25974828? ago

I agree, but I'm wondering how many 'new' people we actually have?

Voat isn't mentioned until well into the Q drops,

so it's kind of hard to get here unless you read all the drops.

which I'm guessing most people don't...

25973811? ago

Fact. Tons of paid shills. They've gone full scorched earth on QRV this week. DDOS over and over.

25970734? ago

White folk dont teach there children Jesus and dont raise their kids.

White folk care more about mammon than people.

80 % white and and yall allowed homosexual marriage in the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and bowed down and persecuted the few good men that stood up.

Jews and Catholics ruled white folk in Europe and y'all brought that shit to America .

Jews sold you that White Supremacy myth because BLACKS already knew you were prone to self destructive idolatry.

America dont give a damn about your skin tone.

America was founded on GODLY principles, something that few White folk understand or teach their kids.

Before integration,80 percent of Black children were raised in two parent households.

Whites people dont like themselves.

Richard Nixon is the only White Man that has hung a Jew Traitor.

Not even Trump can say that.

Can you dig it?

White folk are intellectual Cowards and will always be Jew Fodder waving jew anti Christ flags.

I am on the side of Any GODLY man that will stand for Truth.

That is my measure of a man.

Blood is Red in all Humans.

THAT is a sign from GOD.

25970113? ago

Yes it is

25969956? ago


25969573? ago

Yes it is

25969547? ago

We must be over the target.

You people are so stupid, it makes my hair hurt.

25968820? ago

The same QRV that attacks members for disagreeing. Or the QRV that believes Sarah "HUCKLEBEE" is a real person? You guys need thicker skin.

25968672? ago

Yes lots of shills today.

My take is Benghazi tapes, drops is coming. Nothing can stop it coming. Epic!

killary sold stringer missile that killed Seal Team 6. Hence the cover up. She's screwed, so is sleepy joe. Treason at the highest level.

25968625? ago

Kill yourself faggot

25968562? ago

Why would anyone show the hand of friendship to those that want me dead due to being conservative (Antifa) being white (BLM) being straight (LGBTQ...) being christian (many strict Muslims & Hebrews). To the OP are you seriously saying we should turn the other cheek to declared hatred being spewed and declarations of death towards Conservative White Straight Christians.

So what do we do with those misguided souls that want Patriots, Conservatives, Christians and Straights dead, do they just disappear or vaporize if Trump wins in November? Some of our fellow citizens have vowed to let loose hell upon the USA and the rest of Western World if the President wins in November.

What is the answer? Or will the usual calls of Shill, Gaslighter etc be assigned to a question being asked? You may need to ponder what if you are faced with a nice Antifa/BLM type that wants to carry out their claimed objectives against those who oppose their twisted world view!

Sadly those that want Patriots dead or incarcerated in camps, are not the types that want to see hands of friendship!

25968488? ago

This is nothing new.

It got worse when the Clinton's emails came out.

25968291? ago

if there are really hundreds of shills, why only 33 downvotes ?

I guess the 300 shills are upvoting this post

25968154? ago

Everyone of them - Nazi tard low-IQ pedo shill white trash scum..

25967978? ago

Please edit your comment (for the sake of the new Q people) to emphasise that they coordinate to boost their divisive and on-the-nose comments to the top of posts, to both obscure real discussion and also to put newcomers off, as you said


25967603? ago


25967482? ago




25967456? ago




25967183? ago

SO, in closing, the humane and kind approach to our nations jewish infestation and Israeli coup of controlling all Washington elites including Trump is to KILL EVERY LAST GODDAMN JEW AND CO-CONSPIRATOR!!!


25967506? ago



25978669? ago

Listen to Mel


25967055? ago

A shill behind every post. Isn't that right, harry.

25966973? ago

30 shills do not like this post.

25967071? ago

316 kike bots do. Most came all at once. What a coincidence.

25966832? ago

Fucking hatreds been here. You dumb fucks act like a bunch of fucking retards

25966957? ago

Back to your kiddie porn.

25966728? ago

They were here yesterday too. They tag team in some scenarios.

25966965? ago

Like you and you who keep commenting.

25968152? ago

Yeah, sure

25966631? ago

Semper Fi.

Enemy trying to divide, don't let them.

Stand. Stand. Stand.

Eph 6 - Whole armor including prayer.


25966543? ago

Hundreds of very low-IQ Shills are attacking QRV today.

New Q people, beware: the hatred, divison and drivel here is not coming from real Q Patriots.

25972345? ago

Yes, the founding fathers were racist assholes, you're the real patriots.

A bunch of niggers they had picking cotton are the real patriots. lol

25966500? ago

over the Target and under their skin.kek

25966979? ago

Yes. Qultists exposing themselves.

25966453? ago

Wow, a QRV thread with endless shill-retards... such a rare sight! 🀣🀣

25967221? ago

The shill employers are getting increasingly nervous about the election. No one goes to their rallies, their necks are getting closer to the nooses,. A joy to see here!

25967234? ago

Brock can't keep enough of his jizz flowing to satisfy these retards! 🀣

25966439? ago

Thank you for your true healine, patriot.

100% true.

I've never seen so many shitlers on the same thread.

25966407? ago

Case in point... armies of low-IQ retards, shills, losers & haters on this thread.

This is what happens on a poorly designed forum.

25966455? ago

self-identifying wannabe tyrant - thank you for knowing what is best for others

25966478? ago

Is your immune system a tyrant?

Does it discredit and censor invasive organisms that want you dead?


25966948? ago

Triggered again. LOL Tho emothianal. Comments only a fudgepacking libtard could turn out.

"I'm Intelligent".... wheeew

"want you dead..." eeeeeeee"

"Everyone elth ith Low IQ"....ooohgah

25966681? ago

Are you saying jews are a virus to society and we need a vigorous immune response?

25966703? ago

I'm saying shills and criminals are a virus to society and we need a vigorous immune response.

25966383? ago


Where the fuck you been the last 2 years, OP?

25966363? ago

THIS WHOLE COMMENT SECTION IS FILED WITH PSYOPS ON YOUR MIND. We know those that say they are jews (rothschilds and the other 12 bloodline families) are controlling things. That is the truth they want you to not know and expose. EXPOSE IT. EXPOSE TRUTH!

25966332? ago

Well, Q is fake, foo, and clearly they think otherwise. But they are imbeciles, and we are above their imbecilicism.

25966323? ago

Put your money where your mouth is and become a sex slave to black Kangs

25966313? ago

WHY do these shit Sambos have SO MUCH POWER in the WORLD today??? WHERE were the folks SUPPOSEDLY doing their JOBS???

25966298? ago

Here's proof of OP's point for the new folks: Notice the date stamp on the "Ignore posts calling for violence" thread? Shills have been here trying to make us appear violent and convince others to resort to violence for a long time. Q folks are in an information war, not a kinetic one. Don't take the bait.

25966176? ago

Directly over the target. There is power in making us demoralized especially on a day that a woman of faith that’s not Kabbalah based is about to be the next Supreme Court Associate Justice.

