26068250? ago

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26067638? ago

When Trump tweets 'treason' and gets no pushback from media means they have all self incriminated on seized communications using the word .. as in 'if we get caught ' this is .....

26067264? ago

Hey everybody join Obama in philly on Wednesday for his "we're all going to the electric chair" last rally !

26066480? ago

SDNY is the 3 headed dog guarding frazzdrip folks

26064012? ago

NEWS FLASH: it aint just Hunter, China, Russia, Iran, have laptops, video and worse on half the democrat party. You are witnessing the [d] + [f] in a blackmail battle royale.

26063810? ago

I'm still over here wondering what the presidential letter from H to POTUS said....

26063153? ago

The only thing going on no one can stop from coming is the election eve asteroid (well, and your momma).

26062698? ago

TRUMP JUST CANCELED THE ELECTIONS!!! Declared President For Life!! We did it!!

26064235? ago

We can only hope...

26059474? ago

I go out of town for a couple of days for a Trump rally and am just now catching up on Q (and sleep).

Did we ever figure out the significance of the gunship?

26061779? ago

Endorphin rush for boomers so they'll contribute to not question why zero deep state leaders are convicted after 3 years

26060828? ago

There is no significance. 2 weeks to go and not a damn thing is happening

26058087? ago

And just like I predicted -- no one is talking today about Hunter Biden. There's nothing there. POOF

26059602? ago

This post won't age well.

26061783? ago

LOL it's completely true. Memory holed outside the qanon community

26060046? ago

Whatever you say. There's nothing going on with that story. Nothing except some crackhead being a crackhead. Whooptydoo.

26057716? ago

People are saying Obama's on a hunger strike, he's down to 86 lbs.

26060831? ago

lmao no one is saying that

26063525? ago

He just said it. He’s people. Let’s not forget there’s a human on the other side of that keyboard, mmmkay. Now you have fun with bringing down the deep state and don’t forget to have fun.

26063510? ago

He just said it. He’s people.

26056685? ago

Hey Q, Puff the Magic Dragon gunship is a lot more impressive when it strikes actual enemy positions, rather than wasting ordinance on a deserted island. Maybe you should hit the enemy now?

26058681? ago

Vote Trump and we'll talk about it for four years.


26060698? ago

lol these dumb fucks still haven’t figured it out and never will. they’ll move right along to the next letter of the alphabet after they lose interest in Q.

26056172? ago

so now the future of America largely is come down to one single event. The re-election of President Trump for any hope of this to happen. A risky move to boil everything down to the election. Then we have to hope that Trump doesn't make some kind of deal or gets tired in his 2nd term not to go after the deep state. He is a dealmaker. However I do think he's taken the whole deep state conspiracy/spying/sabotaging of his admin personally and will direct DOJ/FBI to follow up. But to what extent. all unknowns and anything can happen.

26062834? ago

Right...but obviously the DOJ are a bunch of do nothing, placating to the deep state, pieces of garbage who can’t be trusted.

26058047? ago

please gib votes! need votes! republicans need your votes!

just don't expect them to do anything for another four years until they need your votes again!

26059539? ago

You assume that Republicans (many of them) aren't the target.

26059806? ago

but muh votes

26056400? ago

Funny how things work out that way eh?

(totally not a psyop to vote republican here)

26056114? ago

Sorry, Q and Q+, it's been nearly 3 years, and I'm fatigued. Read about donor fatigue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donor_fatigue

I have Deep State fatigue. I'm done. Voting for Trump, but I simply cannot follow all of the intricacies of all the nonhappenings and Solomon reporting and Catherine Herridge or whatever her name is reporting. God speed to them. I have a FT job that simply taps me out.

I'll be praying for you and Trump and all white hats in his administration and all anons. God speed all!

26059567? ago

Yeah, you better sit this one out, Francis.....it's clearly all a bit too much for your sensibilities.

26059543? ago

Have you heard of Hunter Biden?

26060010? ago

What about him? Did he get arrested?

