25814903? ago

Cant start a thread because of ccp - adrenochrome company with pictures of the people working there, names, age, photo, production capacity and so on...


25812325? ago


Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Trump Is The First Jewish President

Video 6 minutes at https://invidio.us/watch?v=-ue8qAHj69g


The First Jewish President. That's how some Jews see Donald Trump. People on the Left, not so much. Here's my take.


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

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25809683? ago

They suceeded ....... Germany has paid billions to Israel in reparations and pensions to "survivors" you cannot discuss the 6 million or you go jail.... your lawyer also faces jail if he defends you too vigorously as does the judge if he is lenient in the "trial" ....... the jews set out to break Germany in 1914 because it was expanding its empire and was seen as a direct threat by the jews who held the trading licences allowing them to control the commerce of the British empire.

25808330? ago

I happen to be working with an orthodox Jew (wears the funny little hat and all) and he claims that Hitler wanted to convert Jews to Christianity and when they refused, he decided to exterminate them. He says that he was jealous of Jews. C'mon man!

25807374? ago


25807208? ago

This is the heavily censored and hidden truth. Germanys deep state was predominately jewish.

25806192? ago

Ok fine, I know it's the jews, but I'm still going to listen to Q.

25806134? ago

They tried? They did.

25805908? ago

They're God's chosen people, so they're the master race.

25806692? ago

Christians are God's chosen people, nitwit.

25805851? ago

funny how they always seem to be 2% of the population.

25804466? ago

Jew privilege

25804442? ago

You misspelled America

25804293? ago


25804242? ago

They were never the "Jews," of the Bible.

They were the third fake, "Abrahamic" religion created by the Vatican with the "conversion" of Khazarian King Bulan's people in 740 A.D.

The second fake religion was Islam in 610 A.D.

The first is their corruption of Christianity, while using Christianity as a cover for world domination.

The Gutenberg press put Bibles in the hands of the common man and Protestantism was born, leading to the founding of our great nation, and the eventual restoration of Christ's New Testament church.

25804235? ago

Sounds familiar..

25804190? ago

I don't care.

The Nazifags have overwhelmingly made the case that they are anti-Q, anti-Trump and anti-Qanons, or as you Nazis love to call us ... Qtards.

Q represents the pro-Trump military intelligence of the US. Q has told us in no uncertain terms that Hitler's brownshirts of Nazi Germany are today's ANTIFA, same anti-police tactics, same end goal of political intimidation.

You go 20 comments deep prodding any Nazifaggot and ultimately you realize they hate Trump.

Trump and Q will handle bad judges, bad actors in banking and Hollywood. The cabal is destroying America and Nazifags are nothing but a distraction, here to go full anti-minority to contaminate us by association.

25806173? ago

They don't ultimately hate Trump, the ultimately hate kikes.

The cabal are all kikes.

25808222? ago

Trump has totally embraced the Jews.

"You can't get to Broadway if you haven't any Jews. - Monty Python

25806233? ago

Nazifaggots don't want Obama to be held accountable, or Comey, or Clapper, or the Bush dynasty, or the Clintons.

Nazifaggots get the rope too.

25808226? ago

Nazis are still SOCIALISTS. And People are Not Equal.

25808276? ago

It would only matter if Nazis are SOCIALISTS if they had a snowball's chance in hell of ever winning a political office.

Since they don't, all people see from them is the destruction and violence they promote/enact to obtain their goals.

In that manner, they are exactly the same as ANTIFA.

25806273? ago

"Nazis" cannot be faggots, they are not kikes.

"Nazis" understand the main head of the snake, not just the 10 thousand pawns that are always replicated.

What's the point in killing every Agent Smith, when another will just pop up. Once the head is removed, all the pawns are open to hunting season.

25806330? ago

You stupid Nazifucks are trying to win over Qanons by blatantly stating you have no motivation or intention to hold anyone accountable except the entire Jewish race.

How many converts you think you're winning?

25806366? ago

You Q faggots don't realize the bank owners control all. You'll never get your revenge on these people as long as the jew media exists. Don't believe me? How did most people watch the debate? On TV, then they comment on FB, owned by a jew.

Go outside and everyone believes the media the same way you believe in Q, a higher message from a one way communication method that millions of others see, so it must be true.

Keep believing in your anonymous Nostradamus.

25806869? ago

You Q faggots don't realize the bank owners control all.

Bank owners is pretty generic for a Nazitard. Don't you mean (((bank owners)))?

You'll never get your revenge on these people as long as the jew media exists.

You mean (((Donna Brazille)))? (((Juan Williams))). (((Jim Acosta))). (((Fareed Zakaria))). (((Whoopi Goldberg)))?

