26031281? ago

Amazing Poly https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/

Dustin Nemos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/QKL2mVYPDV5u/

Mouthy Buddha https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wnuZEpMvRZs6/

X22report https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n78PbEkvWx2g/

World Alt Media https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gzFCj8AuSWgp/

SGT Report https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nLPcg68RnP97/

Dollar_Vigilante https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DkNYbFJKDPpX/

Titus Frost https://www.bitchute.com/channel/2Zo51w9MJ8db/

Destroying the Illusion https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XyIkC2xqtFHY/

RedPill78 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ckAsk0HlOn5w/

Praying Medic https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FJLej1ou6JVe/

Storm is Upon Us https://www.bitchute.com/channel/50tnZ2hx6duU/

TruthAndArtTV https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zF2pCSj7AldT/

In Pursuit of Truth https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Xe2ztraIRXRX/

Woke Societies https://www.bitchute.com/channel/su0VFFviTYDs/

PSB – Patriot Soap Box https://dlive.tv/psb

intheMatrixxx.com https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LYlGuC0RYchh/

And We Know https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1uDxpDogKMs9/

Stroppy Me – Stroppy https://www.bitchute.com/channel/M4YtazGIdcIH/

JustInformed Talk https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zWqrqKTLkhqW/

Know More News https://www.bitchute.com/channel/qPYBk4x8LaDs/

Last American Vagabond https://www.bitchute.com/channel/24yVcta8zEjY/

Edge of Wonder https://edgeofwonder.tv/

Tru Reporting https://twitter.com/TRUreporting

The Public Space https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tTYGFygwmpk9/

Good Dog https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AKqMX9n330QH/

Sarah Westall https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1Ez5eVnVz1yY/

McAllister TV https://www.bitchute.com/channel/8LyqCWp3SSH4/

26032467? ago

That's awesome Thanks!

26025841? ago

Word on OP.

First i thought this Yt-purge was a massive loss, but i'm happy to notice that There was even more channels to follow.

Yes, it is a bit shame because Yt is an easy platformi to use, but i think it is better to use freeer platforms, even if these are bit crappier.

I was followin about five channels, but now i have even more to follow after Patriots have been making lists of purged ones, and where to find them.

Thank you Patriots for the lists and Thank you bigtech, enjoy the backdraft. 👍

26025837? ago

I think it is very good of YouTube to highlight the channels we should be watching in this way!

26025030? ago

Deleted Youtube Channels Linked Here - Spread and Subscribe - https://voat.co/v/QRV/comments/4070456

26024878? ago

X22report has great ideas in yesterdays upload on this matter. He's on many diff platforms now. Found him on Bitchute. Does anyone know about restream? It will multistream to 30+ platforms ,it says.

26024242? ago

Yes. Thank you. Thank you for telling people that make videos shit they already know. On a site they don't fucking read. This is trash. You're a simp.

26023380? ago

They can use Rumble too.

26023260? ago

You can also find all of them on bitchute.

26022529? ago

Yo! Foo! If they can read your comment then they should already know this.

26022497? ago

I want to chomp on your pussy

26022430? ago

The web is controleld opposition. Use Usenet, Bittorrent, I2P, Steemit, etc..

Use the web to mirror and point to off-web sources.

26025348? ago

Back up 3 or 4 times on differnt sites. Very few here give a fuck about the islamo apologist jew tube machine. ... Many users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://www.16chan.xyz/pol/ , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. and https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ . , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/ ..


https://the-fringe.com/forum-general_discussion?page=4 , https://ghost.report/forum/forum/first-forum/ vimeo, blogspot, https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/forum/84-news-politics-and-current-affairs/ , https://talkaboutmarriage.com/politics/ , https://www.city-data.com/forum/politics-other-controversies/ , https://www.sosuave.net/forum , https://cassiopaea.org/forum/boards/whats-on-your-mind.9/ , https://www.truckingboards.com/bb/threads , http://www.forums.gopherhole.com/boards/threads/ , http://templeoftcap.freeforums.net/ , https://www.disboards.com/threads/ , http://vikinghorn.proboards.com/thread , http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/ , https://nygunforum.com/forums/politics-law.18/ , http://wikipediocracy.com/forum/

...maybe also https://forum.deviantart.com/devart/general/ , godlikeproductions , https://boards.christogenea.org/ , https://boards.fireden.net/ic/thread/4160196/ , www.mgtow.com/forums/ , https://myanimelist.net/forum https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/ , https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/ , http://t5xalwr7yn2uagad.onion.ws/v/thread/413423545/ , https://www.rcgroups.com/forums , https://www.hornfans.com/threads/ , https://www.futuretimeline.net/forum/ , https://www.goldismoney2.com/threads/ https://www.mgtow.com/forums http://nationalvanguard.org/ , abovetopsecret , https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics... https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/ https://wordpress.com , the fringe forums , www.liveleak.com/ ...dailymotion , http://imdb2.freeforums.net/thread/ , https://forum.encyclopediadramatica.se/threads/ruth-bader-ginsburg-hospitalized-again.29462/