26089095? ago

This. Plus Ellen. Plus Hanks. Plus Oprah. Plus any one of literally hundreds if not thousands of deep state actors and their supporters absolutely embedded through all high levels of our society sitting on their thrones laughing at us, literally laughing at us and using us. Been waiting three years (more really) for these fuckwads to get what's coming to them, but it never happens. All we get are teases of justice. Ellen's leg positions. The door jamb behind Hanks means he's in prison. Really? Really? If you're going to show the world, then show the world and stop with this retardation.

26060718? ago

lmao got em

26055313? ago

Hey I was just wondering... did anything happen yet with the futurefagging on Q4674 and 4675 ? The ones about the sept 11 twin towers comey/brennan treason.

26053563? ago

We will elect Biden because the American people don't care

26060948? ago

well i’m voting for Biden because I hate all of you faggot boomers.

26053235? ago

Mass arrests just happened! Biden Hillary Comey Obama. We got them all!! Victory!

26060836? ago

We did it reddit!

26052085? ago

Are WE the show?

26060145? ago

Think mirror

26052053? ago

Godfather III.

Please take your seats, the opera is about to begin.

26054429? ago

"Is everybody in?"

26056797? ago

No ... getting more seats! More and more normies are coming in Sir! They cant believe the corruption and also, the popcorn line is packed. We need more Anons pumping out popcorn memes

26051883? ago

This is the same video they've shown a number of times. But this time a location, date, and purpose were tagged at the beginning. Wonder why?

26052369? ago

Its a marker for a classified military action. After the show is over u can go back and match the gunship marker with declassed records and match the dates

26060746? ago

Nothing is gonna happen gramps. 2 weeks to go and nothing to show. Sad.

26052995? ago

Thank you. Momentary information overload. I did know that at some point.

(All the same, I don't remember the location, date, and purpose of the targeted strike being shown in previous drops - as it was on this one. Maybe it's nothing.)

26051491? ago

:::::Flash Traffic:::::

Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.

We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).

It has begun.

Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.

Q Earlier COMM(s) https://qanon.pub/#65

26060748? ago

fuck are you on about man?

26063464? ago

Just Q things...

26051450? ago

October has been glorious so far. totally destroy them Q!!!!!! I am loving the panic and pain. i want them all homeless eating their own crap to survive. never to have two dimes to rub together. i hope they dont kill themselves. i want them to pay on earth for their crimes. only then will they have a remote chance at redemption with God

26059774? ago

You have had a VERY different October than I have had. My unemployment ran out. The Republicans won't vote on a new stimulus. I'm only still in my apartment because the state put a moritorium on evictions. I'm thinking about not voting at all. I have different priorities right now.

26064288? ago

Crazy- Insane Nancy held it up. Blame her instead of listening to CNN

26071629? ago

Literally McConnell just voted it down. Wrong again.

26059824? ago

you act like voting takes hours to do. your just mad about the money, put the blame where it belongs on the democraps and vote them out

26060663? ago

no arrests, no votes. simple as that. clock is ticking

26060070? ago

Fuck voting. Arrests or nothing. I'm done with this shit. Go post some epic memes on twitter, it won't fucking arrest anyone. Tired of this bullshit.

26055168? ago

Wishing death on your enemies. So very Christian of you.

26058663? ago

Jesus approves of this.

26054476? ago

🤣Q is so fake🤣

26051077? ago

I am demoralized because of the MSM and nobody has stopped the shit they lie about.

26051797? ago

What would you do, remove the 1st Amendment?

Have you ever read it?

26059639? ago

I'm hoping they get indicted for fraud and conspiracy (RICO). I think my dog could prosecute those cases.

26060887? ago

Do something about it then if it’s such an open and shut case, Gomer.

26051792? ago

Sure, blame the MSM and not your disappointment in Q's nothingburgers

26051005? ago

Q, are there any particular acts of 'panic' that your readers would find enjoyable?

26059566? ago

Hunter Biden?

26060029? ago

The only people I see panicking about Hunter are in this Voat, hoping that another laptop will magically appear that has the Frazzledrip video or more.

26060768? ago

Bingo. Whole lotta sweatin’ goin on in here. 2 weeks to go and nothing to show for it. How sad.

