26020325? ago

Wow. Jihad John is back!!!

FAF :- Fake as Fuck

26019240? ago

Everything is normal, nothing to see here. Move along.

26019018? ago

the establishment narrative is that these aren't "terror" related but come from suburbs -- "disenfranchised suburbs due to social inequality and poverty."

26018851? ago

Have any QRV mods come out in support of the Jihadist yet?

26018802? ago

Macron is a stupid fuck.

26018861? ago

The macron got caught talking to hezballah terrorist in lebanon and lost his marbles at the journalist who exposed him....Baquette frogman.... He is LeFaggot? France man President Macron passes law forcing online platforms to delete hate-speech content within 24 hours, in upcoming Frogistan you must love and like everything! https://files.catbox.moe/a9fnqx.jpg

26018796? ago

Put a fucking NFSW on that title

26018833? ago

After 911 they showed planes flying into an exploding WTC and people on fire jumping from the flames and smoke of the terror attacks...they played this on repeat acorss mainstream media for many years and nobody questioned it. Go back to reddit if you want a censorship world.

26018709? ago

Macron will be gone before 2022

26018674? ago

Its laughable, those supposed leaders in the EU are traitors intent on destroying Europe with imported violence, it is destroying many european countries due to some twisted world view. Soyboy Macron is one of the worst offenders of the destruction.

26018639? ago

Oh shit