25966475? ago

Oh yes, yet another wonderful devout catholic, controlled by a pedophile communist pope.

25968948? ago

Yawn. Got sauce for that dry ass chicken?

25966011? ago

Put your money where your mouth is and become a sex slave to niggers

25965951? ago

Look not everyone who's not in your little cult is a glownigger. Personally, I just don't like riddles.

25965909? ago

Not over the target - ACB hearing noise. Shillblue got some fresh funding.

25965783? ago

Your subverse sucks. Thats all. Anonymous bullshit

25966334? ago

What’s your user name?

25965764? ago

Your guys' horrendous "research" when you first came over was why I didn't like you then. Now it's because of your horrendous low effort posting, like this is your own fucking diary, is why I don't like you guys now.

25967251? ago

You sound like you think you're still living in H.S.

25965695? ago

Post nose jew

25965607? ago

They must have increased the pay per shillery!

25966499? ago

Yea. Just look at some of the posts, including OP.

25965569? ago

I'm just here to point out that Jews hate whites and niggers are their dumb foot soldiers.

25974287? ago

Qtards carry water for jews.

25974479? ago

They are being played

25965405? ago

The Mayor of Qtardia has spoken - Resume your thoughts if and only if they comply with Q standards and practices, as interpreted by The Mayor.

25965235? ago

Is this Panic i smell with the shilling?

25967271? ago

Panic of the 1st order!

25965275? ago

Ask Rabbi Sheckelstein.

25965225? ago


25965260? ago

A very dangerous gang of homosexuals, pedophiles, and metrosexuals I bet.

25966017? ago

don't forget trannies

25965700? ago


25965191? ago

It's just 3 or 4 JIDF shills posting and their upvoat bots.

25966789? ago

Yep. They've started pushing consensus cracking hard.

25965171? ago

I'm a patriot with or without Q. Last time I checked, we didn't need Q, blacks, jews, latinos or asians to boot Britain (the world's greatest empire at the time) out of New England. We can do it without the "strength" of diversity this time too.

Actually, I'm all for diversity -- English, French, Spanish, Germanic, Nordic, Italian, Slavic all living together in white utopia.

25972275? ago


25965100? ago

what happenend guys? why so many shill today?

25965146? ago

Mostly Posts.

25964974? ago

No, just irredeemably racist.

25964939? ago

Been here for 5 years, I am attacking the Q movement, because you have failed at thinking for yourself and have become cheerleaders.

25964911? ago

"Hundreds" of up-votes with vast majority of comments that reflect the opposite opinion of the post.

25970704? ago


25964963? ago

Anonymous board. Logically speaking, less than 15 down voters are making all of the opposing comments.

25966765? ago

I'll send you a ou a complimentary can of zyklon, shekkkelstein.

25965244? ago

Dream on Jew we're coming for your ass you destroyed our nation the white race. You kidnap children eat them drain their blood so you can fuck right off!

25965668? ago


25965078? ago

...and 132 up voaters in a very short amount of time have little or nothing to say. Okay. lol

25969085? ago

No need to engage idiots when they're in the process of proving how idiotic they really are.

25965218? ago

Correct. Most are simply reading the headline, agreeing, upvoting, and moving on to other things. Those who disagree, only 19 now...are getting triggered, downvoting, and sliding the thread.

Don’t you see how it works?

25964848? ago

An individual who speaks for others he does not even know is a deceiver. Right, OP?

25964809? ago

Why don't you come out of the anon spaces and discuss this?

25965028? ago


25965056? ago

Then you won't look like a coward.

25965650? ago

as if your pussy-basement-ass has something "special"


25965703? ago

Says the person hiding in an anon space on a forum.

25968862? ago

Says the boomer that doesn’t get anon culture.

25968884? ago


25965127? ago

Only so you can expose and drag someone’s user handle through every subverse on this domain screaming like a child about how they wronged you or your ideology?

No thanks....that’s what every leftist commie does...and it’s called cancel culture.

25965183? ago

No, I don't that. Others here do, but I don't. I just think you are a coward.

Anon boards, like QRV, allow people to not get called out for their bullshit.

25968892? ago

Anon boards are what Q used to get traction, as words, not identities, win out.

Get lost, boomer.

25968917? ago

Actions win. Words and identities eventually mean nothing. This is why the GOP is seen as useless.

25965385? ago

Going back to your last statement, though. How exactly do you β€œcall someone out for their bullshit” without using cancel culture tactics? Why do you require someone’s identity?

25965746? ago

Why is your Voat account so tied to your real life that you feel the need to say some things in an anonymous space? Why are you afraid of your ideas? I merely want to make you defend your ideas under your Voat account.

Cancel culture tactics involves you losing your job, losing access to (((banking))), and being depersoned. We don't do that here (well, usually), we call you out for the BS you believe and make you defend it.

25966255? ago

Defend my ideas under my Voat account. I don’t understand what this involves without the potential for you being able to do what I mentioned above.

We (this sub) receive the blame for β€œletting” injustice persist that our accusers themselves do nothing to change. People get triggered...and indeed, people do β€œsome things.”

This is a crazy, fucked up world and you cannot promise civility for those who simply wish to debate without consequence.

25967399? ago

We (this sub) receive the blame for β€œletting” injustice persist that our accusers themselves do nothing to change.

The sub is the biggest do nothings on here.

25967551? ago

Ha! We’re in an online forum... What exactly do you consider action?

25967611? ago

Let's start with something easy - do you vote out those that represent you?

25967842? ago

If they do NOT represent me, yes, I cast my vote to replace them.

Are you registered to vote?

25967878? ago

Yes, and I've been voting the bums out for two decades.

25967988? ago

So, that’s it? You think a politically-charged sub such as this consists largely of non voters?!? I’m still not getting the β€œbiggest do nothings on here” comment.

What do you consider action?

25968061? ago

QRV isn't politically charged. It is a bunch of people playing catch up while having their hand held on what DC and the elites are really like. I've known several topics for months or years longer than QRV and the Q movement.

25968229? ago

You’ve known all this for months/years, have been waiting all this time for people to wake up...and when they do, you call them β€œdo nothings”... okay, got it.

So, back to my original question: What do you consider action?

25968356? ago

No, you fucks called me and people like me conspiracy theorists! Fuck you. You fucks played right into the MSM's narratives until Trump showed up and called them fake news. Now that so many of the conspiracies are being shown to be true you are bragging about it. Now that you see they are showing their true colors and have always been, you are bragging about it. They've been rubbing everybody's noses in it for generations.

You're god damn right I'm going to call them do nothings! They've done nothing for all this time and are acting like it is new information they've discovered.

Remember, Q sent you here and not elsewhere. Perhaps there's a deeper reason for that than what you've been told?

25968549? ago

Very dramatic! You know nothing about me at all, so I take no offense to your over generalizations and assumptions. Sounds like simply knowing something before everyone else is the winning trophy for you.