26050998? ago

Daily reminder that Trump fucks children.

26051067? ago

sauce. We have plenty on biden.

26051800? ago


26050856? ago

It’s over LIBFAGS!! Our digital army of special forces meme merchants has saved the world from the grip of the sinister Jew and their demon MOLOCH!

We have destroyed the canal and it is time for..,..


We love you so much, Donald Trump. You did what no man could have ever done. You told us you were the only man that can fix it and you did. We did it.

Thank you and god bless

26059580? ago

Oh fuck off with the concern trolling bullshit. You'll be in a fetal position in a few short weeks wondering ONCE AGAIN what went wrong with your life that you sided with evil. Sucks to be you, but so be it...

26064508? ago

"few short weeks", how long have you been saying that for?

26062631? ago

You think you’ll put me in a fetal position after I set you on fire? You’ll only have about 10 seconds of pure agony so you better be quick. Ashy.

I bet you’ll smell like brisket. You ready to be set on fire?

26060922? ago

muh fisa muh declas

26054725? ago

It'll be because we sat back and did nothing. Deep state isn't smarter. We're all lazy.

26058058? ago

You need to vote! Vote GOP down the ticket. It's all we can do. We have to pray and hope for another four years.

26060937? ago

No. No arrests, no vote. Fuck this no action shit. If you truly have it all then fucking do ANYTHING about it.

26058472? ago

What kind of faggoty answer is that.

26060110? ago


26058183? ago


"pretty please give us your votes so we can do nothing"

26054487? ago

Oh, come on. He’s had the force of the world pressing against him, foo.

26055826? ago

And everyone should just assume that since Trump hasn’t done it that can ONLY mean it’s harder than we thought because ONLY Donald Trump knows how to beat them?

You believe this? You really believe Donald Trump is the only man in the entire world that can “save us”?

Because if that’s where you’ve put your faith, my friend, you are a sad excuse of an American. Always looking for someone else to fix your problems.

You might as well spread your wife’s legs for the Republicans so they all get a go at your wife, cuck.

If you have one?

26060907? ago

I would also like to have a go at this potential wife.

26055358? ago

No excuse after what Q has shown us over the past three years shill.

26051760? ago


26050587? ago


Arrests motherfucking when? How much longer do we let this country go to hell with no justice for traitors?

26052216? ago

Two more weeks, since you asked.

26052695? ago

Thanks, anon. I shall continue trusting the plan and will check back in 2 weeks.

26056781? ago

Drop any latent narcissism and feel better. This isn't all about you, dude.

26058297? ago

It had nothing to do with narcissism.

26059623? ago

We're all stressed right now, amplified by Covid BS.

I just got back from a Trump Rally, and had a ton of conversations. The energy is all focused on the election and there's a cold anger being held in check, just hoping we don't have to let our indignation manifest.

26060858? ago

lmao you aren’t gonna do shit but bitch to your fellow dipshits on the internet. you are redneck garbage.

26060149? ago

did u kidnap any governors while out

26050558? ago

Hang on Q i havent even made my coffee yet. What are you guys doing up so early shit

26060867? ago

They aren’t doing shit that’s the problem

26061146? ago

All jews will be turned into lampshades.

26050551? ago

Standing by to stand by. Go for it, Q!

26050475? ago

I want to believeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

26059631? ago

Hunter believes.

26050444? ago

Remember how excited in 2018 you got when you were told to buckle up?

Mar 8 2018 16:45:35 (EST)

“Set the STAGE.” - POTUS

Do you believe?

Buckle up.


And the ten times after that? Does the eleventh still get you excited? Do you think it makes them panic in DC every time?

26052403? ago

They have to panic every time. They have no way of knowing if this time is really IT. They can't take that risk. Q types 128 chars and they have to expend $$$ and burn assets. Tactics. Asymmetrical warfare.

26052523? ago


Wait, you're being facetious, right?

26051035? ago

Wow, you seem kinda obsessed. Counting the amount of times it’s said. Go away.

26060876? ago

muh declas brings down the house

26051778? ago

qmap.pub, learn to research.

