26038919? ago

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26038754? ago

I wonder if Hunter flipped, and all that "where's Hunter ?" was letting the deep state know .

26038549? ago

Hunter turned states evidence against "pops" surrendering all communications, probably plead guilty to all of it ....roosting chickens have consequences

26037785? ago

Why doesn't POTUS post the Foreign Emoluents Clause along with Biden's corruption evidence? If he doesn't throw obvious shit in the face of stupid normies who have the power to vote, they will remain asleep and idiotic.

26037437? ago

Fall of The Cabal sequel names the Jews (fraud Jews). https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRizDPuLs8c4/ Do I really have enough upvotes to post links?

26037100? ago

The Q drops are increasing in clarity and intensity. Lets see what happens.

26036731? ago

New Q implies Hunter was pulling the plug on pops by default, moab much ?

26037083? ago

Me thinks you are right...A man crying out for help and wanting America to save itself from Pop, is what I am seeing.

26035684? ago

Dear Chris Coons : why did you let Biden creep on your daughter? You should of jabbed him in his rotten mouth instead you spin for him, you're a coward to your own daughter.

26035583? ago

We are winning. This isn't even a debate anymore, this is a war. We will win because we ARE the people and WE WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!

This is what you voted for right? You wanted change. You wanted a president who would stand up against the corrupt establishment and take back our country from those who have betrayed us time after time. YOU were RIGHT!

Now let's get to work.

Anon on L.A.

I'm not trying to downplay this. Let's make this happen. But all that needs to be done is what I suggested, especially since it could be infiltrated.

You will never be able to get enough to bring anyone close to the organization down though. Like I said, it's a lose lose. If you go in too deep, you could get killed. If you don't go in too deep, they could still kill you.

26037199? ago

shut up faggot

26034152? ago

Make an arrest Q because if Trump loses so do you, and so do we....wwg1wga. Please don't send us down the shit shoot.

26035156? ago

What is most important is that you get out and vote Republican down the ticket. That is all we can do right now. We have to hope in the next four years our elected officials can Drain the Swamp!

26037176? ago


26034091? ago

Although the payments of cash money to Biden is huge. The real money lies in the equity splits. These equity splits could be up to hundreds of millions or even higher.

Might require some time to prove that Joe Biden and his family were the final or ultimate beneficiaries due to usage of family trusts, foundations and setting up mutiple companies across different juristictions to add layers of secrecy.

This might make it difficult to prove corruption

26034053? ago

4887: Isn't using DARPA-created AI for political purposes a misuse of government funds? Shouldn't there be some arrests for this?

26035246? ago

The internet is a simulation. There is not internet, there is ARPA net. You are not posting on the "internet". Who owns the name server? Where is the data hosted, who owns the data lines it travels on? You think Voat is organic? Look into it.

26032862? ago

Regarding 4886,

To be honest, I don't really see a problem with 'Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran' in the Biden extortion.

The problem is in US. a VP is selling US influence to the highest bidder. That is the problem. If it was not 'Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran', it will be other who will paid. In the case of IRAQ, it is very likely US money was used for the payment.

In my opinion, blaming 'Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran' is just failed to realize our own problem.

26032578? ago

I'd trade half the 7th floor just for the arrest of one debate moderator or a national news anchor at this point. They need shock and oh shit now !

26035160? ago

LOW ENERGY^^^ Trump is a fighter and you are a faggot

26032555? ago

DARPA is not gonna work

26035189? ago

Think mirror.

26032472? ago

"Where we go one we go all!"

-> Insane theorists, violent white supremacists, anti-Semitic's join the fray - welcomed in with open arms

-> Qanon and the best friend insane theorists, violent white supremacists, and anti-Semitic's gain notoriety

-> "There is no we!"

26035181? ago

There is no Qanon, you are wrong. It is Q and Anon, very different from QAnon. Disinfo is necessaary.

26032454? ago

Bossman Q+ sitting there saying the doesn't know, don't play poker against him! or chess

26032366? ago

If dirty grifter email chains were bad for democrats Hillary would be in Guantanamo years ago. Still haven't disclosed anything "indefensible" if it doesn't get a mention on the networks.

26035214? ago

Guantanamo isn't "real". That's the actual reason nobody has been sent to it in the last four years. They have all been transferred to Afghani military bases -- why do you think Trump has kept a small US military presence there? That is where the tribunals are being held. Everyone has been focused on Guantamo, why? It's smoke and mirrors.