Back to the question: What do you consider action?

25967886? ago

Good to hear.

25965229? ago

Riiiight.... you’re an honest lefty. Got it.

25965314? ago

I'm a Constitutionalist.

25965334? ago

Awesome...glad to hear that!

25964802? ago

Were the founding fathers patriots? This country was founded by Whites for Whites. Get your nigger worship jew propaganda equality the fuck out of here.

25964693? ago

Shut up kike glownigger. We won over or scared away all the legit Q followers on race realism months ago. This shit glows to high hell and we all know it.

25966778? ago

Bingo. And sewing additional racial division only helps jews.

No one is pushing the racial division who are not jewish.

Once the JQ is resolved the rest will very likely work itself out.

25969390? ago

To some extent that is true.

25964627? ago

Jew shills here in big numbers.

25964539? ago

Look at all the worthless Nazi fags.

So insecure and apparently incapable of taking responsibility for their shitty lives.

Sad they don’t understand that THEY and the racist white trash do more to harm the perception of white people than anyone else.

They’re easily manipulated on an emotional level (just like leftists) and have more in common with the people they than they do with most white people.

They’re losers. Their worthless parents failed them.

25965286? ago

Okay rabbi

25967269? ago


You’re intellectually lazy. Calling anyone who disagrees with you Jewish is the best you can do.

No wonder your mom is embarrassed by you.

You’re just a miserable sack of shit. And you wonder why everyone thinks you’re such a loser.

25964890? ago

Hi, filthy Kike.

25965007? ago


I’m not Jewish.

Thanks for demonstrating how big of a retard you are, though.

You’re so fucking stupid, the only way your little low IQ brain can rationalize opposition to your weak minded faggotry is to assume the other person is a Jew.

You’re a miserable loser. Your worthless white trash parents failed you and, unfortunately, the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

Do us all a favor and choke on a dick, incel.

25965383? ago

It's sad how you guys always out yourselves at the slightest provocation, just like your nigger pets.

25967238? ago

Yeah, I outed myself as not being low IQ collectivist white trash like you.

I hope your race obsession destroys your life, if it hasn’t already.

25967368? ago

White trash, that's rich. Like that's going to hurt or bother me?

The only people obsessed by race are the Q crowd and leftists. Whether you like it or not, the Q crowd is obsessed with making sure they aren't racist without stopping to think why would that be bad? So, why is it bad to prefer people that look like they come from my tribe over people that don't look like they come from my tribe?

25967434? ago


You’re a fucking idiot. You’re so dumb, you think you actually make sense.

Calling out racist white trash isn’t obsessing over race. It’s calling out racist white trash.

I’d take a black patriot over mouth breathing weak minded collectivist white trash any day of the week.

Most white people are embarrassed by losers like you too. Your parents failed you miserably. Apparently your mom was embarrassed by you too. It’s no wonder, you’re as dumb as a fucking rock.

25967586? ago

Why's it bad to be racist? Who told us it was bad to be racist? Go on, I'll wait.

25967790? ago


You're retarded.

Judging entire groups of people based on arbitrary characteristics like skin color is the height of idiocy. It's collectivism. That's what leftists do. Their whole goal is to erase the identity of the individual and replace it with a group identity. You're literally acting like the leftists and marxists that you despise.

Conservatives believe in the identity of the individual. Are you really too fucking stupid to understand that?

Of course you are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You're just as easily manipulated as all the dumbass leftists that you think you're better than. Well, you're not. In fact, I think you're worse. At least they understand what they're trying to do.

25965304? ago

You are a Shabbot goy. An enemy of freedom.

25967255? ago


Ok, faggot.

You’re just a whiny loser LARPing from his mom’s basement.

Get a life, incel

25965121? ago

Self righteous limp Leftard is triggered. Hit the mark didn't I, big nose?

25967365? ago


I’m not a liberal or Jewish.

I’m just a white conservative who thinks racists and antisemites are collectivist trash.

It’s no wonder no one loves you. You’re a miserable piece of shit. I imagine you’re an embarrassment to your family. Hell, I’m embarrassed by you. You perpetuate the worst stereotypes of white conservatives. You’re so weak minded you blame all your insecurities and inadequacies on everyone else. You’re the only one to blame for your shitty life.

At the end of the day, you’re just another pussy talking big on the internet because you have zero control over anything else in your life. You’re just a loser with a losing hand. I hope to god you don’t find a woman trashy and dumb enough to reproduce with you.

25964468? ago

There are times I can't come to voat.co. Could it he it gets attacks sometimes?

25965921? ago

They don't think it be like it is, but it do...

25964459? ago

OP = ✑Shill posing as a Q devotee.

25964448? ago

Unfortunately, there are plenty of racist pieces of shit here on a daily basis.

It has nothing to do with being β€œover the target”.

It’s a combination of a few shills, a few racist trolls that are butt hurt because we took over their shitty site, and boomer racists that sat by and got fat while our country was driven into the ground by the establishment.

They’re all worthless wastes of space.

25964545? ago

Military Intelligence is the least "kumbayah" of all of the Agencies and when they do an analysis of a situation they don't pull punches (peoples lives are on the line).

Q has spoken out against communist jews and their genocide of White Ukrainians so your argument just doesn't hold any water. Your like that nigger trying to fill up his laundry basket from a faucet.

pick related dickhead now please kys. https://de.catbox.moe/v2q0mf.png

25964603? ago


Go fuck yourself. You’re a hysterical over emotional loser. We’d all be better off without you.

Go whine about your Jew obsession somewhere else.

25964656? ago

strawman argument

jew detected.

25964716? ago

You’re responding to someone else’s post, dumbass.

25964332? ago

There's a reason this place is anonymized. So they jews can concern troll with impunity.

Put your names to your words, faggots.

25966507? ago

The shills are the ones taking advantage of it.

25966653? ago

The JEWISH shills pushing MIGA propaganda

25966711? ago

No, it's the cabal shills pushing dividing shit.

25966730? ago

The cabal CONTROLLED by the JEWISIS Terrorists.

25965901? ago

stalking cannot stop people telling the truth here

25964304? ago

When you see a post calling for conformity, apologizing for non-conformity, know that it is not an actual Patriot, who believes in freedom, free will, free speech, etc..

The Q movement screams ✑MIND CONTROL✑ at this point. It did not start out that way until they had individuals hooked.

25964259? ago

Arrests or GTFO. Shill or someone who wants justice for crimes against our country and humanity?

25965430? ago

And what exactly is your alternative plan for this justice?

25966220? ago

I don't have a plan cause I've been trusting that Q and POTUS are taking out the trash/ draining the swamp. 22 days till the election, 0 major arrests despite all the evidence against these traitors.

25964202? ago

Fuck off you insufferable faggots, q is not god, and trump is a jewish puppet.

25964190? ago

  • New Q people Beware.* The shills are Anti-White, Anti-Patriot who hide behind Q. They cheerlead and swarm with up-voats. Patriots are reality based and have individual opinions.