26050383? ago

Nothing will happen.

26050526? ago

It's happening! It's our job to spread the word of what is happening because the corrupt media surely won't!

26058069? ago

Don't forget to vote! PLEASE VOTE

26060820? ago

No fuck that. Seriously never thought i’d say this but arrests or gtfo. What a waste of time.

26051336? ago

I spread the news 3 years ago but since nothing happened I was looked at as a crackpot.

Now I keep it to myself.

26059579? ago

Then you overstated your position. Be subtle, use the Socratic Method. Lead them to water.

26064186? ago

Why don't you answer his question :(

26064698? ago

What question? There's no query in this conversation, just statements.

26073215? ago

My response to that question is that we sure have seen a helluva a lot of declassification lately. Still not enough, apparently, but there's more coming. Do I need to make a list?

26075956? ago


TRUMP ON 10/6: "I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents"

MEADOWS ON 10/20: "The president indicated to me that his statements on Twitter...do not require the declassification or release of any particular documents.”

26076311? ago

And it's entirely possible that the Meadows comment is a bit of legal CYA to distance legitimate declassifications from appearing purely political, is it not?

Since 10/6, there most certainly have been some big declassifications, even if the pace has slowed after the immediate reaction. The point is, we have had big declassifications and there are likely to be more coming in the next two weeks.

Sorry if the Holy Grail isn't public yet, but we've got a ton of mini-grails already with more certainly possible. It hasn't fit my preferred time horizon either, but I'm pretty confident about the election results, thus less worried about the timing.

26076803? ago

"Mini grails"? Those things barely made a blip.

And you take no issue with potus saying one thing ("I have declassified everything") but meaning something else ("nothing needs to be declassified")?

26077164? ago

These "mini-grails" have a cumulative effect. The Left's narrative has been disintegrating blip by blip, and perhaps even vote by vote.

Like any rational person, I'd prefer 100% transparency, but this is a game with a lot of subtleties. I try to not take anything solely at its face value.

26060807? ago

Okay what about declas? How the fuck do I explain that one? It was the most important thing in the world til one day it just wasn’t and Q never mentioned it again. Sure doesn’t seem like they have it all now does it?

26056246? ago

you can with more anonymous accounts on various sites/social media

26051782? ago

That's fine if it's all you can do.

26051613? ago

This. Exactly this.

26053122? ago

Yep. Credibility shot. Give us ammo then we’ll fight.

26059595? ago

Downvoted you because you want someone to hand you your ammo. You've got more than enough if you are here. Use it with conviction and objectivity.

26060787? ago

Give it a rest man. What the fuck happened to be big DECLAS event we were told about a million times. Two weeks left til we potentially lose an election and not a goddamn thing to show for besides some fucking copy/pasted tweets. Thanks Q we truly have it all.

26050921? ago

Define IT

26050368? ago

Dear President Trump ; If the moderator joins the debate, her political history/connections/writings are fair game.

26058173? ago

I don't give a FLYING FUCK about debates. You know what would get me to watch a debate? If Trump stood up and said "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us" and announced arrests.

No arrest, no votes.

26062813? ago

Yes, I feel exactly the same way. Bunch of empty promises at this point. Perpetual moving goal posts from all these assholes. Our best chance is saving ourselves.

26060986? ago

Maybe some people were, but I was not joking when I started chanting "lock her up"

26071699? ago

Yeah that's what they were chanting four years ago and nobody is locked up yet. Lock her up doesn't mean anything. Just an empty promise.

26059496? ago

There won't be a debate. No way will they expose Biden to Trump asking him about Hunter.

26059788? ago

You are insane. This Hunter stuff looks good to Democrats. Biden can turn it around by saying he loves his dumb drug addict son.

The only way Trump has my vote is if he produces an arrest in the next two weeks.

26058653? ago

Not one Obama/Clinton, not one vote for me .

26060101? ago

I'll settle for Podesta or Donna Brazile or Debby Wasserman. Hunter Biden isn't even in politics.