26037149? ago


26032362? ago

bunch of bullshit we already know

26032279? ago

The media doesnt care how much money the Bidens grifted, practically everyone they know does the same thing. Guiliani can turn one in that says " I gave the bribe to my dad as always " signed Hunter

26035257? ago

Giuliani is the worst person to be putting on a face for this scandal. Nobody trusts him after 9/11, I always change the channel whenever he's on. Just stupid, have someone else on tv talking about Biden.

26035999? ago

Giuliani is the source of the intel. Can’t have the story without him

26037207? ago

and that is why everyone dismissed the story

26031687? ago

Jfk jr faggots put on blast.

26030757? ago


26035610? ago

Arrests after the election. Everyone here needs to vote and get another four years, it's the only way we can get the plan in motion. Four more years!

26030157? ago

I have posted Q Drop 2611 on every claim that JFK Jr is alive.

Now I see that the people posting that crap weren't just stupid - they are infiltrators.

26034660? ago

And I post "99% of FBI are patriots" when people bash them.

We both get the same idiotic response: "disinfo is necessary!"

26032178? ago

Unfortunately. The shills on these and other boards have pushed some of the more questionable aspects, too. We must always stay vigilant. Polite, but vigilant. I know some well-intentioned people got caught up in this, too.

26032787? ago

As I always said, it would be nice if he was still alive but did doubt it. Just wasn't plausible. And then Q confirmed he was not living, so that kind of solidified it.

Everything Q talks about is 100% plausible though, with the Clinton Foundation/Epstein, and Biden stuff.

That fucking MSM is trying to roll up all the crazy shit that Alex Jones talks about and blame it on us, to make us look like a scary monolith conspiracy theory. I guess they are trying to turn people away from it but... I don't think it's working. Everyone that's read all the Q posts knows the reality being discussed.

It's really interesting that they don't try to roll the Wayfarer shit into us though.

26034465? ago

Agree 100%. The Mockingbird media, big tech wouldn't be acting like this if they were winning. Desperate moves by desperate players.

26029998? ago

Q, no deals, no mercy. No enemy is more corrupt or evil. If you west point types fail with your game theory, millions of patriots will succeed with pure rage.

26029848? ago

All for a LARP?

26035269? ago

All for a DARPA>>LARPA>>ARPA.Net>>>Al Gore involved?

26032388? ago

all for sycophant votes

26029842? ago

So is JFKJR alive?

26030337? ago

So is JFKJR alive?

No is the short answer. Details and source below.

Height does NOT match

According to BTB, Vincent Fusca is NOT JFK Jr. This is FAKE news. Simply because Fusca is much shorter then JFK Jr. Fusca is 5’8” or less compare to JFK Jr who was 6’1”. Watch BTB’s video and photo proof at https://youtu.be/Yt3hOEsBH_o?t=3811

If you keep spreading the fake news that Fusca is JFK Jr, you risk to set yourself for disappointment






Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 9 Jul 2019


When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….





Your Vote Matters


26029857? ago



26029721? ago


New Zealand is foreshadowing how our next “election” will go. The system the royals left us lets them determine the winner at will.

26029642? ago

So fox news is now taking their talking points from AS. Hmmm........I guess they also believe that Rudy is a Russian double agent then. I see...no wonder I don't pay for Cable and TV anymore. Bring down the entire MSM run, manned and backed by the Clowns. Biblical is right and I'm going to buy a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne when this is all over and drink it all by myself since I've lost all my best friends and family over this whole nightmare.

26036038? ago

sbt_iawy : Sad but true. I am with you.

26029604? ago

26029312? ago

If it's gonna be Biblical, can you please start tomorrow?

26032859? ago

well it could mean you wait a long time before anything happens. I have been waiting my whole life for Jesus to return and it hasn't happened yet.

26037167? ago

hello i am jesus pls send noods

26032807? ago

I'd at least take the truth about this "pandemic". Shit is driving people mental.

26035141? ago


I was hoping for justice.

I don't give a flying fuck that Michigan had a governor problem.

26029224? ago


Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)

Nick Rice: You will end this!

Clyde Shelton: I'm just getting warmed up.

Clyde Shelton: This is Von Clausewitz shit-total fucking war.

Clyde Shelton: I'm gonna pull the whole thing down.

I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased,

corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be biblical.