25964129? ago

I don't like fake "jews" but literally every comment I've seen today is "we need to eliminate all jews" which is not something representative of this sub

25964472? ago

It's mostly shills now, because this forum was not wisely designed

25965735? ago

name one that isn't jew, Copernicus.

25966364? ago

See? All retards.

25964125? ago

I know, I got down voted for saying patriot have no skin color

25964435? ago


25964453? ago

See, another low-IQ moron

25964465? ago


25964120? ago

I've been here for 2 years. Shills are a part of the scene at QRV. They are easy to recognize. The hate Trump, hate God and hate Jews. They are Soros-paid minions or far-left lunatics (or both). There are NOT hundreds of them at all.

25965277? ago

Christ himself called the Jews the Synagouge of Satan you better read your Bible before you think God loves the Jews

25965463? ago

correct. Hebrews are His chosen people.

25965713? ago


25964414? ago

The shilliest kike post I have ever read.

25964232? ago

Hate jews, love God, hate all jew shills such as Trump

25964087? ago




25964086? ago

Dems know two things:

  1. Trump is getting 4 MORE YEARS.
  2. Trump is getting 4 MORE JUSTICES.

And they hates Patriots and America because of that. Period.

25965995? ago

How about those justices end anchor citizenship, declare it unconstitutional, and then send them back south.

25965723? ago


25964053? ago

Hundreds?? Let me see the counter. We get attacks everyday. Craziest thing around the Q community... We are being attacked!!! Of course we are. You can start to worry when we aren't. The fear is all in your head. Stop the Maxwell program you picked up on reddit.

25964048? ago

Whenever you read visceral hatred on this site, particularly overtly racist hatred, that is a Leftist hoping to make the voat population and Q anons look hateful. Just remember that is the hate that fuels the Left.

25966037? ago

we all understand this but thanks for the reminder.

25963873? ago

Until we can have an open and honest conversation about races, biological differences, the genetic-basis for difference in IQ and how society should be structured to be the most productive possible due to those scientifically proven and irrevocable differences, then hate will be the only option.

As it is now, one (((race))) is siccing other races on the white race. And now the - frankly - least-racist generation of whites ever have two choices:

  • virtue signal their race into extinction
  • reforge their racial identity to secure their future

I grew up liberal. I watched the world take the fruits of white civilization then turn and sucker punch them. Now I"m ready to make sure my children don't grow up in the shit I did by any fucking means necessary.

25967518? ago

I grew up liberal.

And you still are. Libtards are the most racist pieces of shit on earth.

Elites can't rule over us, killing millions in unnecessary wars, sending trillions overseas in our tax dollars just to pocket 99% of it for themselves, poisoning us, sterilizing us ... unless we're fighting amongst ourselves.

So they send low IQ basic bitches like yourself to make us believe that blacks and minorities are the reason you're down on your luck, instead of Soros and Rothschilds and the house of Saud and Chyna.

25970608? ago

Never said anything about being down in my luck. Please point to my exact words where I did.

I said until an honest conversation can take place and the facts accepted hated would be a valid response. To be sure we're not the ones burning down cities or looting for air jordans. We aren't the ones shooting children like Cannon Hannant in the head. Or mother's like Jessica Whitaker.

25970758? ago

I said until an honest conversation can take place

Do the Nazis of Voat really think they're not able to participate in a conversation? 100 Holocaust copypastas weren't enough? Maybe another 100 would do the trick?

and the facts accepted

I've been here for fucking years. I have never seen a single, solitary person trying to argue that the Holocaust actually had 6 million people die. Not once. I haven't seen it, and neither have you.

But for Nazis, it has nothing to do with the Holocaust. It's just a talking point against muh Jews. You have no interest in bringing justice to Soros or the Rothschild family, they only exist as a talking point for hatred and division against muh Jews.

For you, the "fact" we need to accept is that the Holocaust didn't happen and therefore, we need to hate every living Jew today, even though Jews today had nothing to do with the Holocaust fabrication. Who did? The POTUS of the US during WW2. Where is your anger against his non-Jew ass?

To be sure we're not the ones burning down cities or looting for air jordans

As well as a bulk majority of the black population.

What I've noticed is that Nazis have no plan, except for vague references to future violence.

We aren't the ones shooting children like Cannon Hannant in the head.

As well as the entire black race, minus one. Do you blame the entire white race for Jeffrey Dahmer?

Your biggest problem is that you will never be able to exact justice against people violating the law, by design. Because that lawlessness is nothing to you, except a talking point against a group of people who had nothing to do with the lawlessness.

25966341? ago

Benefits no one except Jews to be divisive right before an election.

Why help jews?

25968578? ago

Everybody is beginning to be critical of jews.

Calm your tits

25966738? ago


25974226? ago

🀣 perfect

25966399? ago

...so hold my tongue about the jews wielding the blacks/useful idiots against the whites to prevent being divisive...cause it helps the jews?

So either way the jews win? Thanks Rabbi.

Trump gets my vote either way (frankly - who fucking else could you vote for)...but if this ends up on my street they'll be a pile of bullet-ridden corpses on my yard.

25966588? ago

Then help us by fighting the best online fight we can: Address this with the vast majority of others that speak the same as you, but proclaim that a vote doesn’t matter, aren’t going to vote, and that Trump is nothing more than a Jew shill.

25966628? ago

Help America by voting ZOGNALD2020

25966645? ago

Sure. Call it what you may, just vote FFS.

25966708? ago

Nah. I write in Heil Hitler every year. No more money to Israel

25964731? ago

this is the truth. Those who cannot accept it will fall prey to it. Period.

25968793? ago

Anyone have the copypasta? That sounds like a keeper.

25965553? ago

PS i like your reference to the best 4chan rant ever.


25964874? ago

I was referencing that so I don't want to steal credit but i couldn't find the post.

25964265? ago

Seeing as your "thoughtful" comment has appeared verbatim twice, separated by a couple minutes and on the SAME THREAD, including the two comments that were supposedly written by unrelated posters...

Looks like a bunch of shills who can't get their shit together.

25964421? ago

yup.... here's a shill family photo: https://i.postimg.cc/SxwS5X8s/family.jpg

25964333? ago


25964581? ago

Oh look, those duplicates are gone now. And I got exactly the number of downvotes for pointing it out as the number of commenters who duplicated their comments. How convenient!

My original point remains. You guys aren't very good at what you're doing (or maybe "guy" with 2-3 IP addresses?).

Bet this will also have 2 downvotes in about 2 minutes...

25965206? ago

Doesn't answer the points those posts make.

25965437? ago

That's because I was speaking to the individuals who are posting here with an agenda to further divide. Rather than engage in the distraction, I called it out because it was so poorly done that they actually posted the same SET of comments/replies twice on the same thread... which is sloppy. Those copy/paste comments are supposed to go on DIFFERENT threads. That's what shills are paid to do.

