26011644? ago

He should have asked her how much China paid her for the interrogation.

26011271? ago

The evil cunt is so corrupt she couldn't help but try to bully the President.

26010778? ago

Who cares what an old no upper lip, expired white bitch thinks? She's a leftist, degenerate woman. Fuck her

26010027? ago

She was acting with blatant hostility like she wanted to stab the president.

26009787? ago

"Pedophilia" the source of her kind's power. It really set her off.

26009494? ago

eww, look at that gross speckled skin on her chest

bet s/he looks awful naked

26009312? ago

I bet she went home and threw up the pint of children's blood she drank before the show. She definitely didn't get the job done.

26009252? ago

1 Degree of Kike - if it isn't the filthy jew then it is surely one step from the hooknose.

26009210? ago

I loved when Trump said "you're so cute"

26032846? ago

I must have missed that. I bet it left her seething.

26009087? ago

The Trump Curse is essentially that he inspires his enemies to reveal their true selves.

26008741? ago

When voat was down an hour ago, I went to google news just for kicks... came upon 2-3 top news headlines about Q, and I thought... If they blast the news cycle with Q just as they silence all our platforms, it would make newbies/normies who are curious only be exposed to media braineashing about how bad Q is. I mean idk if they're smart enough to think of that, but the possibility is a little annoying.

26008147? ago

What a cunt

26032836? ago

You would think that with all the millions of dollars she takes in with her deception that she would get her teeth fixed?

26008027? ago

In the first ep. T pal revealed herself too by rubbing her boobs with Vaseline and them weren't fake.

26007960? ago

Sick demon.

26008693? ago

I was thinking that, too. No joke. I came from the other side of religious/spiritual belief. Since pizzagate, I realized that there really is evil and I realized its true nature.

26007949? ago

Probably one of the most unprofesional moderators I have ever seen. She does all of journalism a disservice when she acts in such a biased manner. Moderators moderate. She was attempting to prosecute. Compare what Lester Holt did with biden a few weeks ago. He went too far in the other direction. He actually helped biden "remember" or qualify some of his statements. NBC is pathetic. They aren't alone.

26008853? ago



Q#4722- Meet Norman Eisen, the Dirty jew Behind the Color Revolution Against POTUS (QRV)



Q#4003 Meet Heinz Alfred Kissinger - The New World Order Plan...



Q#4748-"The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?" (QRV)



Q#4788- What are the odds? Coincidence? [H.Res. 1154: Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.] (QRV)



Q#916"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"



Why are Two Former Department of Homeland Security Heads Working With An Israeli Intelligence Firm That Until Recently Was Led By Ehud Barak and Nicole Junkermann? (QRV)



Who's Been Pulling Your Strings? Meet The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. (QRV)



(((Netflix's CEO))) is the great-grand-nephew of psychoanalyst (((Sigmund Freud))) and grand-nephew of social engineer (((Edward Bernays))). Netflix is one big psyop.



Al Goldstein: "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks... Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture..." (QRV)



Was the Mainstream Media Directly Involved in 9/11?



UPDATED: Newt Gingrich Mentions George Soros and Fox Hosts Basically Say 'Das Ist Verboten'



What Is Gaslighting? "Sorry, America, You’re Wrong, the Jews Did Not Kill Jesus"



Henry Ford Wrote About the Deep State in 1920 (QRV)



Patton On Communism And The Khazar Jews- General Patton's Warning



"We've defeated the wrong enemy."- General George S. Patton



109 Eviction Notices Since 250 AD. What Did General Ulysses S. Grant Have to Say About Them?



The Zionist Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals



So, Black People Have The Second Largest Continent, All To Themselves... But Jews Insist That The Rest Of The World Needs More "Diversity And Inclusion"... Why? KALERGI PLAN (QRV)



Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband, is the Democrats’ newest Jewish star



Nancy Pelosi: 'My father was a Shabbos Goy'



Jewish Members of U.S. Congress | 116th Congress



Guess Who Does NOT Allow Dual Citizenship in Their Government? (QRV)



Jewish Democrats- For nearly a century, one party has captured the vast majority of Jewish votes.