26029084? ago

There is no Qanon? Better tell all the merch salespeople and grifters... well at least the ones who haven't been banned to oblivion. Change the name of qanon.pub as well.

26035226? ago

qanon.pub is referring to Q and Anon. and the "pub" means...???

26028913? ago

That Inauguration photo cracks me up. Trump is walking down the aisle. Everyone on the stage is turned around to watch him as he approaches the podium - everyone that is except Killary who is staring out at the crowd thinking “How did I fuck up a rigged election?”

Always remember this. The Dems are world class criminals. But they ride the short bus when it comes to execution.

26034639? ago

Always remember this. The Dems are world class criminals. But they ride the short bus when it comes to execution.

You're so much smarter than the deep state

26030076? ago

Killary who is staring out at the crowd thinking “How did I fuck up a rigged election?”

This is how ;)


26035128? ago

Hillary is not running in 2020, this is misinformtaion

26029684? ago

Charter members of DENSA.

26029466? ago

That picture was before Q got going. Imagine his support now.

26028797? ago

When does the media ask a question(s) about both Q and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in the same breadth?

26028689? ago

Love that Inauguration picture. So many Libtards in the audience with the Black Capsule in their pockets just in case.

26028683? ago

The media are such faggots.

26028671? ago

Nothing can stop nothing from coming. Nothing!!

26033412? ago

Except losing an election apparently.

26035279? ago

Shut up. Vote, it's important this election. GOP down the ticket. The next four years are going to be critical to the plan.

26037186? ago

lmao no

26598672? ago

lmao u lost big time faggo

26028642? ago

26028639? ago

Kim Clement saw this drop in one of his prophecies. He saw the letter Q & letter A. At that time he did not know what it means. There is Q and There are A nons.

26035285? ago

Satanic^^^ Christ said there will be no prophets before he returns. Beware of those bearing false witness.

26033426? ago

I saw this drop in my shit this morning. It came out in the shape of a Q and came from my [A]sshole.

26029110? ago

Good lord that's retarded.

26029063? ago

Where is the A? Is that the top of the pic where the crowds are in the distance on the street?

26028610? ago

Dear Q I have a Request some Hondells. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHmRxpumtB4

Hang Tight

26028595? ago

What is the referenced retweet at 17:17? Please hyperlink me up.

26029075? ago

post 4882 https://qagg.news/ 10/17 at the 17 hour

26030207? ago

26028520? ago

Wish this was in youtube format so I could share with normies.

26029034? ago

I really appreciate that friend.

26028561? ago

Yeah cause that's what people love getting, youtube links from their crazy uncles

26029020? ago

Better than JFK Jr is alive memes from my crazy Aunt. Todays the day apparently.

26029098? ago

Yep, there are some fb groups that are predicting today as the return of JFK Jr. Hope they don't commit suicide if nothing happens and if it does then I hope I don't commit suicide, lol.

26029345? ago

One of the twitter accounts that is very close to the Kennedy fam says not to believe any of the dates people have been posting about JFK, Jr.'s return.

26029473? ago

But did they deny his return anytime?

26029510? ago

No, and I didn't mean to imply that. Just not to expect it on a certain day.

26028487? ago

Nothing random about it. We're over the target, flak incoming.

26028571? ago

How long have I been hearing "flak incoming" here lol. Just as tired as "PANIC IN DC!!"

26028614? ago

If you can't see the panic, you're not paying attention.

26028632? ago

How many years have they been panicking for? smh

26028446? ago

That's how POTUS was able to say he knows nothing about Qanon. Because there is no Qanon. There is Q and there are anons. The media has not asked the question yet.

26035624? ago

Because there is no Qanon.

someone should tell the guys over at qanon.pub

26029101? ago

So, Trump is the master of semantics. That explains why he was whining like a baby about not knowing something over and over again. Got it.

26033034? ago

Bitch, please....take you pathetic takes back to Reddit

26036650? ago

The messengers, presumably the FBI or special agents of the FBI, are at the door. They look grim. Well, you suppose you should expect that given the nature of their visit.

"Hello Mr. Matasan,"

You stand up from your chair to greet your visitors.

"Please have a seat."

"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice,"

The first man, around your age, dressed in a three-piece suit, US Marshall's insignia prominent on his shirt, sits down. The second, a younger man, dressed in a cheap suit, sits in front of him.

"I'm Agent Reed," the man in the suit says, extending his hand. "This is Agent Smith."