I thought it was actually funny that they outed themselves. They then immediately deleted one whole set of comments/replies, which just confirmed they were working together as a unit (or were a single person with multiple accounts).

If you aren't one of them, that's the explanation you are looking for. If you are, I guess you'll want to be more careful lest you lose your shilling job.

25966293? ago

No one outed themselves. People respond to so many "White Man Bad" posts that they keep copy pastas handy.

It's easy to make duplicates.

25966650? ago

So, I'm supposed to believe that 3 separate people copy pasta'd the same comments almost simultaneously... twice... by mistake... they noticed the error almost simultaneously, then deleted their comments from the same set of duplicates almost simultaneously?

What time yesterday was I supposedly born?

25966864? ago

I didn't notice, I got on the thread late. But here's what you should do. Look up all the resources, show where they are wrong. Create your own pasta. And when the (((bad goys))) post, post your counter pasta and keep us all enlightened.

25964130? ago

you still are a libral idiot the fact you acknowledge your racial views and participate in racial identarian politics just confirms it.

25963924? ago

Great job! Non-white need to go. They don't belong in white nations.

25965103? ago

Fuck off back to your fucking land then you ignorant retards. Europe needs you bad.

25965644? ago

America is where white people invented industry, mining, and written language more than 20,000 years ago. We have more claim to it than anyone, and if we don't, we'll negate their claims through combat.

Our land is being (((taken))) everywhere. We're going to take it back, and the more you fight us the worse we're going to make it for you.

25965215? ago

Why do you live in houses with electricity and plumbing and heating and cooling and internet and phones and ovens and stoves and furniture and drive cars go to grocery stores and not only eat the food they hunt or grow and wear clothing they made themselves and take medicine and use eyeglasses and not live in the mud huts or the teepee tents their ancestors lived in

25965180? ago

America was founded by white men, as a white Ethnostate.

25965152? ago

But who will fund your welfare state if we go back to Europe.

25965142? ago

No, we're full.

25965355? ago

your fucking screwdrivers were taken away, while sand niggers run rampant with "religious daggers"

Fuck "Europe"

25965138? ago

^^ tranny kike ^^

25963867? ago

Idk OP. Judging by the comments in here as of late it seems like You are the minority now.

25965098? ago

Bots and shills. Anons know the cabal seeks to divide and conquer. wwg1wga

25966559? ago

Yeah sure the only people fighting for white survival are shills. You Qultists need to let go of your illusions.

The cabal divides so that their jewish nature remains unnoticed. Everyone's too busy fighting each other over trivial shit to kill the jews fucking us all.

25966804? ago

Racism and a call to violence - the perfect soundbite for your cabal masters. Divide and conquer shill at work.

25974957? ago

We are already divided and conquered, retard. To unite against the cabal is to unite against the Kabbalah which is where the damn word comes from.

Here's what happens to jews against pedophilia: https://archive.fo/x6WDj

(((They))) are desperate not to be noticed as THE global child sex traffickers, and you're helping them. Wittingly or unwittingly, doesn't matter. You're telling people to be afraid of truth seekers. We are trying to show people who to unite against.

You want to make me reconsider? Show me all the pro-Q anti-trafficking jews.

25976037? ago

omg you are an idiot if you believe that crap is in anyway helpful to regaining our world... But I think you are a slick shill, serving your masters.

Anons stay united. Anons do not feed the media their racism talking points.

25992848? ago

Oh my god shock can't name a single one

No arguments just the same crap off your talking points list, hey?

25972661? ago

Waah muh raycissm is bad

Basic bitch cuckservative confirmed.


25963967? ago

Shill farms are easy to operate

25964341? ago

which is where your comment comes from

25966686? ago

Bullshit shill.

Kill yourself you gaslighting Soros bot.

25963938? ago

They always have been.

They are cucked, old, white, brainwashed boomers with granddaughters with half-black babies and no fathers.

25965582? ago

Shill rating out of 10:


25966127? ago

Thank you. I do it for the fans.

25963853? ago

Ya theres been a serious uptick, that's for damn sure....

25963948? ago

I predicted this 3 weeks ago. Back when Trump gave the niggers $500 BILLION and the whites got the bill.

25963763? ago

You want to see the shills cringe?


25964370? ago

My choice to crush freedom. We love her in my Jewish community

25966641? ago

Well look at that.

The ruling [allowing Pritzker to unfairly target Republican gatherings while giving BLM a free pass] was authored by Seventh Circuit Judge Diane P. Wood. Circuit judges Amy C. Barrett and Amy J. St. Eve concurred.

So much winning, I'm not sure how much more the country can handle. But Trump is definitely our guy, defending against communism in every way. /s

25963359? ago

Are you sick of niggers and all the bullshit nigger behavior?

Then you're in the right place! Here we name the Jew and call them out.

25966486? ago

Nah just sick of shills and retards

25966638? ago

Sick of blacks raping our white daughters.

25966656? ago

I'm sick of rapists raping anyone.

If you make it about race, you'll give them a claim to victimhood, and freedom.

25974243? ago

Statistics don't lie. God you need to wake up.

25974454? ago

Shills do.

25966720? ago

The black beast is a cancer on our society that needs to be physically removed and re-segregated. Any other view is leftist progressive trash.

25966752? ago

You're obviously a narrow idiot.

25966788? ago

You’re obviously a race mixing communist. GTFO

25965211? ago

Get rid of the Jews and the blacks will be put in their rightful place under the white man's heel

25966593? ago

Their rightful place is Africa. Letting them live among us is a net loss. We shouldn't spend the time or resources to keep them in check.

25965728? ago

25963973? ago

Another shill farm employee

25966502? ago


many, many retards on this thread

25964109? ago

You don't know that. Just stfu.

25964434? ago

It's extremely obvious, but you're low IQ so...

you wouldn't know

25966541? ago

Sometimes I actually bother to log in while reading QRV just so that I can contribute to properly representing the true, original, patriotic culture here in the face of moronic posts about how "qanons are not racist" and the only ones espousing such natural and sane ideas are shills.

25966555? ago

Hundreds of very low-IQ shills are attacking QRV today.

Brock jizzed his cabal cum in their low IQ throats.

New Q people beware: the hatred, divison and drivel here is not coming from real Q Patriots, just morally corrupt low-IQ morons, like this guy!

25966749? ago

Brock jizzed his cabal cum in their low IQ throats...

... morally corrupt

Look who's projecting moral corruption, lol.

There's mainly one group who uses such vile, disgusting "insults". As evidenced by responses in this thread, real Q patriots are well aware of who is pulling the strings at the top.

25966779? ago

I'm a Q patriot, which is why I don't spew your racist drivel around here.

25963950? ago

You DA's would not know a Jew if he bit you on the ass!

25965240? ago

a jew would never bite one of us in the ass, a jew would send a nigger to do it

25963341? ago

Jews are behind all of the anti-white hate. They use non-whites as weapons against the white nuclear family.

25968308? ago

Jews are behind all of the anti-white hate

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Patriot Orthodox Jews in New York Showing their Support for #Trump2020. Dancing October 7th, 2020.

