26044696? ago

10/17 came and went, and still the shills are dribbling shit in their pants worrying that the JFK Jr ruse might be real. What the fuck boys? The thought of the real life Kennedy walking up on the stage really scare you fucking retards that badly? Why?

Don't you have any faith in your evil cunt doing him in? You are so focused you still can't believe it didn't happen, and still have foot steps echoing in your brains? kek

26045449? ago

Nobody above 50iq thinks jfk jr is alive.

26045496? ago

I didn't say I thought they had half a brain. I said they are about to shit themselves with worry. They got fucking played big time by Q.

26035316? ago

Still waiting for Q to disavow Israel

26035296? ago

Who gives a fuck to an anon says Hillary would be arrested in 2017 ?

26035262? ago

Midterms were safe.

Trust Wray

Trust Sessions

P a t r i o t s i n C o n t r o l

26035698? ago

Yeah, yeah, but you can relax now. Barr is in charge. đŸ€Ș

26034802? ago

OP, you don’t know shit just like the rest of us retards. Get off your soapbox.

26034755? ago

I mean...if they knew it was fake why didn’t they steer people clear by saying it’s fake? There are people here that have a DEEP distrust of Government. If they’d kill a President, shit man what else could be going on?

That said...the JFK Jr. thing was just stupid and mean. So it makes sense the left thought of it.

26034707? ago

This doesn't mean that Hillary is not a lizard person, though! :>D

26034544? ago

Disinfo is necessary. JFK Jr is alive.

26034458? ago

The JFK jr. thing is just one of many examples of non-endorsed conjecture being passed off as fact.

I'm made several posts telling people to stick with what we know to be factual because anything otherwise hurts the movement. And I have been berated for it by the idiots.

Thanks for this post. It's nice to know that you're out there.

26037411? ago

What, do you think the nutjobs, morons and shills are going to magically listen to people telling them not to be nutjobs, morons and shills?

26034816? ago

Holy shit brother, its so good to know you're out there too. Fucking refreshing. It gets rough in the seas.

26034888? ago

Fist bump

26035706? ago

Get a room.

26034348? ago

Another discussion on a useless subject that keeps you distracted from what is really happening. Shills are very good at sliding the topic. One of the biggest drops in 4 years and you guys are caught up and spending time on a nobody as it relates to where this country finds itself.

26035713? ago

Droppings, foo. Droppings.

26034177? ago

JFK jr. being alive is more believable than magic potions.

26046548? ago

Its as believable as the holocaust

26035355? ago

Adrenochrome isn't a magic potion and no one claims it has magical properties. Biochemistry isn't magic.

26035376? ago

A lot of Q researchers said it gave the cabal power. What do you think it does?

26035409? ago

I do not know what it does, I haven't taken it. Whatever it does it does because of its chemical properties not because of witchcraft or magic. You'd have to be obtuse to read Jon Podesta's e-mails and not see references to very strange and disconcerting practices that are clearly being referred to in simple code words.

26035429? ago

The codes in the Podesta emails were invented by 4Chan. They didn't research, they made it up.

26035446? ago

Wrong, the FBI identified those code words as ones used by pedophiles years before we ever heard of Spirit Cooking.

26035463? ago


26035510? ago

Go look for yourself, bucko

26035567? ago

I did. There isn't any pizza related themes. Just some spirials, which is a pretty common shape, and the emails didn't have spirals.

26035637? ago

All the pizza places had spirals.

But I meant go research the pizza related codes. CP, child porn, cheese pizza has been a thing for a while

26035659? ago

You said:

Wrong, the FBI identified those code words as ones used by pedophiles years before we ever heard of Spirit Cooking.

And that isn't accurate. 4Chan invented those codes to make boring emails interesting.

26035683? ago

I didn't say that but it is accurate.

You're obviously a kike. You are Babylonian scum.

26035693? ago

One of you said it. And you're resorting to making this about me to distract from the fact 4Chan created the code after seeing the emails.

26035833? ago

They knew about some of those codes before the emails. But others were found from the FBI.

4chan knew Cheese Pizza, but didn't know walnut sauce.

I bet you play dominos on pizza...

26034221? ago


26034318? ago

The adrenochrome. It allegedly gives tbe cabal power and keeps them youthful.

26035500? ago

Young blood keeps them youthful, the adrenochrome is just the drug in the victims blood.