"We're with the FBI," Reed continues. "I'm sure you've heard us mentioned before."

"Yes, of course," you say. "It's nice to see you again."

"We're here about the money from the ransom," Reed says. "Specifically, about where it went."

You smile.

"I think there's some confusion," you say. "I haven't received any ransom money."

Reed frowns.

"There was a drop box at the hideout," Smith says. "Where did you put the money?"

"I haven't received any money," you say again. "And I have no idea where it went."

The two men glance at each other, and then turn back to you.

26030481? ago

He has trumped the "is" crowd.

26037089? ago

without a blue dress!!!

26030270? ago

the enemy deals in semantics, so of course the whitehats do too.

don't you (((guys))) know anything🙄

26035593? ago

🤣🤣🤣 ROFL

26029567? ago

Oh bless your heart. You’ve fallen for a simple media trick. You’re retarded and I know this is hard for you to comprehend. But that media demon CLEARLY said QAnon and not Q. And then that ham beast proceded to detail “crazy conspiracy theories” produced by people on message boards that also post about Q, but not what Q has ACTUALLY said. This is exactly how the media link the “crazy conspiracy theories” that these people, who are not Q, come up with thus making normies think Q is an insane conspiracy theory, and attempting to make Trump denounce something that she misrepresents as Q. I know this is hard for you to understand. That’s why these tricks work so well because most of the audience is as retarded as you.

Correct me if I’m wrong but Q has never posted what she said.

26028358? ago

Got it. QAnon does not exist. Fake news

26028328? ago

Let the truth flow like water, Let it rain !

26035149? ago

Let the truth flow like butter, Let it churn!

26037081? ago

Churn, churn churn churn, Byrds

26028579? ago

Yes, the truth like "I know nothing about them"

26035722? ago

wow, did you even go to middle school? it's word play, which they ALL do.

wake up.

26028316? ago

It's almost as if Q (Drop 4881) was listening to me talking with my husband an hour ago! We watched the NewsMax story (well done)... and we discussed the separation and difference between of Q and Anons. Those that know...know.

26037675? ago

Deleted youtube channels need to be stickied but mods are not doing it. https://voat.co/v/QRV/4070456

Amazing Poly https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/

Dustin Nemos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/QKL2mVYPDV5u/

Mouthy Buddha https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wnuZEpMvRZs6/

X22report https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n78PbEkvWx2g/

World Alt Media https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gzFCj8AuSWgp/

SGT Report https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nLPcg68RnP97/

Dollar_Vigilante https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DkNYbFJKDPpX/

Titus Frost https://www.bitchute.com/channel/2Zo51w9MJ8db/

Destroying the Illusion https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XyIkC2xqtFHY/

RedPill78 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ckAsk0HlOn5w/

Praying Medic https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FJLej1ou6JVe/

Storm is Upon Us https://www.bitchute.com/channel/50tnZ2hx6duU/

TruthAndArtTV https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zF2pCSj7AldT/

In Pursuit of Truth https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Xe2ztraIRXRX/

Woke Societies https://www.bitchute.com/channel/su0VFFviTYDs/

PSB – Patriot Soap Box https://dlive.tv/psb

intheMatrixxx.com https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LYlGuC0RYchh/

And We Know https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1uDxpDogKMs9/

Stroppy Me – Stroppy https://www.bitchute.com/channel/M4YtazGIdcIH/

JustInformed Talk https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zWqrqKTLkhqW/

Know More News https://www.bitchute.com/channel/qPYBk4x8LaDs/

Last American Vagabond https://www.bitchute.com/channel/24yVcta8zEjY/

Edge of Wonder https://edgeofwonder.tv/

Tru Reporting https://twitter.com/TRUreporting

The Public Space https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tTYGFygwmpk9/

Good Dog https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AKqMX9n330QH/

Sarah Westall https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1Ez5eVnVz1yY/

McAllister TV https://www.bitchute.com/channel/8LyqCWp3SSH4/

26033099? ago

It’s called a Q dropping, foo-ette. A Q dropping.

26035589? ago

droppings? like 💩💩💩

26035984? ago

It’s the polite word. 😇

26029603? ago

"Hive Mind"~Q (Not a joke.)

Welcome to the spiritual battlefield. All thoughts matter. 100th Monkey effect.

"You are not alone", "WWG1WGA", "Great Awakening"~Q

Buckle up buttercups and Godspeed Patriots!