26056264? ago

republicans are such cuckholds about that. i guess they probably get told, if it isnt DEMS way, they aren't going to debate. That's the only threat i can think of to make republicans go along with rigged debates.

26060138? ago

The RNC already agreed to give the moderator a button to cut out Trump's mike.

Fucking cucks. Why would I vote for these fucking cucks.

26060675? ago

no arrests, no votes. clock is ticking.

26059501? ago

Or maybe, and hear me out, the debate commission is stacked with RINO's and Never Trumpers?

26051707? ago

So much hate for fact checking

26050230? ago

Been buckled up for three years, starting to lose circulation. Hurry the fuck up.

26063276? ago

Its their timetable, not yours... trump et al are following some set of rules... but I dont know what the ultimate goal is.

26055130? ago

Yep. There's 2 weeks until the election. If you have a bomb shell to drop, might be a good time.

Other than that, buckle up means as much as Hannity's tick tock bullshit at this point.

Shit or get off the fucking pot.

26059489? ago

You're looking for bombshells when a freakin barrage of them are dropping on Biden?

26059599? ago

So far, we haven't seen shit from the laptop. We have only heard about it. Why not make the release?

26059682? ago

Who are you asking to do the releasing? The media outlets are trying to verify before any release but they are doing so.

The subpoena actually has me thinking that the FBI isn't commenting because it's part of a real investigation, Durham or otherwise. They won't release until they can do so without compromising a real investigation, or that's my optimistic hope.

Also, you can't release the rumored child porn stuff because it's illegal to do so.

What we've seen so far, along with the other Hunter info coming out, pretty much guarantees that Biden is stepping down and won't even debate on Thursday.

Lastly, Biden is a bit of an appetizer. He's not the one we cared about bringing down all of these years. He's just the unfortunate puppet they tried to use to shield them because he was "lunch bucket Joe".

26105131? ago

Ok, I just saw your reply a moment ago.

Obviously, Thursday's debate has come and gone, and Biden certainly did not step down. Instead they geeked him up on who knows what kind of amphetamines to push him across the finish line in the debate. We saw the difference in his performance at the beginning and the end of the debate when the drugs were wearing off.

Anyway... Giuliani could release the entire contents of the hard drive. You're right that they shouldn't release the CP stuff, but describing it to the world would be plenty.

I think you are grasping for straws to say that releasing it would damage an ongoing investigation. There is no investigation. That's the whole problem. We have criminals walking free at the highest levels of the government, but nothing gets done. Why? Because there are no investigations, just cover ups under the auspices of conducting investigations. Giuliani would do the world a terrific service to release all of it if there is anything actually damaging to the Bidens in the laptop.

So far, we have seen a few texts that just confirm what we already knew (which means the DOJ would also already have known), that Biden is corrupt. Big fucking deal.

Arrests or GTFO!!!

26105484? ago

Yeah, I guessed wrong on Joe showing up for the debate. Instead, they decided to just plow forward with full denial, hoping that the media blackout can cover him for 11 more days. I don't think they can.

I agree about Biden being amped up on some drug cocktail. Did you see his eyes?

As for releases, the press conference yesterday was pretty damning, and I don't think Bobulinski is done talking, not to mention that he says he can document all of what he's alleging.

Combine that with the rather detailed file that Spalding dropped yesterday, summed up rather nicely here: ZeroHedge, and I just don't see how Joe can pretend to continue. As you point out, I'll likely be wrong on that again, but it's gotta affect the election, doesn't it?

Grasping for straws or not, there's a lot of indication that real investigations are, and have been for awhile, ongoing. I'm not just talking about Durham. Perhaps I'm naive, but I just don't think we are totally rotten to the core yet, and this level of criminality at the highest levels simply has to be punished if the nation is to survive. There are good and smart people still in DC, and they know everything (and more) that you and I do.

So, win the election first, then AOGTFO is where I'm at now.

26105734? ago

I appreciate the thoughtful response. My position is that there cannot possibly be too many good people in DC. Where are they, if they are there? They certainly aren't at the NSA, where all of Hillary's emails and all the evidence for the Awan Brothers is absolutely on file. Those are the folks busy violating the 4th amendment as part of their job duties. They aren't at the DOJ, where no matter how much evidence comes out, the attorneys can never seem to build a case. They aren't at the FBI, filled with dirty cops intimidating patriotic citizens who merely want equal application of the law and justice served.