Get it right, faggit

26035571? ago

I can't tell if you're kidding or not.

26035609? ago

Welcome, newfag.

Pst: vampires are kinda real

26035622? ago

Very sane.

26033618? ago

Q was pointing out the infiltration of the Q boards early on by the people pushing this nonsense. The same people are now on TV telling everyone who will listen that these Qanons (wrong term, dead giveaway) are nut jobs.

26033538? ago

We will know in the end, I'm open to anything.

26033371? ago

So now all these shills are on record, unequivocally disproving Q supposedly. Even though Q clearly stated JFK Jr is dead. So how dumb would they look if he really did walk out on stage? Haha. PS. I do think he's really gone. But I can hope.

26033937? ago

I feel like him faking his death for decades for no benefit to anyone would look dumber, but I get your point.

26034487? ago

Let me see...

(((They))) killed his dad.

(((They))) killed his uncle.

Hmmm... what possible reason could he have?

26035738? ago

He dayuh, foo.

26033262? ago

Those are "shills" that repeatedly hammer a fringe topic in order to make the discussion less consumable. Then, as we see - the "fact-checkers" use the shill-o-rama as evidence of the fringe-iness of the entirety of the discussion.

26033240? ago

JFK was underlined in the Q post. Not Jr. . When cousin RFK jr. touched his nose, on that vid, when chat asked if jr is alive, he smiled and touched his nose. POTUS said, in the resolute desk video, showing Jon Jon's photo, "John Jr. IS a good friend of mine. Not WAS he said IS. present tense. CASE CLOSED.

Seeing is believing is the satanic LIE. The truth is: Believe and you will see it manifested. Choose your timeline, to manifest it. Jr. is just FINE.

26033945? ago

someone touched his nose and used the wrong tense in speaking

Damn man, solid case.

26033785? ago

So you're saying that JFK is still alive I get it. Wow

26033041? ago

I am waiting for Q to disavow child porn.

26035144? ago

Israel is saved for last.

26036598? ago

Gotta give the kikes enough time to build the Third Temple. Red heifer breeding project was completed successfully. Noahide Law for the goyim comes next. I'm sure they'll interpret this metaphorically. The kikes made a big deal of Trump/King Cyrus shekel, commemorating Trump (shabbos goy) moving the embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as the capitol of Israel, cohencidentally 70 years after the establishment of Israel, corresponding to the 70 years of slavery King Cyrus freed the kikes from long ago. It's all coming together now, goys.

26044838? ago

what will be next ? kill us all in the next 70 years ?

26046558? ago

Like I said, Noahide Law for the goyim.

26046612? ago

Which is ? do we allow to eat bacon or no ?

26046690? ago

Use a search engine lazy nigger.

26032874? ago

I think the blatant shill content was intentionally inserted and promoted on 8kun for the sole purpose of discrediting the movement. Later the blue check marks would take their own memes and poke fun at us. Even if zero anons agreed with the JFK theory, the same outcome would have resulted.

26032856? ago

Q reposts that drop whenever there's a major influx of noobs. Happened twice now.

26032415? ago

NEXT: low IQ clone faggots will be called out.

26032235? ago

Ok, so JFK Jr. is still alive. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

26032234? ago

You’re so7nding as scared as those people Q linked to lol

26032225? ago

How do you 'splain this ?

26033574? ago

You really need that explained to you, stupid faggot? No one who watched it live saw that. Not one. Now all of a sudden there are people who claim they saw it live. They were lying. It didn’t happen. Stop it. Stop falling for everything that people put in front of you like a hungry dog with a plate of meat. You gullible faggots.

26033163? ago

the chat was edited to show that, it was not there live

26032700? ago

Idk disinformation is necessary. It’s at least possible lol

26032148? ago

Trust Wray. Trust Sessions.

26036307? ago


26036545? ago

How did the Chinese know about this before Q?


26035271? ago

Midterms were safe lol

26032194? ago


26031950? ago

Da fuck? You’re shit posting without s a link to content. You only make the argument stronger.

26032090? ago

Q4885. Its in the fucking title. Are you disabled?

26035442? ago

Are you disabled?

This is the kind of posting that makes people hate boomers, you never source anything you just make statements that just assume everyone knows what you know, if everyone did know what you knew, why did you even post it in the first place?

