26035100? ago


26034247? ago

26033812? ago

Unplugged the TELL THEIR VISION device from the wall 5 years ago. How can you boob tube watches stand for the 50 commercials for 15 minutes of shows pushing: satanic goat god wanna be's with boob, frank, and beans in a dress, obese hogs, few Caucasians, busted families, and mind control lies. Hope the EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM, kicks in soon. It would be great to see COMMERCIAL FREE, 8 hours worth of TRUTH looped for days.

26032091? ago

If your made up god gave a fuck about you, there would be angels floating down on clouds to help you. As it is, you have two thousand years of nothing, and people helping themselves.

26031593? ago

You have authority through Christ as a son of God to rebuke these things.

So do it.

What we bind on earth is bound in heaven.

Vote in heaven and vote on earth.

26032646? ago

God bless you. See you in heaven.

26031293? ago

it's the perversion of our society, (((the zionist's))) agenda, to destroy FAMILY, pervert our children, make us weak and easily CONTROLLABLE,

not oly transformers but the rest as well

* pedophilia

* homosexuality

* gender ideology

* early sexualization of our children

* desensibilization through entertainment, etc

I'm very optimistic that once WE WON, we are stlll able to REVERT this evil, the kelergi plan, everything

There will be a lot of work for us GOOD HUMAN BEINGS to do, lot of job openings :-)


26031077? ago

I have had enough of all this transgender garbage

Do not be afraid, I will not try to divide you by your orientation. How about you, are you going to try to divide other people by their orientation? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)

• He supports Trump

• 217,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ/videos

• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka https://www.bitchute.com/video/BssInd94TiiD/

• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/RealWalkAway

• Website 1 at https://www.walkawayfoundation.org

• Website 2 at https://www.walkawaycampaign.com

• Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/RealWalkAway/

• Wikipedia article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WalkAway_campaign

• Support WalkAway at http://give.classy.org/walkaway



They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


26030466? ago

It seems like 9-11 was a satanic ritual, all the media is lies and all the democrats running for office are women who used to be men...

26028500? ago

It’s also a method of control. They keep pushing you to accept that which is unacceptable. They in turn remove your ability to choose or exercise free will...something we never did to them clearly seeing how they exist. They don’t want us to exist.

26028494? ago

Then turn off the damned TV. Buncha damned bible thumpers calling the kettle black. And then blaming the victims! Learn to think logically and further ahead than the nose on your face.

Twisting by your own rope comes to mjnd.

26028458? ago

There's an advert on TV here, I think it's for one of the mobile phone companies about someone who goes into hospital a female and comes out a 'male' but using a particular phones makes life hunky dorey.. It's so pathetic but it seems to be the next thing being pushed on us. First it was mixed relationships, then it was poofs now it's the multi-gender brigade..

26027353? ago

Covid scam is worst.

26027065? ago

It’s because so many of them are transgender. And the reason that they are transgender is that they worship Satan, and Satan hates humanity, so this is another way that he can fuck up God’s creation, along with The destruction of the family, making killing of babies normal, and just everything else that is fucked up in the world.

26027048? ago

Great 👌 and important thread, OP.

26026323? ago

At first it was like, eww, get that shit away from me, gtfo and be gone you fucking freaks.

Then it was like, ok whatever, people are supporting you so just keep that shit over there to yourself and leave us alone.

Then it was like, uh, hey, that is not ok, but I don’t want to get canceled here, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut and do my own thing.

Then its like, hey, why aren’t you more vocal of your support of us, by not doing more, showing more, saying more, you are in effect against us, so what have you done for us lately...

Now it’s like, join us - or else.

26026710? ago

The slow boiled frog system of mind manipulation is what you're describing.

26026188? ago

I don't think pedophilia will ever be accepted here but these fag/trans freaks aren't much better, even the ones who aren't pedos. I'm on my second year of homeschooling because I don't want my kid exposed to tranny chomo storytime. I'll glady go back to the joint for beating one senseless if they so much as pulled a Biden.

26026030? ago

Quit blaming Satan for normal jew behavior.

26025973? ago

Let's Roll

26025930? ago

It IS child abuse.

Allowing children to take hormones that mess with their brain.

Allow children to dictate how adults and others will address them, changeably.

Child abuse. Society abuse.

26025923? ago

The jews implemented the exact same social-program 100 years ago in Germany. This is what satan's people do when they cross a certain threshold of power/influence.

26025730? ago

It's another inversion. The left wants our consent to more evil.

26025709? ago

They are destroying ths family.

26025684? ago

Be strong in the Lord

26025539? ago

I love it, too me it's a sign that God just might start destroying cities again.