Tyrone sheeeeit https://boards.christogenea.org/forum/main-category/main-forum/diversity-or-deception/5690-white-father-disowns-mudshark-daughter , http://happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25558 .... https://jowforums.com/thread/202089718/politics/remember-this-coalburner-jow-forums.html , https://forum.encyclopediadramatica.se/threads/nigger-impregnates-mudshark-wetback-at-federal-prison.12282/ , https://zigforums.com/thread/13396910/politics/why-do-you-guys-hate-jews-so-much.html , https://forum.encyclopediadramatica.se/threads/noel-ignatiev-scholar-who-called-for-abolishing-whiteness-dies-at-78.29374/ , , http://thebeerbarrel.net/threads/mudshark-mortuary-coalburner-graveyard.41649/ , https://pokerfraudalert.com/forum/showthread.php?358-Hugh-Hefner-s-piece-of-shit-son-like-to-beat-women , http://thebeerbarrel.net/threads/couple-had-son-of-different-race-after-clinics-nigger-doctor-mixed-up-embryos-suit.43593/ , https://pokerfraudalert.com/forum/showthread.php?13903-Lindsey-Vonn-is-a-certified-nigger-lover , https://boards.christogenea.org/forum/main-category/main-forum/diversity-or-deception/94908-female-gets-beheaded-in-black-africa , https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mud%20shark , https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Mudshark

the Hoodrat Nigger reality? http://niggermania.net/forum/ , http://www.chimpout.org/forum/ , http://chimpmania.com/forum

Liveleak and https://flyheight.com World star Shithop https://leakreality.com/


the 8Chan stuff?





26027290? ago

There can be a million sites mirrored a million times. If it's on the web, they can hide or eliminate whenever they want.

Create torrent. Mirror content on site. Use site to point toward torrent.

They can hide the mirror, but they can't eliminate the torrent.

26022051? ago

I hope they class action them. YouTube has terrorist shit and Chinese Propaganda...but that’s fine...no community rules broken.

26063823? ago

Sounds like the FCC Chair just cleared the way for those class actions.

Social media has no special first amendment protections.

26022482? ago

Elsagate too. That's totally fine with them.

26023754? ago

Elsagate isn’t still going on??? I’m not sure why I thought it was over

26023824? ago

Not sure. I haven't looked. Wouldn't surprise me if it still is.

26021980? ago

Strategy & Alternatives to Twitter


This is a suggested strategy. First post your content to your primary account(s) WITHOUT censorship. Such as https://gab.com or https://mastodon.social or any of those suggested alternative listed below. Then repost copies of your content to your secondary account(s) WITH censorship. Such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest. So that when your secondary account(s) is either censored or suspended, you can still use your primary account, your can create new secondary accounts. And so on.

Are you facing a challenge with censorship on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, or Minds? You might be interested in the censorship-free and community-owned code, and really decentralized social media with either Hubzilla, Friendica, Gab, or diaspora*. All fully free from interference by investors.

Alternatives to Twitter

https://gab.com [a, b, c, d]

https://mastodon.social [a, b, c, d]

https://minds.com [a, b]

https://hubzilla.org [a, b, c, d]

https://friendi.ca [a, b, c, d]

https://diasporafoundation.org [a, b, c, d]

https://parler.com [a]

[a] Censorship-free

[b] Community-owned code

[c] Financed by its users. So free from interference by investors.

[d] Decentralized

26022387? ago

Great stuff. Which is the best one to start and concentrate resources on?

26021860? ago

I’m not sure it matters. The DOD insider drops are hardly cryptic as in the past or maybe my knowledge base has expanded. Anyway. It’s beginning to look like the boil has been lanced and pus is everywhere.

26021303? ago

we know we have always been everywhere.

26021185? ago

Praying medic and x22 are on clouthub

26023391? ago

OK. Praying medic I am adding now. Who else?

26023657? ago

Redpill 78

Tru Reporting

Joe M

IPOT (In Pursuit of Truth)

X22 Report

Edge of Wonder

SGT Report



Amazing Polly

Truth & Art TV


Dustin Nemos



Stroppy Me

JustInformed Talk



The Last American Vagabond

Titus Frost

Dollar Vigilante

World Alternative Media

26023712? ago

Excellent. Thank you! Working.

26022395? ago

Thanks. I am on it.

26021453? ago



LOL Poor stupid hicks! LOL

26022078? ago

Is this what it's like to be a faggot?

26029282? ago

LOL Is that what it's like to be a total and complete hick imbecile?

LOL Poor dumb fuck.

26021258? ago

Thanks..they all provide a valuable service, especially to those just waking up.

26021169? ago

Their backup channels and accounts were also removed... RedPill78 made a new one and posted the link on twitter, it was also removed within an hour.

26024029? ago

Ah yes, but other more skilled Anons and Autists (no offense intended to anyone), are quietly backing up all THEIR content, and doing the task these "influencers" should have done long ago, from the very start.

