25999747? ago

Paris is all about night life. This kills its. They can't risk people socializing and spreading red pills.

26049078? ago

The Sharia Jihads didnt listen to the lock down orders? https://voat.co/v/news/4071164/26031367

25999288? ago

Those same hours in Seattle provide 100% immunity to those out and about. Odd that in Seattle the virus only spreads in the daylight hours.

25999224? ago

To top it all, today teachers have realized that the masks provided are toxic. Masks provided to teachers and students alike, and by my husband's company too (with a mandate to wear those and not others) contain silver zeolite and other particles that can be toxic.


The revolt is growing in our country - there was a protest by doctors and nurses today in Paris and Rouen, roads are being blocked in other parts of the country. Night clubs have been shut down for months, as well as many small companies/ A third of the French population is affected by the curfews, that could be extended. I only hope this is in line with what Charlie Ward has been explaining for months.

25998851? ago

But but I thought "Europe is a shining example of how to reduce Covid numbers because they believe in science and shit."

25998850? ago

Maybe the French government shouldn't have acted as Hillary Clinton's middle man for selling those Stinger Missiles.


25998657? ago

Maricon Macron

25998613? ago

If you haven't figured it out by now, were gonna have to go to war to end this shit. Prepare now. Make your final preparations. It's coming folks.

After all, words and phrases have more than one meaning and are meant for more than one group:

PAIN is coming.

NOTHING can stop what's coming. NOTHING.

25998548? ago

Only in white countries... Now they will all starve to death to save them. From the common cold.

25999784? ago

Only in white countries

Yep, funny how that works. If covid was as dangerous as they claim, there would be millions of deaths in India and other shithole countries. Yet, we basically hear nothing about them. The whole coronahoax news cycle focuses almost exclusively on White countries.

25998254? ago

Pepe says 'this is not good'

25998106? ago

If you go home at 9:00 PM, you won’t get the Wu Flu. Science.

25998398? ago

It's a scientific fact. And I honestly don't know how we didn't discover this years ago.

25999771? ago

It's the scientific consensus and the science is settled. Questioning any of it makes you a dangerous conspiracy theorist!

25998046? ago

Will the people follow orders or tell him to fuck off. Viruses can't read a clock.

25998811? ago

Hi, I'm french and reality is 135€ fine if you get caught once, then 1500€( more than minimum wage /month) if you get caught again.

So people will follow the order. Most people now wear masks even though they're not in a mandatory mask wearing area. TV brainwashing and big fines are very effective.

25998013? ago

5g tests?

cleaning skies?

25998425? ago

Apple have just introduced their new 5G phone.. Numerous 5G networks were started here in the UK this past week too in time for it.. So far my face hasn't melted but it's early days.

25997659? ago

I’m still thinking/hoping that these lockdowns are keeping people safe from Deepstate false flags. No attacks on large gatherings to clog up news cycles.

Could be wrong though

26000620? ago

This was exactly what I believed at first. Although admittedly, I almost forgot I did after these many months of covid madness.

Thanks for getting this optimistic idea out of the back of my head.

26003823? ago

I suppose the government has to look as if they are doing something. I think it's mainly the Karens keeping it going, my Missus included, due to 24x7 WuFlu statistics on TV. Also we are so close to US election and Brexit.

I still haven't worn one when I go shopping or at work and I work in Healthcare. No one has challenged to I do get a twisted kick out of seeing the look in some peoples faces as they come round the corner in a supermarket and I'm standing there maskless.

25999545? ago

At least its keeping children out of government indoctrination camps.

25998411? ago

This is what I've been thinking.. They've been talking up lockdowns and implementing them slower this time and it all seems to converge around the US election.. However, if it continues after the election then I'll start thinking otherwise.. Lockdown version 2 could just be lessons learned during lockdown version 1..

25997726? ago

I want to believe you, especially after all the mass trauma with ISIS that preceded 2016 elections, but I don't trust all these globalist leaders to keep us safe by preventing our own murder and demise from their evil plots. I think if that were the case, they'd be encouraging everyone to go outside just like they encourage violent protests.

25997546? ago

Sounds like London.

25997536? ago

Wow. So you can catch the coof after 2100, but only up to 06 if you are out and about?

26000392? ago

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25997867? ago

The 24-hour grocery stores where I live have been closed at night for Covid, concentrating shoppers into fewer open hours.

25999754? ago

Really makes you think.

25997549? ago

It is a political/time sensitive fake virus.

25997469? ago

Here come the global lockdowns.

Here comes the starvation and economic collapse.

Here comes the 21st Century Holodomor.

25999759? ago

And then we can BUILD BACK BETTER!

25997863? ago

If people are too weak to stand up for themselves at all, let alone fight back and hold politicians accountable for crimes against humanity, maybe it has to happen. Maybe we have to suffer a lot more in order to actually fight for freedom again and hang some psychopaths.