26025472? ago

Who 'accepted' all the bullshit?


christcucks hang first and a lot of the other problems go away overnight

26025463? ago

Welcome to the depopulation movement, a UN sponsored event.

26028347? ago

Of course is it~wrapped up as a liberal force....the whole movement is a kill box for unwanted genes.

The monolitich (stone) block will be intact!




26025455? ago

Its the EXACT SAME with the gay and lesbians, its the same goddamn faggots doing it and the secret goal is sexualizing children. And worshipping satan and some people are just psychotic in general.

But the luciferians push this trash

26025869? ago

homosexuals do not reproduce, they recruit.

26031509? ago

yep, as well liberals don't have (many) children, they will die out in long term, KEK!

see. Dr Steve Turley, made an amazing video on this...

26025447? ago

First of all, all of our feelings are generated by an electical chemical balance in the brain. Clearly nature intended for us to reproduce and be attracted to the opposite sex. Anything against nature means there an imbalance or defect. Religion is a what makes us civilized and is a form of Social Control. The idea of God and Sin is equivalent to Dad and children. God does not actually know all but is the adult in the room who we fear knows all therefore comply with his rules. Sex affects the same area in the Brain as cocaine and is therefore very powerful. God knows this drug is very powerful and can cause degeneracy if misused or if there is a defect. A healthy society will never embrace homosexuality, transgenderism or and other form of deviancy. In short deviancy can be defined immoral behavior from a spiritual/religious perspective or a defect from a scientific perspective. This is born out as it has been 100% demonstrated that and form of deviancy stems from an unhealthy mind. Most deviants wind up killing themselves, or criminals or mentally maladjusted or simply unhappy.

26026121? ago

How can God Not 'know all.'

26025875? ago

most liberals also have another mental illness.

26025394? ago

It's a big set up. The Islamitsts they were planning to let in would throw every single one of the Bruce Jenners from the highest building. Just another spoke of population control.

26025847? ago

did you hear Bruce Jenner has regrets about being a tranny?

who could have predicted that?

26026087? ago

That dude was totally brain fucked by those people. Sad.

26025373? ago

Baphomet is the divine hermaphrodite. Baphomet is also the church of satan's idol.

You live in a satanic society.

  • It is socially unacceptable to denounce transgenderism & homosexuality.
  • It is illegal to not provide services to homosexuals and transgenders.
  • It is perfectly legal to send your children to summer camps that openly promotes homosexual and transgender values.

  • It is socially acceptable to denounce heterosexuals.

  • It is legal to not provide services to heterosexuals by claiming they are bigots.
  • It is illegal to send your children to summer camps that promote heterosexual values because that would skirt dangerously close to the label "conversion therapy" which has been criminalized.

That last point, you can do a search for "gay summer camp" and "straight summer camp" or any variation and see a striking disparity.

26025860? ago

id like to think corporations that do things like that ultimately fail, because at the end of the day, your workforce competence matters more than your workforce diversity and inclusion

26026310? ago

Something odd I have been observing since I am in the belly of the beast. I kept asking myself, why are these people who are so technically smart and productive, yet so fucked up in the head on all of these other matters? I’m not sure, but I feel they are elevated economically and then politically because they can produce products and services that produce great profits and accelerate productivity. It’s an interesting dichotomy, that as long as they are producing technically, people will go along with their bullshit. Kind of a symbiotic relationship of a parasite and host. In fact, people will help them promote their bullshit if it will make them “feel good” so they can keep them producing. In any other situation these people would be laughed at, degraded, and ejected, but because they produce profits, they are tolerated. Then, after they get some economic and political momentum, they start promoting themselves and their agendas, and people will go along to ride their coattails so they too can profit, and feel good while doing it, they feel they are being compassionate and are “with them” so they can ease the feeling of guilt for being normal that these people have been bashing them over the head with. I see it all the time where people eye roll and go to these meetings/trainings because their boss or HR nazis are forcing them too, so they sit through another hour of bull shit so they can keep getting a paycheck until they are able to exit the madness.

26026915? ago

I am now retired on a very minimal income because I refused a high paying management position that would have required me to enforce this rotten/evil agenda in a Huge international company. Some of us walk away from the lure of money. I could be enjoying a much more elevated financial lifestyle now had I accepted....but I am happy with less and my eyes are open and awake. Ultimately, I won albeit with much less than I could now have. I am happy and I won.

26026000? ago

You know, I'd like to think that too, but that's not what we're seeing. A little hypothesis I've been throwing around in the back of my mind goes something like this:

Identity politics are destructive to a cohesive, intellectually productive society. If those in charge are willing to allow the intelligence of their population to atrophy then that means they are no longer dependent upon the increasing intelligence of their population to propel advancement. If they're no longer dependent upon the increasing intelligence of the population to propel advancement then what are they dependent upon?