Unacceptable conduct from many of these creators [Not all] (and Yes they are Patriots), so I will just chalk it up to a lack of knowledge and abject laziness. Sorry if I seem harsh, but I know many of them are earning in excess of $3,700 USD pm just on Patreon (Which is excellent and I support 100%), not even taking into account their revenue streams from other sources, and what they lost in earnings (if ANY) from YT etc.

Look. I'm not trying to be a cunt here, but I just want to point out that REAL Anons and Autists are doing very difficult work for FREE to support them, and we would appreciate some support too. Cheers.

Tsk Tsk.

26024140? ago

Completely agree with you fren, thank you and God bless.

26024288? ago

Thanks Man. Doing our best to make the dream come true. We know what goes down if we fail, and we cert5ainly won't fail. They thought we could be censored and taken offline. Really? They must think we are very dumb. No. There are forces at work that I cannot discuss further, but they are reshaping the very reality we live in. Remember Patriots are in control, and GOD is very much on the wheels of steel, and the Rave is just getting started. Wear your mask... :)

26020989? ago

William Henry Gates III will be arrested Monday, October 19th 2020

26022427? ago

I want to believe.

26021709? ago

While a lovely thought, I'm gonna need some sauce with that.


I can hold my breath and see if it goes down. I'm hoping for a 4 am raid, including swat ramming the gates (pun totally intended), helicopters with spotlights illuminating the place, and alt media covering it live.

26022785? ago

When his compound in Washington was raided and someone there was arrested for child pornography no one heard a peep about it from the news media. It wasn’t until long after that word creeped out via the internet. Don’t count on hearing anything about it, if there were any truth to the above claim.

26063855? ago

Glad there is citizen media then.

26021148? ago

Any sauce?

26021040? ago

that would be fun to watch.

how do you know that?

26020928? ago

No other platform has the reach and viewership of YouTube.

Google / YouTube just silenced the majority of the Q community with over 5 million subscribers combined.

They are the enemy of the people.

26022197? ago

they keep this up they wont continue to be number one. bitchute is growing

26024688? ago

bitchute is slow as fuck

26020868? ago

I am way ahead here. Already building a back up for all these Patriots. TBA later today.

26024849? ago

Here is the list of were to find the new channels that were deleted


26030262? ago

Great. Thanks. I have a busy day ahead.

26021465? ago

Please consider using IPFS in some way. It's very easy to use and is essentially bittorrent for the whole internet.

26021944? ago

Just had a thought. If I literally post each persons videos each day via my IPFS node (then I link to my site), and have a separate page for each creator, would this be best?

The creators would need to send me the finished video file for upload or upload directly to my node with special access granted.

What do you think?

26022776? ago

Can also automate requesting the content from popular gateways to keep it in their cache

26023095? ago

OK that's great, but it's something I am going to have to learn how to do. Can't be that hard. I am teaching myself to all this. I had not built a real website in my life before 2020. Total Noob.

26022739? ago

Yeah you want to pin their videos to your node and put the hash on the site, maybe with a list of URLs with different IPFS gateways. If the requests for the content come thru many different gateways it improves redundancy and therefore censorship resistance by making it more likely it will be in someone's cache, if your node goes down.

You can probably clone something like

permanentupload.com and make it password protected for your creators.

26023061? ago

OK awesome. I will however need them to upload the MP4 file (or whatever format it is in) to the node. Then I can link to a site. If the site is taken down I can just start again, and have a clone up in 24-48 hours. The block chain websites are a little tricky, but my IPFS node is based on the Etherium block chain, connected to my .crypto domain, which absolutely cannot be taken down. I will have a good think about it, and design a system that is both private and secure for them and me. It's not that hard really. Just a massive amount of labor, but that's OK too, as I am extremely efficient, and I have an Army of Patriotic Millennials at my disposal.

26021834? ago

I already do Sir. Check it out: >

I have the Frontline doctors video on my site and Q back ups on pdf all safely in my IPFS node.


I am working very hard indeed.

26022768? ago

Awesome, that's a lot of content.

26023090? ago


And Oh yes. That's just the start. The formatting is going to get very slick too, but I just needed to get the framework up at this early stage, and then build upon that. It's been up for a few weeks. I wish the banned creators would provide me their links to websites, stores and channels etc. so I can build their profile. Crickets so far.

26022190? ago

truth and art tv is also banned. he has a second backup channel but its only for his music. please add bernie!

26022268? ago

I will for sure. I really need a list and if people can post links to their websites that would save me time. Otherwise I will just do it, but I would appreciate a comprehensive running list of who is banned and their handles etc.

I am going to sort this all out, and make sure everybody has a way to get paid as well.

26021133? ago

Keep us posted Patriot.

26020661? ago

26022401? ago

Thanks. Do these people have websites as well? If not I will build it for them instantly for free.

26020544? ago

Just don't ask for $$$$

26020504? ago
