can hope is to frustrate and cause the questioner to make an error.

26094727? ago

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26092197? ago

Anyone know why her answer, with regards to what her age is, was redacted?

26092238? ago


Answer 17 - They allow for her age to be released.

Answer 17 - Again, I am a 54 year old woman.

26091949? ago

What a load of nothing. I sure hope Q plans on rectifying this utter nothingburger with an actual BOOM today.

26091760? ago

Crib Notes Please!

26091631? ago

That was 30 mins I’ll never get back!

26091480? ago

Anything of importance redacted, everything else is GM dancing around answering questions and her lawyer objecting to every single question. Waste of time.

26091305? ago

Just a bunch of.. I have no idea how old anyone was. I sent masseuses back to Jeffrey but I didnt hire them. I dont know ig anyone was in the house at any time... really slippery.. like something slippery and slimey.

26091213? ago

army of lawyers on this, probably already blackmailed half the court.

26091204? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/l65a4z.pdf Downloadable PDF of the deposition

26091320? ago

You are an awesome patriot!! Thank you!

26091157? ago

Excellent post, OP.

Shills are hitting this one hard. Friendly reminder to the glowies - this is a RESEARCH board. Coming here to post about how pathetic you are when it comes to due diligence only serves to remind patriots of why the majority of this was so surprisingly easy.

These people are dumb indeed.

26095104? ago

Why is this particular site (a rather obscure one in the larger scheme of things) do damn important to them? Q sent us here for a reason. There is much more going on this board than meets the eye. I'll leave it at that. Enjoy your day.

26095325? ago


we're working on more than one level,

and they have NO clue;)

26095493? ago

So this is the home of the 5Ders? That makes a lot more sense now. Talk about 'receive and transmit' messages, and I don't mean via the keyboard or screen. Those that have the eyes to see and ears to hear, especially the voice of God. The Angels are on this board, and so are the Demons. The enemy must be very worried indeed observing the strangeness of events. The Holy Spirit is totally in control of what is unfolding before us, and it's Power is awesome to behold.

Having lost all my family, physical possessions and everything else, I am now cleansed of all worldly distractions, tempered through great pain, and am ready to serve The Lord more broadly in the next stage of our Mission.

I will leave this for you to look at: >


I may yet do a analysis and Gematria presentation.

This is a good read for today: >



Thanks for your reply. I see you very clearly. 'o-o' <

D5 approaches 11/3...

26096856? ago

great reply and gives me lots to think about.

I've always been different spiritually,

but I had a right side stroke before the election, and wow, did that open things up.

starting 'seeing' things clearly and had dreams about working with strangers in a type of government building...it was a huge project, but I didn't know the details.

also took some classes in remote viewing, and I was quite good. (now I wouldn't do that, as I now know demons are involved).

one of the next dreams was God putting down two heavy metal stamps for lack of a better term, the stamps we labeled Good and Evil, and God made it clear that nothing else matters.

exciting times indeed and so happy you guys are here to experience with,

maybe we'll all meet someday, and we can reminisce;)

26096923? ago

You lose one thing, and gain another. There is never a vacuum for long. I hope you get better soon. Take care.

26093515? ago

Posts like "lol shills so mad" are as unproductive as the "shills".

What content in this document is important? Looks like fuck all to me. But I'm sure you can prove me wrong without calling me a shill right?

26095336? ago

What content in this document is important?

This is an official record of her absolute refusal to comply with questioning paired with the interviewer taking the time to note her violent behavioral outbursts during specific lines of questioning, along with her lawyer acknowledging and attempting to excuse said behavior in the very next line (Somewhere around page 200). During multiple parts of the deposition, Maxwell also ignores her lawyer and slips up providing answers to questions that conflict with other parts of the official narrative (potential perjury) - even going so far as to begin making excuses for why some of the "allegations" against her wouldn't necessarily have been illegal in the areas in which they "allegedly" took place..... Not to mention she confirmed Clinton's flights and the questioner griller her over Epstein's connection to Israel (Patriots in control)

26091863? ago

You tards are pathetic beyond any possible description.

26091559? ago

Yes, and I love seeing all the shilling. I'm betting they're triggered by this comment alone.


26091139? ago

i found this interesting ( note the date)

**Today is April 22, 2016 the time is

10 9:04 a.m..** This deposition is being

11 taken at 575 Lexington Avenue in New

12 York at the request of Sigrid McCawley

13 of Boies Schiller & Flexner.