I think it points to another source for intellectual achievement. What is that source? AI singularity? Cybernetic organisms? Alien intelligence?

26026514? ago

I like how you think - logical conclusion. CERN always throws up a red flag for me - watch the opening ceremony. Shiva statue out front. Maybe they are trying to fuse the "God" particle with quantum computing?

26025293? ago

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26025266? ago

Mental Illness ------> Elevated/Normalized

Moral and Descent Adult Behavior ---->Scorned/Ridiculed

26025839? ago

trannies: totally not mentally ill

transphobes: totally a legit mental illness.

26029584? ago

In history when the Communists take over they use "PHD's & Scientists" to be the new ministry of truth. If you are against them you are mentally ill, you need to be locked up in a psychward, injected, tortured, electrocuted, until you're no longer "ill" because after all they are normal and you are insane. Inversion, hanging man tarot card, Satanic!

26025922? ago

Sorry but you are wrong. I worked in mental health and had to deal with individuals who were LGBTQ. Everyone of them has a significant mental health disorder. Most of the ones doing the "change" were very highly abused as children and have DID dx. They were mentally broken very young by violent or drug addicted parents or other traumatic event. I no longer work in that field because I could not condone how the system encourages them to get the change done when they know this is an aspect of the mental illness. Several of them did actually kill themselves in moments of clarity after as they realized it was in irreversible change.

26027810? ago

OP anon was being totally facetious...

And I’m not surprised at all by what you say.

26027107? ago

Abuse is how homos and trannies replenish their numbers.

They can't reproduce by any other means.

26025259? ago

I've had enough of all this god shit being forced on patriots all the time. Atheist patriots can put loyalty to the United States above all else, and god faggots can't do that. They have to put their pretend god above their loyalty to the United States. I say keep your stupid superstitions out of my government, and know that I am a greater patriot than you can ever be.

26026986? ago

There is higher intelligence however it is not the one religions promote. We are all one and therefore part of god. Our consciousness has to elevate though in order to claim our higher power.

26025881? ago

most lower primates are atheists.

evolve more, son.

26025213? ago

If god is all-knowing how can you have free will?

26027029? ago

Freewill allows us to choose to become more godlike or stay in bondage to evil forces. Freewill is the keystone to man's ability to elevate himself.

26038366? ago

God knows exactly everything choice you make, because he is all-knowing, how can you have free will?

26040080? ago

Back to the future.

26024983? ago

It's meant to "demoralize you" it's a communist tactic. Their greatest power is knowing you know it's a lie and having power over you that you can't speak. It's how they "test" their power. Looming something so hideous over you. Like a big lie and everyone has to nod their head, agree, or stay silent "OR ELSE" the low status, low IQ hoards of idiots that are weaponized by envy are sicked upon you.

Speak up while you can. Concentration camps are next if Biden wins.

26027112? ago

and once the commies take full control it won't be long until the trannies and gays are rounded up and discarded. Back in your closets.

26026492? ago

It's meant to "demoralize you", no doubt but it's also more basic.

q: how do you make beta heterosexuals more likely to fuck you in the ass?

a: be a pretend girl

26026149? ago

Its satanic. Its turning men into women physically/mentally as well as women into men physically/mentally. We're not distinct and unique but some kind of mongrel hybrid instead.

Hold onto your unique identity and praise the lord

26035122? ago

Faggots love transhumanism

26025779? ago

It's much, much worse than that. It's the first step toward genetic manipulation coupled with witchcraft. Their ultimate goal is splice Nephilim DNA back into the human genome and create human/animal chimeras with supernatural powers. The gods of the ancient world were real, and these people are trying to give them a comeback. Read the book of Enoch (Ethiopian version), Matthew 24:37, and Hillary's recently released emails page 470

26027131? ago

I thought the flood wiped the nephilims out. Guess I thought wrong.

26027636? ago

Do a quick search for giants in America. They're probably still here somewhere. Check out the Kandahar giant too

26026786? ago

What is on page 470?

26027625? ago

Request for the location of Gilgamesh's resurrection chamber and the location of a Nephilim body

26029620? ago

This is now in different realm. These people are looking for physical evidence which means materialism is s as lol they know. Obviously we deal with people not having any occult knowledge and thus ignorant for the truth.

26026234? ago

The gods of the ancient world are indeed real. Moloch, Baal, Ashtoreth, Tammuz, etc. All sorcery and witchcraft dates back to ancient Babylon and Sumeria. Very few know the old and, frankly, extremely powerful ways. All of this Wiccan bullshit is so diluted it's hardly effective at best. I like to scoff at the Wiccan/Satanist posers every chance I get.