26036069? ago

voat has a low effort posting problem. I have argued the same thing to other people that post like retards. they just dont get it

26035602? ago


I've listed the source multiple times.

Sorry I asked the wrong question. Are you mentally retarded?

26035613? ago

just post the link you stupid faggot

26033507? ago

You really need to check that post again Anon:


Do you see how it works?


When do you expend ammunition?


Q's pointing out that the evil cabal is using DARPA tech to spread disinfo. Havn't you notice its all checkmark pushing that content?

Anons didn't have that narrative. Smart Anons know the truth, and those checkmark was pushing that fake narrative to use it against POTUS.

26032142? ago

Shit posting. Put a link. Nobody knows who you are or whether it’s worth looking up whatever shit you have to say. It’s that simple. Or continue to shit post. Most people will skim through And ignore because this place is full of dumb fuck shills. Lazy people are the worst. If you initiate enough to make a post, don’t be lazy.

26032284? ago

Does your mom hold your micro dick when you piss all down your legs?

Q4885 you literal drooling dumb fuck. If you don't know where to find that or what it is then fuck off kike.

26034996? ago

Lol. You’re just a lazy fuck. I was just letting you know.

26032188? ago

LMFAO calling people lazy whilst begging for a link for something YOU SHOULD HAVE ALREADY READ!!!

Fucking faggot

26035050? ago

I’M not the one that made a post. I’M the one taking a shit and skimming through ALL the posts. It’s up to the post maker to make the post. The post maker in this case was lazy. It’s that simple. Don’t expect people to take you post seriously if you’re going to be a lazy fuck making it.

26032858? ago

He's not begging for a lonk9and he's right. OP is lazy. If you're going to make a post, at least don't be a boomer and include some links. Fucking boomers.

26033289? ago

Why are you trying to prevent people from going to look at a Q post aggregator?

Everyone on here should know where to go to see Q posts, and it'll be on the splash page. I can get to it quicker myself than clicking a link and waiting for Voat's servers to route me.

26035220? ago

Why wouldn’t you provide a link so someone that isn’t a regular on QRV but is surfing through “all” would understand what the fuck you’re talking about you lazy fuck. Are you trying to make the i formation you have easily accessible or do people have to be in a special club you lazy fuck?

26033429? ago

Stfu. You don't understand.

The reason we're complaining is because you low effort posters make this place shitty. Like if you're using the energy to make a post, at least save the users some time and source some shit. It's fucking 2020 and people still don't understand proper forum etiquette yet.

26033500? ago

I don't need to shut up you fucking faggot.

Just because you're retarded and have to be led around like a sheep doesn't mean the rest of us do.

Some of us are actually competent at using the internet.

26036728? ago

No you idiot, you're still not understanding this... I can't make this any simpler for you I don't think.

I know how to look around the internet. I can find what I'm looking for, that's not what this is about, so forget that for a second... K? You with me?

Don't be a lazy cunty boomer. Have some respect for fellow Anons and LINK WHATEVER THE FUCK IT IS YOU'RE POSTING ABOUT. Fucking hell...

You low IQ morons are always posting the dumbest, low effort, zero energy "did you see the news just now omfg!!!" bullshit posts, clogging up the board and burying better content.

Go back to reddit you stupid lazy piece of shit....

26039391? ago

Sorry bro but JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MENTALLY RETARDED it does not mean we are.

You're calling people low IQ, but are too stupid to uphold a discussion about something on a ... discussion post. YOU FUCKING RETARD.

You're calling others lazy, whilst too lazy to search up the discussion.


26034282? ago

And some aren’t. So if you want your info to get out, post a fucking link.

26034362? ago

Who do you work for MSDNC or CCN? lol

Just learn the internet. Surf it bitch.

26032877? ago


26032051? ago

26032261? ago

That’s very ambiguous. JFK Jr. is dead. The name is dead. That’s what happenes when you fake a death. I find it strange that I read a post talking about “Q exists, anons exist, QAnon doesn’t exist” but yet the same people that read this can’t find ambiguity in “Is JFK Jr. alive?... No.” you could easily spin that as “JFK Jr. is dead And JFK’s son lives on as Vincent Fusca.” You’re trying to be a gate keeper. Gate keepers are gay as fuck.

26046599? ago

When people crash airplanes they usually die.

26050214? ago

That’s the point. It’s also a very easy way to fake a death. Plane leaves, doesn’t come back, he must be dead.