20 seconds videos:

β€’ Mirror 1 https://video.maga.host/videos/watch/3d79c057-6f71-44ec-8e53-09325cd13f7d

β€’ Mirror 2 https://open.tube/videos/watch/ffa816c3-59b2-445d-b147-3291ec572a61

β€’ Mirror 3 https://libre.video/videos/watch/74671235-387d-462a-9822-d5579dd7f305

β€’ Mirror 4 https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/9207c78a-e0fc-4fb0-be4e-32f6fb8296fe

β€’ Mirror 5 https://web.archive.org/web/20201008174359/https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238

β€’ Mirror 6. Original at https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1 β€’ Video 2

Website β€’ Twitter β€’ Facebook β€’ Instagram β€’ All Videos

25968302? ago

What do the jews think about the Goyim: https://files.catbox.moe/xe8amg.mp4

Rabbi says arabs love to be their slaves: https://files.catbox.moe/ajg60k.mp4

Gadafi on how jews treat arabs: https://a.pomf.cat/vzaymo.mp4

Come to the Jew Party: https://files.catbox.moe/df3a7j.mp4

Jesus in the talmud: https://files.catbox.moe/cdvywz.mp4

CNN: https://files.catbox.moe/w9h0l6.jpg

Rabbi says going to hell is a blessing: https://files.catbox.moe/ajo5fy.mp4

Jews discrediting Whites: https://files.catbox.moe/k3liz6.jpg

Hundrets of more examples: https://archive.org/details/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive/page/n77/mode/2up

As White as they come: https://files.catbox.moe/b8uwfw.mp4

Anti-White Media incites violence: https://a.pomf.cat/ebhlbb.mp4

President Nixon names enemies of strong societies: https://a.pomf.cat/tdcyue.mp4

President Nixon sees jewish supremacy: https://a.pomf.cat/bndnaq.mp4

Ben Shapiro says Race is just melanin: https://files.catbox.moe/1tu7vt.mp4

Jewish tradition: https://files.catbox.moe/zea4bf.mp4

Jewish Ritual Baby Torture And Murder: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZYkqUZoirNaV/

CNN against white nationalism: https://files.catbox.moe/vncd4h.mp4

Not allowed for non-jews to be A People: https://a.pomf.cat/rjurgc.mp4

Racial interbreeding and replacing white people:






Communist BLM propaganda in sports: https://files.catbox.moe/n1il2z.mp4

Compare this to BLM: https://files.catbox.moe/9hq44y.mp4

Alexa, Siri programmed to promote BLM: https://files.catbox.moe/xd5xwp.mp4

Violent crime is done by blacks: https://files.catbox.moe/10p5ny.jpg


Kennedy about Hitler: https://files.catbox.moe/g2w6vz.jpg

Protocols audiobook: https://files.catbox.moe/xmkcvi.mp3

Definition of antisemite: https://files.catbox.moe/pvplg9.jpg

Mark of the Beast: https://files.catbox.moe/jh7m3l.mp4

Jew fed where is the money movie: https://files.catbox.moe/9mtclf.mp4

Comedy stress relief clip: https://files.catbox.moe/aivl2i.mp4

Predictive Madonna: https://a.pomf.cat/vqlnvy.mp4

Predictive 2017 movie: https://a.pomf.cat/nclynu.mp4

Communist Blueprint, incite race fights to get bigger jewish government: https://files.catbox.moe/o13u9n.mp4

180 IQ says jews have to be stopped: https://a.pomf.cat/lzlfqh.mp4

Controlled Opposition Alex Jones claims behind the scenes muslims run the fed: https://files.catbox.moe/3iixhv.mp4

Controlled Opposition Alex Jones claims to be jewish at the end of video: https://files.catbox.moe/16x3tw.mp4

Jew is the devil: https://a.pomf.cat/tcbodd.mp4

Black preacher on jews: https://a.pomf.cat/vxyfwx.mp4

Triggered jew: https://files.catbox.moe/yhn713.mp4

Smash heteronormativity: https://a.pomf.cat/jlaywu.mp4

Jews dancing (loud): https://files.catbox.moe/lxjr4y.mp4

Trojan Horse Symbolism: https://files.catbox.moe/drjr6f.png



Bolshevism: https://files.catbox.moe/jii8k2.png

Kalergi: https://files.catbox.moe/hcj05d.png

Kalergi: https://a.pomf.cat/dwojnq.png

Jews push Islamization: https://a.pomf.cat/nvgccp.png

Jews in White countries: https://a.pomf.cat/mvzcqq.png

Slave Trade: https://a.pomf.cat/wrkbab.jpg

Racist: https://a.pomf.cat/lysdbt.jpg


Susan Sontag: https://a.pomf.cat/zljlxs.png

Jews talk about Whites: https://a.pomf.cat/ewrwgv.png


Jews Genociding Whites: https://a.pomf.cat/fqhoqd.png

Rabbi wants White children burned alive: https://a.pomf.cat/svlouq.png

Barbara Spectre: https://a.pomf.cat/dutwla.jpeg

Barbara Spectre: https://a.pomf.cat/alcmjl.jpeg

Woodrow: https://a.pomf.cat/yybqsr.jpg

Jefferson: https://a.pomf.cat/kctjof.png

White Jewish interests: https://a.pomf.cat/srkegm.jpg



Jewish quotes: https://a.pomf.cat/msarya.jpg

Hitler on socialism: https://a.pomf.cat/mdvrpc.jpeg





Obama's so called wife: https://files.catbox.moe/z8iklu.jpg

Obama's so called wife: https://files.catbox.moe/knej76.png

Newspaper Judea declares war: https://a.pomf.cat/fzxyod.png

Multiculturalism: https://a.pomf.cat/olybwf.jpg

John F. Kennedy: https://a.pomf.cat/cmepfv.jpg

Sweden crime statistics: https://a.pomf.cat/brqjzn.jpg

slaves: https://files.catbox.moe/4o1vst.jpg

25966355? ago

Very clearly they've activated their shill accounts. Like a switch was flipped.

Not obvious at all.

25966398? ago

I know, right? 10 jews downvoted me.

25966207? ago

The only hate I see in QRV is anti-non-white hate.

25966218? ago

No, you see patriots trying to show you the truth but you refuse so that either makes you a retard or a non-white. G'day, niggerjew.

25966224? ago

if you don't agree with me, then you are a niggerjew


25966237? ago

You refuse to look at the facts and truth. You cover for niggers, jews and israel no matter what. THAT makes YOU a SHILL.

25966243? ago

if you don't agree with my fake "facts:" and "truth" then you are a SHILL


25966292? ago


25966295? ago

Everyone is a Jew to me!


25966319? ago

Ima blame jewish crimes and behavior on MUH NAZIS!!!!!

herp durp kike

25966053? ago

^ good job assisting the cabal in branding us as NAZIs.