Has this been verified?
Anon, I ask only because of the date on the document...

26090947? ago

Well, that was another nothing burger. No big revelations, no big arrests. Clinton continues to walk free with a huge grin on her face.

26090910? ago

Tip: use the index in the back to find out who the blacked out people are. Trump is not in there, but Clinton is ...

26099502? ago

Thank you for this ^

26091932? ago

Lots of stuff censored? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4077882/26090446

26090877? ago

Lol i dont recall is her only defense, well rot in hell

26090860? ago

It says 2016???

26091151? ago

It also says "the" numerous times.

26090905? ago

It's from the case in 2016. This is what she was fighting to remain sealed. So far from what I've seen on /pol/ there's nothing incriminating.

26091623? ago

Thanks for the clarification and info. I thought it was not related to what is happening now (as often people post old stuff to distract.)

26090692? ago

Ghislaine is going so deep into hell. I read a lot, what a cagey bitch.

26090650? ago


26090690? ago


ThIs Is noT A DRiLl!!!!

26091752? ago

why are you here?

26090644? ago

And it's nothing but her deflecting and denying everything.

26090693? ago

You are guessing, or you speed read it in 30 minutes?

26090780? ago

I just read 40 pages, and I agree with his statement. She's good at not answering.

26090971? ago

"I read less than 10% of the Document but there's nothing there."

Ok retard.

26091333? ago

I read none and criticize the person who read some.

I'll be happy if there is something.

I read enough to know that she is good at not answering.

26090625? ago

Fuck this re-deacted shit. Might as well have CNN explain their version to us of how everything happened.

26091930? ago

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26090610? ago

Remember- mAnY BoOmS tOday!!!! ThIS is NoT A DrilL!!!!!!

26090762? ago

"No booms by 9am???? That means it was a lie!!!"

26090607? ago

its basically a load of "i dont recall" or "i have no knowledge of"

Sounds like Corney Jim was her mentor.

26094818? ago

Disney Cruise Line offered stops on Little St. James and they own ABC who didn't allow reports about Epstein. https://files.catbox.moe/eqhmzp.jpg

26100947? ago

I went on that cruise. Disney has a private island of their own as well called "castaway cay"

26092037? ago

Typical jewish tricks they do.

26094878? ago

Even yoda hates the kikes

26091058? ago

only 30?



I don't know - 166 times

I don't remember - 71 times

I don't recall - 8 times

you sir are a fucking retard even thinking there is any merit to the "mueller" investigation, which has been so thoroughly debunked that it serves as a pretty effective test to find out who's had their head up their own pussy for the last 3 years

26091144? ago

37 indictments :(

26091193? ago

out of which only two stuck: Stone and Manafort

and of those two, zero were related to Russian collusion :(

26091262? ago

Do more research.

26101894? ago

You would have shown us if it was there.

26102984? ago

1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July 2017 and pleaded guilty in October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. He got a 14-day sentence.

2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for Ukrainian politicians and his finances. He had two trials scheduled, and the first ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018 (though Mueller’s team said in November that he breached that agreement by lying to them). He was sentenced to a combined seven and a half years in prison.

3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February 2018 he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statements charge and one conspiracy charge. He was sentenced to 45 days in prison and 3 years of probation.

4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 6 months of home detention in October 2018.

22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and has completed his sentence.

23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case last year.

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

36) Michael Cohen: In August 2018, Trump’s former lawyer pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations — related to hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump, as part of a separate investigation in New York (that Mueller had handed off). But in November, he made a plea deal with Mueller too, for lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

37) Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign, and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story. He was convicted on all counts after a November 2019 trial.

Finally, there is one other person Mueller initially investigated, but handed over to others in the Justice Department to charge: Sam Patten. This Republican operative and lobbyist pleaded guilty to not registering as a foreign agent with his work for Ukrainian political bigwigs, and agreed to cooperate with the government.

26091302? ago

Obvious shill is obvious.

26090715? ago

I’m not even going to bother to read it. I don’t need to let ours pass to give people time to process it before I make my declaration that there’s nothing in here. You know how I know there’s nothing in there? Because Q people said there would be. I could make a mint betting against them. They’re always fucking wrong. Always. If they say this shit will be juicy, I know it won’t be. There will be a couple of things they overblow to try to pretend it’s big news.

thIs iS nOt A DriLL!!!!!

