25916832? ago


25916255? ago

Related news October 7th

Hundreds In NYC Orthodox New York Community Protest New Coronavirus Mandates


25916154? ago

Love winning.I hope trump gives (((us))) an increase on that $3.5 billion handout. (((We))) could use more free military equipment as well. If trump puts more trade embargoes on china (((we))) can sell more microchips to asia. (((Winning)))

25916004? ago

This is priceless. Thanks for sharing :)

25915960? ago

What exactly do you think is happening?

25916391? ago

Israel embasy in Jerusalem, more Israeli money aid, more Israeli military aid, more ADL lobby infiltration, more manpower and money to holocaust museums, more criminal ((( dule citizens ))) getting pardons and free escorts back to Israel, more Israeli contracts here in the us like kushners crew getting the security installation bid on the wall, more noahide laws. You know ((( Winning )))

Trump told us we would get sick of winning.

25915621? ago

Last time they danced in the streets we lost the World Trade Center.

25914908? ago

LOL that music!

25914847? ago

Yes, Trump is definitely (((our))) guy

25916003? ago

Maybe gettin Jewish support was what was meant by Israel being last?

25916134? ago

I thought it meant Israel will be the last country standing, once all other nations / race / people perish.

25916234? ago

Interesting ... could be

25914441? ago

Amazing that a bunch of juice will stand up for themselves but we won't.

25915101? ago

Jew protests are untouchable in 2020, imagine the Jewish media reaction if they were violently rounded up?

25915386? ago

The point is that y'all faggots are going to get us all enslaved because you refuse to stand.

25914360? ago

But but Trump is a literal nazi!

25913929? ago

First the Amish and now the Orthodox Jews. Trumps got this!

25914201? ago

Yeah go figure they’ll vote for someone that does everything he can to help Zionism. What a victory for us. 🙄

25914401? ago

Do Jew haters like you are just people with small cocks and make excuses for all the failures in their lives. Sad excuse for a faggot if you ask me.

25915019? ago

The people you refer to are not real “jews”, or people from Judea known as “Gods chosen people.” They are descended from Canannites, and over time have cooped the name to subvert the will of the Heavenly Father. Over hundreds of years they have been at the core of slaughtering my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Gains and again using communism as a tool. Tens of millions in Russia, Armenia, etc. Germany was one of the successful countries to cut them out before this happened to them, but due to optics and subversion set the world on them, allowing the cancer to grow in many nations under the Russians, which again were Bolshevik jews.

You have been lied to about true history, both within the last hundred years, reaching into the thousands of years. You’re not alone. Most of the modern church is cucking for these userpers of the line of Abraham. They are snakes and their father lucifer.

25918841? ago

Like the Bible says ‘false Jews’.

25916266? ago

yep, no true Scotsman

25914450? ago

just people who are smarter than you who've actually done some research on the world... but you know wagawaga!!1

25913754? ago

People that watch anime don’t realize that the music in most anime is Yiddish.

25914614? ago

TIL Initial D music is "yiddiah"...

25913793? ago

In my experience with people who watch anime; they don't realize very much at all; I truly believe it is a medium for the autistic and otherwise emotionally impaired.

25913908? ago

different anon, I was a sped teacher, and your comment is true.

99% of my autistic students were fascinated with some type of anime.

was easy to buy little trinkets for the classroom because they had such common interests regardless of race or grade level.

25913847? ago

That is over the target. My young niece is in that category. I take her on hikes with my family and it gets her away from that shelter of anime. She really comes alive and pays attention to the smallest details in nature.

I wish I could adopt her. Her parents are the worst and they don’t even have the self awareness to address it. They just shove a device in her face and walk away. It’s heartbreaking.

25914839? ago

Awful...can't stand lazy piece of shit parents

25917129? ago

Same. If I was LGBTQ+ I’d bet CPS would grant me access to raise her. The clown world we live in being what it is...

25913729? ago

Ye gods! Videos you can smell