25901569? ago

This guy is clearly a faggot.

25900090? ago

Despicable Hayden/Snowden/Vindman are ds TRAITORS

Traitors Justice Will Be Done!

25899520? ago

He won't win. I live in MI, in a county that trump won with over 70% of the vote. Currently, Biden/Harris signs outnumber Trump signs by 2:1 ratio.

Trump has lost blue collar workers. Kiss the rust belt goodbye, which gives jo and the hoe a landslide in november.

25899345? ago

Notice hayden says "white nationalism" is biggest threat, NOT white supremacy???

In US we have a:

Latino MONTH

A Black history MONTH

etc, etc

But white people loving and celebrating the nation is the most dangerous? If whites tried to declare a white history month it would start a war!

But whites are the racists, whites are the problem "in America"?

Maybe that is exactly what is needed!

25899186? ago

Another pedo spotted in the wild.

25899016? ago

DS traitor.

25898847? ago

A traitor speaks . . . fearing the noose.

25898810? ago

...Hayden's perversions and criminality gets uncovered.

25898565? ago

"Joe Biden is a good man"

A "good man" that habitually sniffs and gropes children on camera. Just imagine what he does off camera.

25898480? ago