25966084? ago

Who cares what the jews call us?? We know what THEY ARE. Being called a Nazi is an honor.

25966839? ago

Great, embrace Nazism so we can get relegated to obscurity. Your masters will be pleased.

25967864? ago

Judaism is not compatible with white nations. Zionism is terrorism.

25965472? ago

Bankers are behind all of our enemies. Nazis included.

25966114? ago

yeah those nazis own everything, huh? you stupid fuck jew.

25966257? ago

I did not say they're the top of the pyramid. Far from it! All nazis are just useful idiots for globalist bankers.

Think about it. All nazis consider everyone who won't tow their line to be jews. And all antifa consider everyone who won't tow their line to be fascists. Both parties receive funding from globalist bankers and poof! Instant polarization of society.

At first you nazis tried to pretend that Q was a white nationalist movement. It didn't work. Now you're telling us Q is jewish. It's so obvious what you've been doing: first try to usurp the movement like Hitler usurped the righteous anger of post WW1 Germans (only to lead them into the Russian winter instead of punishing the zionists at Dunkirk and then following that up with an invasion of the City of London). When that failed, you've declared the whole thing "jewish" and are now trying to enlist patriots to charge up the "it's the Jews" hill with you.

Of course, going up that hill is a trap. It's festooned with pillboxes, total meat grinder. And we don't need to be nazis to oppose globalism, talmudism, and the Babylonian mystery schools. Q has a better way.

None of this message is for (you), who have already chosen a side.

25966281? ago

REeeeeeee watch as I cover for the jews and niggers

None of this message is for (you), who have already chosen a side.

That is rich coming from a Ziotard!! hahahaha

25967455? ago

Kek, yeah, I'm the ziotard who wanted to see Germany invade the City of London in WW2. Makes perfect sense!

Thank you God, for blessing us with such feeble adversaries.

25965436? ago

from: doglegwarrior

If Q cant address the J Q then he is fucking retarded or is a fucking J!

25966126? ago

oh but israel is last, goy. after all of israel's enemies and critics are gone first haha shalom

25965965? ago


(Coward + Pussy)

25967306? ago

from: doglegwarrior

im not the one hiding behind a number name like a real cowpuss... funny word it does not sound mean enough for what it is describing imo

25968729? ago

No. You’re just a namefag boomer.

25965959? ago

actually spell out the word jew you cockbag

25967311? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Just shortining thing the way you Q and anons do by saying the J

25967596? ago

If you're going to name the jew, take its cock out of your mouth first and pronounce the full word.

25965908? ago

^^^ doggiedicklicker!


25964937? ago

100s of examples

Scroll down to see

Save them all and repost often


25964920? ago

100s of examples.

Scroll down.

Save them all and repost


25964364? ago

Shills are behind all of the anti-united hate.

25964708? ago

you can be filled with love and tolerance. But you cannot sleep next to a mad dog.

25964724? ago

Mad dogs come in all kinds of colors and religions, you uneducated fool.

But they shouldn't be prosecuted based on that

25964944? ago

You are trying to unite with mad dogs. They will bit you. And you will make like the frog who carried the scorpion. "Why did you sting me?" You will ask as you drown. "You knew what i was when you let me on your back" the (((scorpion))) will reply.

25966390? ago

Sorry, I don't drink cabal jizz.

25964401? ago

Jews divide white people. Jews want you to bring non-whites into your circles. Diversity is a code word for white genocide.

25964499? ago

Actual, paid for, hate drivelβ„’

25964512? ago

Jews pay all kinds of people to carry out anti-white missions.

25966372? ago

Your shill buddies are out in droves.

You all stink together :-)

25966386? ago

or maybe we are the masses and right and it is YOU who is the shill?? Noooo it can't be that, can it, kike trash?

25966418? ago

I'm not a kike, so that makes you the liar... AGAIN

25966505? ago

You are the SHABBOS SHILL from this day forth.

25966522? ago

I just told you I'm not a jew....

Are you some kind of super idiot?

Oh wait, you ARE. 🀣

25966534? ago


25964531? ago

I'm white and you suck, you loser

25964978? ago

Its ok to be white

25964666? ago

shalom my fellow white. (rubs hands together).

25965120? ago

Lol. I don't think this is what op intended when he created this thread.

25966151? ago

heh heh

sometimes diamonds can shine in the craziest places ;)

25966890? ago

As of my reply the hottest threads here in QRV are directly about the jew, or as the case with this one, was appropriated by goats to name (((them))), lol.

25964632? ago


25964203? ago

Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate


Jewish man accused of spray-painting swastikas on own home


Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making β€œanti-Semitic” Threatening Phone Calls


Police arrest two youths for painting swastikas in Old City of Jerusalem


Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues


Israel arrests Jewish teen over anti-Semitic threats in US


Man's Apple watch proves he lied about anti-Semitic stabbing in West Bloomfield


25964277? ago

Very nice.







Q#4722- Meet Norman Eisen, the Dirty jew Behind the Color Revolution Against POTUS (QRV)



Q#4003 Meet Heinz Alfred Kissinger - The New World Order Plan...



Q#4748-"The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?" (QRV)



Q#4788- What are the odds? Coincidence? [H.Res. 1154: Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.] (QRV)



Q#916"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"



Why are Two Former Department of Homeland Security Heads Working With An Israeli Intelligence Firm That Until Recently Was Led By Ehud Barak and Nicole Junkermann? (QRV)



Who's Been Pulling Your Strings? Meet The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. (QRV)



(((Netflix's CEO))) is the great-grand-nephew of psychoanalyst (((Sigmund Freud))) and grand-nephew of social engineer (((Edward Bernays))). Netflix is one big psyop.



Al Goldstein: "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks... Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture..." (QRV)



Was the Mainstream Media Directly Involved in 9/11?



UPDATED: Newt Gingrich Mentions George Soros and Fox Hosts Basically Say 'Das Ist Verboten'



What Is Gaslighting? "Sorry, America, You’re Wrong, the Jews Did Not Kill Jesus"



Henry Ford Wrote About the Deep State in 1920 (QRV)



Patton On Communism And The Khazar Jews- General Patton's Warning



"We've defeated the wrong enemy."- General George S. Patton



109 Eviction Notices Since 250 AD. What Did General Ulysses S. Grant Have to Say About Them?



The Zionist Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals



So, Black People Have The Second Largest Continent, All To Themselves... But Jews Insist That The Rest Of The World Needs More "Diversity And Inclusion"... Why? KALERGI PLAN (QRV)



Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband, is the Democrats’ newest Jewish star



Nancy Pelosi: 'My father was a Shabbos Goy'



Jewish Members of U.S. Congress | 116th Congress



Guess Who Does NOT Allow Dual Citizenship in Their Government? (QRV)



Jewish Democrats- For nearly a century, one party has captured the vast majority of Jewish votes.



Deep State: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money - "Deep State Moneymen Love Globalism and Communism"



Are the Majority of Pedophiles Jews?



Are jews behind communism in China?