26029533? ago

Don't say these names outloud using real phonetics of the ancient world all together. I got pin pricks. No fucking lie! Eww...

26051679? ago

My bad

26027656? ago

Just as Pharaoh's sorcerers couldn't hang with the power of God, these abominables have no chance. But when the believers in Jesus are removed from the Earth, it's going to be pandemonium.

26025752? ago

Same shit with the coronahoax.

26035136? ago


Trump does nothing

Q does nothing

Both are huge, lying, complicit pieces of shit.

26041702? ago

The sad sad truth.

26025686? ago

When people voice their L

jews know the holocaust is a heinous lie, and use it against those questioning the influence of the degenerate jews.

26029561? ago

What is "voice their L"

26031918? ago

Editing error

26024919? ago

Agreed. SAME with fags, feminists, niggers, shit skins and ALL of that garbage. Equal rights MY ASS. How about GONE INSTEAD!

26024993? ago

This explained why they stick together perfectly. Why logic doesn't sway them. Why Jay Z said what he did when asked about Trump. Worth a listen. Fast forward the pace if you are short on time. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YmzOHxFDSzRe/

26045392? ago

Just tell me please.

26026682? ago

Any don't you just tell us what he said?

26026079? ago

Separate, !=

26024896? ago

It is a sex fetish. Don't expect me to participate in it and call you ma'am. I only fuck US Marines.

26025022? ago

Very true. The vast majority of trans "women" are rape-y entitled heterosexual men who think calling themselves transbians and their fully intact genitalia "lady dicks" will get them the secks. It drives me crazy, how many normies still think trans "women" are all homosexual transsexuals who have all had gender reassignment surgery, and are no threat to women and girls if allowed into female spaces.

26025843? ago

i feel bad for female athletes who bust their butts to get to the top, only to lose to a male who thinks he's a female

26027129? ago

How many of them Democrat, and warmly welcome muslim refugees?

26024750? ago

You should run for office. Or just keep being a karen on voat.

26025093? ago

phantom jock itch?

26024611? ago

This degeneracy is being pushed by our mainstream media because they know traditional Christian values make us strong... and they hate Jesus Christ so much that they'd have Him tortured and crusified a second time, if they could.

"Satan's playbook"

"Satan's playbook"

"Satan's playbook"

You can just call 'em Jews because we know they are the enemy.

26025278? ago

The Goat of Mendes in Pagan Egypt before collapse, the tranny shemale Ardhanarishvara and Ayyappa by Hindus before India's fall, homosexual transexual demon gods were wroshiped by Aztec before their implosion, destruction and invasion, during Japan's isolation and economic decay the perverted Samurai became obessed with boys dress up like girls, Zimbabwean Bantu Negroids from Niger and Congo were obsessed with trannies these Negroes didnt seem to have much of a civilisation in the first place, in Greek myth there was a creature not sure if male or female it became known as Hermaphroditus, the modern Paki secret service still uses the tranny goat of Pakistan as its symbol, the sects of Freemasons and Knights Templar and other Masonic groups are said to have prayed to Pentagrams, the JaaBaalon creature and a transexual Goat called the Baphomet....is there some connection here?

26027073? ago

Lucifer the "light bearer" is worshiped as an androgynous god. He (or it - consult your local LGBTQ for acceptable pronoun) is then represented in either Sun worship as the active or masculine characteristic, or Moon worship as the passive or female element. This currently shows prominently in the Roman Catholic religion with all of it's Sun symbology, and in the Muslim religion with the Crescent Moon atop every Mosque.

It all goes back to the Pagan fertility worship cults of ancient times. Many of the temples employed transvestites for their sacred sexual union ceremonies, depicting union with their "god" Lucifer.

This all ties in with the plans alegedly announced by U.N. associate David Spangler in his book: Re-Imagination of the World, that no one will enter into the new world order without passing through a Luciferic initiation.
The plan being implemented is actually a return to the old world order and destruction of worship of the Judaic/Christian God and all moral principles that represents.
If you read the works of prominent New Age authors, they really aren't shy about stating the goal. Hitler is referred to as "a disciple" by Foster Bailey. And he and his wife Alice make it clear in many statements, some more direct than others, that all worshipers of Yaweh God must be evicted from planet Earth by extermination or conversion in order for them and their associates to ascend to the godhood that is awaiting them.

It's no secret to those who seek out and read what the elites say in their writings.

26025486? ago

Definitely a connection. Same "God," different names based on the region those peoples come from.

26024553? ago

lol dude you literally can’t stop thinking about trannies. how many times per day do you think about trannies? it’s kinda weird bro not gonna lie...

26024552? ago

Trying to be more subtle with your Christcuck propaganda, fedboi?

26025097? ago

Dilation problems?