26035771? ago

𓀀 𓁐 𓁓 𓀟 𓂌 𓀁 𓀉 𓀊𓂎 𓀠 𓀂 𓀶 𓀷 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓁼 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒𓂍 𓀅 𓁢 𓁠 𓀆 𓂄𓁖 𓁗 𓀃 𓀄 𓀲𓂉 𓂊 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵𓀇 𓁺 𓀹 𓀺 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂𓁛 𓀸 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓀙 𓀚 𓁙𓀯𓀡 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓂋𓁜 𓀟 𓀠 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓀡 𓁟 𓁚𓀬 𓁡 𓁢 𓀭𓁣 𓂐𓁤 𓁥 𓁦 𓁧 𓁨 𓁩 𓁑 𓁒𓁪 𓁫 𓀃 𓀄𓀻 𓀼 𓁎 𓁬 𓁭 𓂅 𓂆 𓂇𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇𓂃 𓀈𓀡 𓁕 𓁮 𓁯𓁽 𓀎 𓀟 𓀠 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇𓁾 𓁿 𓂀 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀘 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓂏𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪𓀈𓀡 𓁡 𓀞 𓀟𓁢 𓁡𓀓 𓀔 𓀂 𓀃𓁔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀮 𓀗 𓀠 𓂁 𓂂 𓁘 𓁹 𓀰 𓀱𓁉 𓁊 𓁋𓁝 𓁞 𓁌 𓁍𓀂 𓁏 𓂈 .

26040207? ago

I know hieroglyphs well enough to know these are wing-dings not actual hieroglyphic characters. Not a cryptographer, but I'm not going to ping myself by searching it either. I think the pyramids and ancient Egypt are keys to where we are at currently though. Thank (You), and Adonai Fren, go forth then and rejoice in The Love and The Light of The One Infinite Creator!

26045264? ago

I know hieroglyphs well enough

No you dont.

26038659? ago

In english

26028589? ago

Golly you guys are so smart, if only the rest of the world were as smart as y'all

26030246? ago

you do realize that we're all able to do something and you're not?

You're soul is obviously not ready, and you don't seem to give a shit.


26029013? ago

Wait this isnt the MENSA subvoat?

26030381? ago


Go back to Reddit.

26029662? ago

Wrong exit.

26028525? ago

Been having Q thoughts before Q posts as well..
The Q team are excellent teachers

Excellent motivators

God Loving to add the frosting to the cake.

Popcorn is NOT fattening if popped properly; cake on the other hand a great treat in moderation
Chilling more champagne a good idea.

26037074? ago

The cake is a lie.

The portal with the demons? Unclear.

26035632? ago

God Loving to add the frosting to the cake.

I think someone needs to reboot the Chinese bot... wtf does this comment even mean

26033112? ago

“Q thoughts” are what Biden has when he punches the nipples of little girls.

26029651? ago

Would cheeze doodles be too much of a departure from tradition?

26028150? ago

Anyone have a link to a list or thread of all the Obama admin scandals. I use to have it but lost it.

26028601? ago

The unsourced meme with a bunch of names that Hilary apparently had killed? No? Oh, that unsourced meme, nah bro.

26028585? ago

By the time you post it; the list grows.
Imagine what is still coming.

Far as I can tell, still in first gear. Going faster and faster
There will be a time where it will be best to grab a seat(standing up cheering recommended too) pop some corn and JUST ENJOY the Show. When the Pedal hits the metal; you will be pinned back in you seat, like a glorious muscle car in action. Hang Tight and ENJOY

Glory Be, to the Hondelles

26037048? ago

Had my two-Prince-songs 1999 little red Corvette stopped at a light, with my sister in the passenger seat.

She was hold a can of Coke. I told her, tilt the can so the opening is more facing forward. The light turned. She screamed like she was in an amusement park ride, and then, "DO IT AGAIN!!!"

Thank you for the memories! God bless.

26028106? ago


26028089? ago

Thank you Q.

26035172? ago

FuQ, foo. Timing was everything.

26033403? ago


I'm not thanking Q for ANYTHING until HRC or Podesta and Obama are in JAIL

26033794? ago

Just shut up already. No one cares.

26035119? ago

Low energy faggot^^^^

26034900? ago

The truuth is... you're a little girl

26034680? ago

You're WRONG, because I CARE. Fuck another 4 years of this.