(((Stephen Colbert))). (((Jimmy Fallon))). (((Jimmy Kimmel))). (((Trevor Noah))). (((Bill Maher)))?

So many Jews. Goldberg ... yeah that's a Jewish name, Whoopi is totally a Jew.

then they comment on FB, owned by a jew

Which does China's bidding. Married to a Chinese woman. Promotes China's favorite candidate for POTUS.

The candidate whose son received untold millions from China and Russia.

Neither of whom are Jews.

But it's ok ... because stupid fucks like you aren't in charge of anything. Trump, Q and Qanons have it.

m'kay demoKKKrat?

25807066? ago

The kikes who own the media aren't the ones always hosting the shows dumbass, that's like a general fighting on the frontline.

Look into the creators of CCP dumbfuck Q faggot.

m'kay demoKKKrat?

Whoa you really got me with that one. Apparently I'm with the party that loves kikes.

You Q faggots have done 0 research on the bank owners, you just mindlessly follow mythical force Q.

25807298? ago

The kikes who own the media aren't the ones always hosting the shows dumbass, that's like a general fighting on the frontline.

So that meme that Nazis like to circulate with all the Jews who are in the MSM makes you a dumbass because they're just hosting the shows, and not generals?

Who are the generals? Are you even allowed to name them?

Here, I'll help you. Soros. Rothschilds. Rockerfellers. Maxwells. Vanderbilts.

Ironic that Qanons are laser-focused on the culprits while Nazifaggots want to deflect to the entire Jewish worldwide population.

You Q faggots have done 0 research on the bank owners

Please bitch. Nazifaggots couldn't name a specific Jew if their argument depended on it.

And when they do name a specific Jew, the only purpose is to implicate the entire Jewish population, not hold that specific Jew accountable.

25813111? ago

So that meme that Nazis like to circulate with all the Jews who are in the MSM makes you a dumbass because they're just hosting the shows, and not generals?

They host because of nepotism dumbfuck, they are all top down. If they aren't a kike, they certainly support kike degeneracy, such as yourself.

Ironic that Qanons are laser-focused on the culprits while Nazifaggots want to deflect to the entire Jewish worldwide population.

Read a bit of history, kikes have always been a problem, even Henry Ford publicly called them out. They were able to collapse Rome. A jew is comfortable with bringing in degeneracy. A nigger will always chimp, a jew will always kike.

It's clear, you are a kike yourself. You people are only comfortable with niggers, spics, and degenerates around.

25813802? ago

even Henry Ford publicly called them out

The Ford Foundation is the #1 contributor to Black Lives Matter.

Read a bit of history

I did. Q drops have told me that Hitler's brownshirts are a direct parallel of today's ANTIFA, from harassing police to intimidating voters.

It's clear, you are a kike yourself. You people are only comfortable with niggers, spics, and degenerates around.

This party isn't your party. When the dust settles as Trump, Q, Qanons and the entire US citizenry take out the cabal, there's going to be a whole bunch of sad Nazi noises when you stupid fucks realize minorities are left untouched.

25814200? ago

Lol, Ford foundation is not Henry Ford himself.

Q drops don't go back 100+ years.

This party isn't your party. When the dust settles as Trump, Q, Qanons and the entire US citizenry take out the cabal, there's going to be a whole bunch of sad Nazi noises when you stupid fucks realize minorities are left untouched.

Go live in diverse areas, and see how you like it. Bring in the third word, end up the third world. If the cabal is taken out, that means the jewish media is removed, then the truth will come out. The truth can never be hidden.

25814403? ago

I'll keep my eye on the news for when some Nazifaggot gets a bullet in between their eyes for enforcing their rhetoric against law-abiding US citizen minorities.

25814868? ago

Go live in a diverse area cuck.

25804162? ago

... So familiar

25803965? ago

Judea, even publicly declared war on Germany in 1933, a full 6 years prior to the official start of WW2, they alone made themselves enemy combatants by said public declaration of war. Remember history is written by victors not those who lose

25808110? ago

World Jewry declared War on Germany.

25815528? ago

Yes, therefore it was an officially declared war

25804208? ago

The moment they declared war.. it was a civil war.. then the Jews dragged half the known world into their fight. Every other race has 100% reason to remove them from their countries.

25806925? ago

(((They))) also killed our Christ-

25808118? ago

Horribly and Mercilessly. Toughen Up Christians.

25805951? ago

Together with the degenerate Weimar Republic, Germany was an economic basket case

25803947? ago

They did destroy Germany.

25808129? ago

And the post WW2 brainwashing of the German youth was EXTREME! A total Guilt Trip!

25803933? ago

Does anyone have a link to the full video?

25803912? ago

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

25805823? ago


25805973? ago

I was going to type that initially, but thought it might be a tiny bit drier not to.

However it still has coin in it, so not entirely unjewish.