The Jews in pre-WW2 Germany were 2% of the population but 50% of the media, 70% of judges and tremendously overrepresented in banking, film, theater and literature. They tried to destroy Germany. (QRV)



AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)



Q4693- For those who may have been confused: Antifa= The COMMUNIST PARTY of Germany. NOT Nazis.



Hitler DID NOT Defund the Police



Haaretz: "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews" (QRV)



Q#998 "Why Do They Persecute Me So?"



What is Jewish Bolshevism?



Bolshevik Lives Matter More- Professor James Tracy



Are They Wrong?: "Jewish Democratic Council compares Trump's America to 1930s Germany in new ad"



Who Started World War 2?



Jews Are Behind The Largest Mass Murders in the History of the World... (QRV)



Bolshevik jews Slaughtered Millions of Ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, Many of Whom Were Christians, in the Years Leading Up to WWII



Hypothetically Speaking, If it Were Illegal To Question the Motives, Tendencies, Behavior and History of Certain People, That Would Be Alarming, Right? (QRV)



If the Holocaust Happened, Why is it Illegal to Say That it Didn't? Wouldn't the Facts Stand on Their Own? (QRV)



Did You Know the jews Piled Up 2 Tons of Hair At Auschwitz Museum to Convince Gullible Tourists the Holocaust Happened? (QRV)



jew Math: 500k Holocaust Survivors Remained After the War. They All Lived Until 2016. Then 400k Died Within a Couple Months. 100k Remained Until 2018. There Are Now 400k Holocaust Survivors in 2020.



Did You Know These People Have Been Receiving Reparations for Nearly Seven Decades? (QRV)



Did You Know That as of 2014, Germany Alone Had Dished Out $85 BILLION to Jews Who "Survived" the Holocaust? (QRV)



MANY References to "Six Million Jews" in Newspapers Before World War II



Why Are We Sending Billions in Aid to Israel Every Year?...



...When HALF of the World's jews Live in America and Are Trying to Destroy America?



What Is an Anti-Semite? (QRV)



Ever Wonder Why Q Sent Us HERE of All Places? (QRV)



Ever Wonder Who's Been Calling You a Nazifag?






How Did (((They))) FAKE the Holocaust? Why is it Illegal to Debate the Details?






Then said the Jews, Will He kill himself? because He saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come. And He said unto them, "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." ... Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."



25974864? ago

thanks for the links!

amazed how organized some of you anons are. I have 100 tabs open, and my desktop is a mess.

25967197? ago

Well played

25964062? ago

this is an example of a bigot not a supporter of Q. this is someone who should be pitied more for there views not hated. the Q movement is not about hate and the fact that you don't hate them actively upsets them more then anything.

25964342? ago

Oh please, cut the BS. First off there's nothing hateful in what he wrote. It's the truth and it's obvious to everyone. Second, this board has been the same since day one. If all of us non-cucked realists are part of a shill farm, then you've been wasting your time posting on a shill farm board this whole time. There's nothing different about today than any other day except the nomination process of ACB is bringing out some well deserved criticism.

25965519? ago

It's kind of surprising you don't see more Qultists becoming realists. I mean they want to shit up our forum with their political entertainment club, and they have the audacity to say we don't belong here?

This is the place for unrestricted speech. In all forums of unrestricted speech, jews are loudly condemned.

Rather than understanding why, they call us hateful. No, I just want white people to survive, the only way we achieve that is by ethnostate, regardless of how we get there.

25964315? ago

Qews suck and fuck big black dicks.

25964205? ago

How many shekels for that, Saul?

25965627? ago

this one is free of charge

25963488? ago

OK Nazitard.

25964102? ago

Where the fuck did you cocksucking retards come from? Is this a reddit raid?

Who the fuck uses the term "nazitard"

Especially on voat. Like, just tell us. Did the JDIF hire a bunch of new faggots or are you from fag central reddit?

My guess is le reddit faggots thought you could raid voat. But tell me where you got that dick in your ass ok?

25964079? ago

Nazi's were jew sock puppets and jews.

Night of the Long Knives, when German Nationalists were betrayed and murdered by Bolshevik Jews in the SS and Gestapo.

25964189? ago

Sounds like jewish history

25964323? ago

Oy vey! Hitler was a methed-out single-balled occultist!

25964650? ago

(((History Channel)))

In fact, Hitler got in a US Submarine and slithered off to Argentina.

Jews (((russians))) took his body. Subsequent analysis proved it was not Hitler.

25963629? ago

Within three years jews will become public enemy number one because of everything THEY'VE been doing. Some very serious information is coming that will change peoples views on jews.

25963956? ago

Fuck off shill. You don’t represent any of us you commie fuck.

25964034? ago

I represent the masses of REAL AMERICAN PATRIOTS.

25964406? ago

no, no you don't.

25964416? ago

You jews are cancer. People see that now.

25964490? ago

I'm not a jew, so you're OBVIOUSLY wrong, AGAIN

25964502? ago

Then you are a shabbos goy cuck who is a danger to us, our children and our nation.

25964519? ago

You do not represent the Q movement, or anything good.

You are a paid liar & divider, and you guzzle that cabal jizz like no one else.

25964536? ago

I represent the truth and the truth is like holy water to you demon jews, just like Jesus said.

25964578? ago

Are you some kind of super idiot? I told you I'm not a jew. There is no truth in what you say. It is at best, low-IQ drivel, and at worse, weaponized drivel.

25964661? ago

Jew speak. Next you will say that I am trailer park white trash. I know your whole song and dance, kike trash.

25964689? ago

Racist lowlife pigs such as you have no lessons to teach me, I'm just here for God and Country.

25964703? ago

If you support jews and niggers then you are not of God. You are of dark like they are.

25964732? ago

God does not speak like you do.

25964841? ago

You may wanna get your doc to increase your meds if you are hearing voices, Qew.

25963905? ago

Time to take out the trash!

25964396? ago

Yay, no more shills!

25964633? ago

shills = people trying to destroy the white race

25964651? ago

actual shills = low-IQ morons trying to discredit the Q movement

25964680? ago

Q discredits the Q movement.

Niggers are destroying America. Q does nothing. Trump gives them $500 BILLION.

Jews are brainwashing America. Q does nothing. Trump goes along with it.

Hillary Clinton fucked and killed children. Q does nothing. Trump is friends with Hillary.

The reason Q does nothing is because it's a Jewish psyop designed to pacify white patriots.

25964747? ago

Q is way more intelligent that you are, because he knows crime, religion and race are separate things.

25963994? ago

25963566? ago

What part of what he posted is not true?

25964384? ago

Their religion is, and should be, and must be, irrelevant in the eyes of the law, turdball.

25964654? ago

I thought Jews were a race? Are you saying they flip-flop back and forth between "Race" and "Relgion" whenever it's convenient for them?

25964663? ago

Neither race or religion is relevant in the eyes of justice.

Now try getting an education.

25964301? ago

Oy vey! Its racist, goy! Truth is hate!