Deep State: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money - "Deep State Moneymen Love Globalism and Communism"



Are the Majority of Pedophiles Jews?



Are jews behind communism in China?



The Jews in pre-WW2 Germany were 2% of the population but 50% of the media, 70% of judges and tremendously overrepresented in banking, film, theater and literature. They tried to destroy Germany. (QRV)



AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)



Q4693- For those who may have been confused: Antifa= The COMMUNIST PARTY of Germany. NOT Nazis.



Hitler DID NOT Defund the Police



Haaretz: "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews" (QRV)



Q#998 "Why Do They Persecute Me So?"



What is Jewish Bolshevism?



Bolshevik Lives Matter More- Professor James Tracy



Are They Wrong?: "Jewish Democratic Council compares Trump's America to 1930s Germany in new ad"



Who Started World War 2?



Jews Are Behind The Largest Mass Murders in the History of the World... (QRV)



Bolshevik jews Slaughtered Millions of Ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, Many of Whom Were Christians, in the Years Leading Up to WWII



Hypothetically Speaking, If it Were Illegal To Question the Motives, Tendencies, Behavior and History of Certain People, That Would Be Alarming, Right? (QRV)



If the Holocaust Happened, Why is it Illegal to Say That it Didn't? Wouldn't the Facts Stand on Their Own? (QRV)



Did You Know the jews Piled Up 2 Tons of Hair At Auschwitz Museum to Convince Gullible Tourists the Holocaust Happened? (QRV)



jew Math: 500k Holocaust Survivors Remained After the War. They All Lived Until 2016. Then 400k Died Within a Couple Months. 100k Remained Until 2018. There Are Now 400k Holocaust Survivors in 2020.



Did You Know These People Have Been Receiving Reparations for Nearly Seven Decades? (QRV)



Did You Know That as of 2014, Germany Alone Had Dished Out $85 BILLION to Jews Who "Survived" the Holocaust? (QRV)



MANY References to "Six Million Jews" in Newspapers Before World War II



Why Are We Sending Billions in Aid to Israel Every Year?...



...When HALF of the World's jews Live in America and Are Trying to Destroy America?



What Is an Anti-Semite? (QRV)



Ever Wonder Why Q Sent Us HERE of All Places? (QRV)



Ever Wonder Who's Been Calling You a Nazifag?






How Did (((They))) FAKE the Holocaust? Why is it Illegal to Debate the Details?






Then said the Jews, Will He kill himself? because He saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. And He said unto them, "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." ... Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."



26012379? ago

Stfu shill

26009508? ago

I appreciate the perspective my dude. A decent amount of work went into this list, and while I may or may not agree about everything I am grateful for your efforts.

26009874? ago

It's good and all but it's kind of spammy right in the middle of a thread.

26009618? ago

Dont thank me

26007935? ago

She was basically screeching at him the whole time. Meanwhile over on ABC, George and Joe having a little sewing circle going on. What a joke

26008415? ago

Don't you mean "Circle Jerk?"

26008471? ago

That too

26007927? ago

I bet she's a jewess and fucks niggers and dogs.

26008066? ago

Her husband is a Jew who worked for the Clinton Foundation.

26008842? ago

I bet he's watched packs of niggers bang her.

26007971? ago

Worse than that. Her husband is a jew.

26007998? ago

Jews are the fucking enemy.

26007832? ago

She did and the normal people see it. Always going for the gotcha moment that never comes. POTUS is quick on his feet. The TDS people probably watched POTUS also to feed their hate. Bet no one watched Biden.

26008734? ago

I watched some of it. GS talked to him like he was a toddler and he answered in kind.

26007810? ago

Looks like Ozzy.

26007783? ago

I haven't seen eyes that red since the last Afghani Kush shipment from California.