25803852? ago

Where's the whole lecture? Who is that man?

25803596? ago

They succeeded. When they were getting busted they turned themselves inside out and survived by turning fellow Jews in. They have no code. Of course they’re not Jews, they’re sons of Ephraim and Judah. The rebellious to God. The Jews paid the price for keeping their ‘Brothers’ close to them. Will they learn? I think they did. That’s why we have Jews on our team and in our movement. Real Jews, or the shills that come here and scream Jew shit and slide threads.

25806951? ago

Freemason Faggots-

Where is Judas?

9th circle -Divine Comedy..

25804288? ago

All "real jew" means is rejecter of Christ. Children of Satan. Christ's words, not mine.

25804583? ago

None of those are Jesus words. Thanks for the laugh.

25804755? ago

King James the first Scottish king. Paid for the NKJV Bible. Had representation at Council of Trent, where the plan to infiltrate the Protestant movement was proposed by the Papacy and Jesuits to execute. Under the guise of being Jews...they used a guy named ‘Rabbi Ben-Ezra’ who was in fact a Spaniard named Manuel Lacunza...a Jesuit, NOT a Jew.

They infiltrated the Protestant movement, via John Nelson Darby, and the Rockefeller family Seminaries and School of divinity.

All of this authored by Jesuits. Why is the antichrist thought to be a man? Instead of a spirit? King James is why. Why do Christians worship on Sundays in direct violation of the Ten Commandments? Council of Nicaea, Emperor Constantine.

Emperors and Kings....why would they want you to believe as they decide you should believe? Who are the Kings and Emperors now? Would you know them if you saw them?

25803811? ago

The people screaming Jew aren't entirely wrong, though. It's certain Jews. I know a lefty Jew. She's my mother-in-law. She's not into Talmud or anything sick like that but she's definitely a socialist and is the sort to get mad that people oppose masks. She would give up sovereignty for security. She haaaaaaaates POTUS.

25808162? ago

She IS into the HOLY TALMUD! It is the basis of their Culture.

Note: I couldn't bring myself to call it a Religion.

25809263? ago

She's a Sephardic Jew and their family has been Christian for generations. They aren't religiously Jewish at all.

25806684? ago

It really isn't, it's all of them.

Just like it's all blacks, even though you may be friendly with a couple of them.

They're stabbing you in the back every day after your polite conversations.

25809286? ago

And her son that I am married to? He's TECHNICALLY part Sephardic Jew because the Jews establish the bloodline through the mom.

However he's mostly Italian and we don't fucking read the Talmud or do anything Jewish.

25809893? ago

I don't care who's son you married, dipshit.

25813226? ago

Nah, we're good. Thanks for your concern though!

25813275? ago

What's done is done.

25813301? ago


25806450? ago

give her a can of zyklon

25809294? ago

I told her son I'm going to put her in an oven if she doesn't come around.

25821365? ago


25803461? ago

Here's why.

The best and most pertinent history lesson available. Text and audio links:



25803447? ago

2% of the population? Using Wikipedia says 500,000 jews, with 1939 pre-war 86,755,281 population of Germany.

= 0.006 Jews ( a little more than half of one %). They were way over represented in positions of power.

25808200? ago

Then they were WELCOMED TO USA!

And the USA went to Shit.

25808279? ago

Look what they did to Poland when that was the only country in Europe that allowed them in, they flocked there, they created their own ghettos (yes, they kept others out ), they had their own language yiddish and didn't speak the language of the host country. When invaders in WW2 came in, they took out the flag of the invader and welcomed the foreign troops and then set about to become the overlords and do what the invaders wanted.

25804387? ago

Like Hitler himself, who was 1/4 Jewish and also North African. DNA samples taken of dozens of Hitler relatives paint a picture...European, Jewish and African.

It's science, baby.

25806669? ago

Fake news, not science baby.

25808380? ago

People make that claim about Egyptians, but Somolis, etc? And still gives 1200 years to sneak a few into the woodpile...

Funny you avoided the Jewish lineage....well not really.....Hitler's grandpappy would be TWO generations, correct?

Hey, maybe Hitler is one of those "lost tribe" African Jews we hear about!

25808764? ago

There is no "jewish" lineage to ignore.

There's no "claim", it's history. North Africa was run by the Europeans until 700 AD or so.

Ever heard of the Roman empire, ya fucking brick? lol

25804540? ago

Dna tests of two identical twins gave vastly different results.

It's (((science))), baby.

25804702? ago

Only confirming whats known. His grandfather was a Jew. DNA confirms. Just like the movies.

25803640? ago

If that 500k number is right then each of those jews would have to have had 12 children in the internment camps to account for the 6 million that ended up succumbing to the penis smashing machines and death coasters or becoming soap or lampshades.