The problem I see is that good people don't generally end up in DC. For every Ron Paul or Rand Paul, you have 30,000 Christopher Wrays. For every DJT, you have 60,000 Paul Ryans. At some point, the thought that one can join government to reform it analogizes to joining the mafia to make it more transparent and democratic. Good people don't join the mafia.

26107010? ago

I come here for the occasional good conversation, and this is one of them.

My take on the "good people in DC" is based on personal experience. I spent my early career working for large Wall Street banks. The vast majority of the people absolutely follow the letter of the law. The risk/reward for not doing so just doesn't make sense most of the time (not to mention that I still believe most people are inherently good). That calculation starts to shift at the top of the pyramid where the rewards are significantly greater. As a result, the type of people more inclined to bend/break rules seem to congregate at the top of the organizations. There are other perverse incentives, but I suspect this is similar in our governmental agencies.

What we perceive to be nothing being done is quite often the result of following the letter of the law, which has become so unwieldy and process-oriented, that cases of real magnitude spend more time dotting i's and crossing t's that any concept of efficiency is just not possible. Those unwieldy processes are also supposed to protect the rest of us as well, and it even does so most of the time.

Shipwreckedcrew, a Twitter persona and a write at Red State, makes this point pretty well on an almost daily basis. I don't particularly like it any more than you do, but that's the bureaucratic reality we live with.

Your points are not invalid, but perhaps a bit overstated. Or at least I hope so. If those organizations are as corrupt as you portray, from top to bottom, we are all collectively F'd, and we may as well give Antifa their chance to fix things.

I'm not sure whose version is correct, but I suspect we'll find out soon. Let's hope mine is, because it results in a better ending to this amazing saga we are living through.

26063410? ago

Guliani. He has the data, he’s the one who provided it to NYPost. He could release it.

26064678? ago

Anything that comes from Giuliani is going to be immediately rejected and ignored by too many. It's become far too easy to attack the messenger and ignore the message.

26060657? ago

lmao you know deep down nothing is gonna happen and you’re sweating it big time. how embarrassing for you. you will be mocked by your friends and family for this, and it’s going to hurt.

26054496? ago

Yeah, Q has pretty much had the program.

26053257? ago


Five years from now you cucks: “Been 8 years now, Biden still the President and I’m getting a tad impatient”

26059487? ago

Biden will have withdrawn before the debates on Thursday. They'll blame Covid and maybe even off him, but there will never be a President Biden.

26062671? ago

When shit like this never comes true does it ever make you think “maybe I’m a faggot that really IS clueless?”

I’ll gladly change my assessment this happens but since it won’t, in a couple days come back and remind yourself just how very limited your critical thinking is.

If you make these claims and they fail, why anyone put any trust into anything you ever posit?

26060129? ago

Your right, it'll be President Kamoola Harris

26059834? ago

lmao you don’t actually believe this though is the thing. sad!

26053268? ago


26053314? ago


26051055? ago

Im all petered out.

26054423? ago

Heh. Peter.

26056636? ago


26051717? ago

pegged out

26056567? ago

That's not what your dominatrix said.

26050988? ago

bUt iTs hApPeNiNg!!

26050736? ago

They have been laser targeted for a long time.

Where the fuck is the gunship.

26052095? ago

I don't know but the batteries are about to give way.

26050386? ago

But they're panicking in DC!

26059480? ago

You don't think they are panicking in DC right now? There's no way Biden shows up on Thursday.

26059820? ago


26059761? ago

Are you joking? Why wouldn't he show up? He's ahead in the polls.

26060065? ago

Sarcasm sensed...

26060122? ago

No sarcasm, it's like 2016, they think they're winning. They already got Trump to agree to have his mic muted. Didn't you read the news

26061357? ago

Trump should answer all the questions by moving his lips but not making any sounds.

26055151? ago

And suicide weekend #20 just happened