26034540? ago

No, you're complicating something that isn't complicated.

Normally, none of us would care. The issue is that when you spread bullshit, you help the enemy.

It ultimately doesn't matter in the long run because what's true is coming out and what's not will die on its own.

But in the meantime, it would be nice if you people would cut the bullshit.

26034968? ago

No. You’re gatekeeping and trying to say what Q means and what we should and shouldn’t believe. It’s gatekeeping and it’s gay.

26035270? ago

I'm not trying to say what Q means.

Q has already expressed what he means.

You are trying to twist what Q told you unequivocally.

26035326? ago

“Disinformation is necessary.”

Is this something Q said?

Who are you to decide what information is acceptable?

I’m not twisting shit. I‘m saying the JFK Jr. thing is a legitimate conspiracy theory. Regardless, it’s not that important at the moment. Seeing all these posts that are deliberately attacking a particular theory out of hundreds throws a red flag up. What gives you the authority to decide what is genuine and what is disinformation?

26035469? ago

Ok, it's like you didn't even read my post.

I said that discussing things and asking questions is fine.

That's very different than posting all over social media that "Q said JFK jr. is alive."

THAT is what people are pissed about.

No one is pissed about you or anyone else discussing a theory. That is encouraged, in fact.

The problem is when someone takes such a theory, says it's a fact and that Q said it, and spreads it everywhere.

Do you see the difference?

26035658? ago

That’s not what this post is doing. It’s calling people that believe the JFK Jr. theory “low IQ faggots. It’s obvious this struck a nerve and now there are multiple posts trying to downplay it. Too obvious.

26033597? ago


26034979? ago

Yea. And 6 million Jews died. You get it yet?

26031745? ago

I love that Q had to repost this because the whole thing has been coopted by nutjobs. I mean.. bigger nutjobs than the typical desperate losers that follow.

26035430? ago

Q posted it because it was trending on twatter.

26032510? ago

Maybe, but now I'm noticing that in the anon's question to Q, the "JFK" is underlined, but not the "Jr." So, Q's answer is a simple "No"

But, to whom does Q refer to?

26035210? ago

to whom does Q refer to?

The one that should RIP in peace.

26034398? ago

Why would it matter? Worthless subject and merely a distraction that was set up a couple of years earlier. Flat earth comes to mind as well. You guys have been chasing windmills.

26035988? ago

Revenge is a powerful motive.

26034204? ago

The underline is on the HOSTING SITE to give a link to help people find meanings in the abbr.

The Question Q puts to bed is JFK jr is INDEED DEAD.

26033017? ago

I saw that too. The underlining, the whole Jr or now not a jr, the cousin nose scratch, etc. Makes you wonder. Disinformation is necessary. I guess in the end, we shall see.

26035284? ago

It's done by the site, not Q. No means that Jr. is not alive.

26033155? ago

The nose scratch was edited after the fact

26033911? ago

Ahhh didn’t know that. I guess he is dead.

26032956? ago

It's a feature on the agg sights to show what JFK stands for.

26034026? ago

I have seen that.

26032044? ago

More like shilltards were given marching orders to combine Q with JFK Jr. and Flat Earth.

26036528? ago

Don't pat yourselves on the back too much. I think you'll find many people who follow Q hold a lot of fringe beliefs that are not based on much substance. Doesn't have to be a negative thing. They are less skeptical and more open minded at least. At the very least they aren't mainstream media programmed NPCs. I personally think Q is a psyop, by who and to what ends remains to be seen, beyond support for Trump. My personal theory is that Zionists are fighting for control over the US, as they've fallen far behind the Western bolshevik secular jew diaspora. The Chinese are involved in the power struggle as well.

26036730? ago

Of course Q is a psyop.

And if Q is being ran behind the scenes by the zionists then, well, we're totally screwed.

26035663? ago

Haha I forgot about the flat earth shit. Yeah these people are stupid.

26037075? ago

yeah.. years of minimum wage / unpaid interns getting yelled at by out of touch elites and rewarded with shity stale cheese pizza so shit post all over q stuff with flat earth bs and channled pelidium propaganda so they can 'lead us' with priests and make q & anons look like idiots

26032988? ago

The goalposts have been uprooted and are on their way to Mars

26033555? ago

Incredible, isn’t it?