25803989? ago

500k is for Germany alone, the 6 billion would have been from all over Europe, particularly Poland and Ukraine.

25806964? ago

6 Million, calm down...

Still fake and gay.

25804007? ago

6 billion

6 gorillion?

25804085? ago

6 dodeca-gorilian

25804116? ago

What do you mean six trillion?

25803660? ago

If they want to support the numbers, then I'd expect them to edit the wikipedia pages

25803364? ago

General Patton:

The noise against me is only the means by which the Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany. I think that if I resigned as I threatened to do yesterday, it would simply discredit me to no purpose. . .

This august lady [Fifteenth Army] . . . has the job of reviewing the strategy and tactics of the war to see how the former conformed to the unit plans and how the tactics changed. Were it not for the fact that it will be, so far as I am concerned, a kick up stairs, I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.

Later when people wake up to what is going on here, I can admit why I took the job.

Am I weak and a coward? Am I putting my posthumous reputation above my present honor? God how I wish I knew...

P.S. No one gives a damn how well Bavaria is run. All they are interested in now is how well it is ruined.

25812319? ago


Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

25812497? ago



Q#4722- Meet the Dirty jew Behind the Color Revolution Against POTUS (QRV)



Q#4748-"The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?" (QRV)



Q#4788- What are the odds? Coincidence? [H.Res. 1154: Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.] (QRV)



Q#916"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"



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Hypothetically Speaking, If it Were Illegal To Question the Motives, Tendencies, Behavior and History of Certain People, That Would Be Alarming, Right? (QRV)



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"We've defeated the wrong enemy."- General George S. Patton



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Did You Know That as of 2014, Germany Alone Had Dished Out $85 BILLION to Jews Who "Survived" the Holocaust? (QRV)



How Did (((They))) FAKE the Holocaust? Why is it Illegal to Debate the Details?



The Jews in pre-WW2 Germany were 2% of the population but 50% of the media, 70% of judges and tremendously overrepresented in banking, film, theater and literature. They tried to destroy Germany. (QRV)



So, Black People Have The Second Largest Continent, All To Themselves... But Jews Insist That The Rest Of The World Needs More "Diversity And Inclusion"... Why? (QRV)



Haaretz: "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews" (QRV)



AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)



Q4693- For those who may have been confused: Antifa= The COMMUNIST PARTY of Germany. NOT Nazis.



What is Jewish Bolshevism?



Bolshevik Lives Matter More- Professor James Tracy



Who's Been Pulling Your Strings? Meet The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. (QRV)



(((Netflix's CEO))) is the great-grand-nephew of psychoanalyst (((Sigmund Freud))) and grand-nephew of social engineer (((Edward Bernays))). Netflix is one big psyop.



109 Eviction Notices Since 250 AD. What Did General Ulysses S. Grant Have to Say About Them?



Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband, is the Democrats’ newest Jewish star



Jewish Members of U.S. Congress | 115th Congress



Guess Who Does NOT Allow Dual Citizenship in Their Government? (QRV)



Jewish Democrats- For nearly a century, one party has captured the vast majority of Jewish votes.



jew Math: 500k Holocaust Survivors Remained After the War. They All Lived Until 2016. Then 400k Died Within a Couple Months. 100k Remained Until 2018. There Are Now 400k Holocaust Survivors in 2020.



Deep State: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money - "Deep State Moneymen Love Globalism and Communism"



Hitler DID NOT Defund the Police



Are the Majority of Pedophiles Jews?



Are jews behind communism in China?



Who Started World War 2?






Ever Wonder Why Q Sent Us HERE of All Places? (QRV)



Was the Mainstream Media Directly Involved in 9/11?



UPDATED: Newt Gingrich Mentions George Soros and Fox Hosts Basically Say 'Das Ist Verboten'









25807262? ago

Moses freed the Jews from Egypt and the pharao - reason for pharao (canaanite cult) to hate Jews - canaanites/ luciferians collapsed Egyptian empire and formed Roman empire, with BIS Switzerland above the vatican - canaanites = luciferians = masons = knights templar = infiltrate all religions = those who say they are Jews, Christians, Muslims... but are of the synagogue of satan, like Rothschilds, and 13 bloodline's... most of them say the are jews - create ww2 and infiltrate Judaism and make people hate real Jews, and take out real Jews, and create Israel after ww2, controlled by [them] - hitler was controlled by [hem], vatican involved, proyect paperclip...

This goes back much further than ww2, looks like people need to focus more on 'quiet innocent clean' Switzerland, left untouched in ww1 and 2, where all [their] elites go to school, filled with corrupt money laundring banks, Bank of International Settlement (BIS) is above the vatican = top of [their] power structure


25803333? ago

Looking like they are succeeding.