26034003? ago

This still remains an enigma. Q post 4885 does not dispel the idea that he is alive or dead. Q simply lists what people who are doubtful of him being alive are saying. This post does not dispel the idea one way or the other. Open question for me but I lean toward, he is dead while hoping he is alive.

26033768? ago



26032487? ago

Exactly, the way they get so triggered in a group is kind of alarming. I made the other post that triggered numerous downvotes and vitriolic comments, and not even a shill lmao. It’s a theory. But they’re scared as fuck of it for some reason. As if they were there at JFK Jr’s death or know when Q is providing disinformation or not.

26032599? ago

Here;s another shill post:


Why the need for shaming and ad-hominem attacks if the facts are on their side? Typical shill tactics?

26032887? ago

Spotted that as a shill post right away. It’s what made me want to trigger them so badly.

26032480? ago

It made me think on those lines too.