26091933? ago

He was referencing the fact that adam schiff received money from the company that was laundering burisma money you fucking tool.

26091802? ago

Always easy to spot a shill because their logical reasoning skills haven't progressed since their adolescence. Think they're clever but it's like a child trying to explain why all the cookies went missing lmao.

26091732? ago

why are you here again?

26091905? ago

Again, for entertainment.

26092388? ago

What a pathetic life you live.

26108043? ago

Says you in small window on a third monitor as I make $150K/yr doing network engineering and programming remotely from my house in the mountains while my hot wife bakes me cookies and waits anxiously to suck my cock.

26110690? ago

lol k That wasn't try hard at all. You have all that and here you are arguing on voat. Mmmmkay

26091560? ago

Yes, makes perfect sense why she and her lawyers fought so hard to prevent its release 🙄🙄

26091456? ago

If you’re right, and I think you might be, then please post a new ‘I told you so’ when we know.

Also, I doubt there’s anything in there simply because they released it. Any knowledge of any of this stuff is just plutonium. It’ll destroy anyone. We will never know the real truth of what’s going on.

26091259? ago

Thanks shill. Now I'm definitely going to read it.

26101902? ago

I read it twice. It really shows her character.

26090924? ago

Just wait for the disappointment-masking "disinfo is necessary"

5,000 year old cabal!! lol

26090956? ago

5,000 year old cabal!! lol

King Tut shares 3% genetic material with the average Egyptian in 2020.

However, he shares 70% genetic material with the average UK Male.

But sure, keep on mocking like a retarded fucking faggot, surely you'll get it right one of these days.

26091169? ago

So what are you implying? I’m genuinely interested.

26091662? ago

We wuz kangs

26090972? ago

I've never seen such clear proof that there is a 5,000 year old cabal running the world from the shadows.

26091633? ago

It’s older than 5000 years. And the evidence can be seen in the worldwide antediluvian culture that built pyramids, worshipped the sun, and sacrificed humans.

The antediluvian world survived in Egypt and Babylon, and then onwards to this day.

Egypt > Rome > Holy Roman Empire > Vatican

(Tibet > Sumeria) > Babylon > Babylonian Captivity > Judea > Khazars > Ashkenazi > Cromwell > Rothschild > UK

Then you also have the most powerful worldwide monarchs, known as the black nobility. They ruled Europe for centuries and then built up global networks of power. They never disappeared. The Louises became the Payseurs and moved to US. Soros represents black nobility in Europe. House of Saud is another such family.

These institutions have existed unbroken for ages. And they rule over you and I to this day.

26091692? ago

Now I can honestly say I've never seen such clear proof that there is a 5,000 year old cabal running the world from the shadows.

26091806? ago


26090855? ago

"It's been an honor serving with you, PaTRioT!"

26091183? ago

Oh God how disheartening.

Gas all jews faggot

26091506? ago

You and the fake news say the exact same things about Q, nazi. What else do you two agree on? Bet you loved Bush!

26090530? ago

How do I get a pdf of this?!?!?

26090720? ago

You don’t even need it. Just write on a piece of paper “I don’t recall” and “not to my recollection” and you’re good to go. Also write a reminder to yourself to always bet against Q people.

26090678? ago


26090627? ago

When I open the link, there’s a open the original document (pdf) on the right, below search and page input

26090527? ago

She's denied seeing anything, hearing anything or ever being anywhere. This is tiresome. Arrest and charge someone ffs.

26090661? ago

She's both arrested and charged.

26092048? ago

she will walk. Jews do not abide by goy laws.

26093454? ago

Wishful thinking Shlomo

26093464? ago

when she walks will you then come to my side and disavow all jews?

26093857? ago

You’re helping their case without realizing it retard

26099456? ago

He's shilling for demoralization. That's why you never meet real people with those views.

26090912? ago

Lol. The fact you had to explain that.

26099466? ago

These budget shills can't get shit straight.

26091974? ago

Kikes are dumber than shit

26093297? ago

Muh sheckels.. (((they))) like to count, give (((them))) some credit... LuLz!

26090566? ago

Strange. Why would she fight to keep it sealed then? Dumb bitch.

26090580? ago

There might be something in there buried on page 330 but the first dozen pages are just denials and lies.

26090396? ago

Good. Some more late night reading.