25817619? ago

The real reason OP posted this is to make Q anon resemble a hate group for MSM...

What did Q say about this crap?

Divided you are weak.

Divided you fight each other.

Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.




Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth].




OP your an idiot and you lost

25817640? ago


25817945? ago

Anon you just said > Jesus and his 12 apostles were hateful and needed to all die..

You know nothing about what you speak...
Who's spirit do you have?

Good day... ( You may go i am through with you )

25818002? ago

Oh, quite the OPPOSITE.

Christ said that those jews who did NOT BELIEVE ON HIM WERE OF THEIR FATHER, THE DEVIL.

He was very clear on this, those who DID believe were of God (Will you type out GOD?).

And those WHO DID NOT believe were of Satan.

Thank you for giving me permission to leave, I think I'll stay though.

25818052? ago

You also forget the bible teaches there is a group calling themselves Jews who are not Jews ..

now go tell your "owner" you failed again.... By by

25818082? ago

Yes, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9

Those who say they are jews but are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.

There is no such thing as a jew today in the religious sense. Either they reject Christ, and thereby reject God, or they don't.

25818181? ago

yes there are real jews in the world today.. in TWO ways

1st > Of the Tribe of judah

2nd > Of the Kingdom of Judah

Isreal had split remember .. Judah became a kingdom ..

Israel as a nation ceased to exist before the Kingdom of Judah fell

Judah fell 70 AD

Many Jews have accepted Christ ..

how many Gentiles rejected Criss?

Where is your damnation for them? Do you know what nations? what peoples?

You are a Historian .. you researched this deeply .. you know when and how the Pharisees became corrupt

You know the Bible well .. ( shaking head slowly side to side)

25818227? ago

I said in the religious sense. Not genetic.

Duly noted that you won't type God, as well.

A jew that accepts Christ is a Christian, and genetically a jew.

The Bible is clear that gentiles that reject Christ get the same fate as jews who reject Christ.

Please do enlighten me on the corruption of the Pharisees.

25817032? ago

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Catholicism does suck.

25816958? ago

100% true.

The filthy kike is responsible for subverting traditional relationships. They want the white man dead. They want to make sure black men are the only ones having sex with white women.

It worked.

Mad yet?