26431571? ago

25873069? ago

25839375? ago

Nothing changes at the BBC news? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4049078/25839183

25797191? ago

Probably why all my GOT-shit got downvoted.

Couldn't call Arya Stark a fucking cunt, and couldn't refer to Cersi as hillary clinton.

25792639? ago

  • Aaron Swartz found evidence of corporate funding of climate change research that lead to bias results.

  • The US Government persecuted Aaron Swartz claiming he tried to make monetary gain. They didnt even protect him, a whistle blower, but went against him!

  • All he tried to do however, was to reveal evil secrets to the public, how the evil powers in this world succeeded in lying about a fake climate change!

  • Swartz, an Internet activist, was found dead at age 26. Official records says suicide by hanging but many believed he was murdered.


25794458? ago


Glad to see I'm not the only one that has put theise peices together.

This need traction

25791526? ago

This is black and white. The Mossad is trying to destroy America from within, including stealing our wealth directly from the government.

25822611? ago

What are the oddfellow FBI Shriners? https://voat.co/v/theawakening/4046831/25821628

25791354? ago

Goddamn, if Q just fucking got Reddit to eat itself from it's SJW faggot insides,

...well son of a BITCH! ;)

25790592? ago

Following in Daddy’s foot prints.

25841097? ago

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25790318? ago

a general leftist piece of shit cunt

25790225? ago

We know.

It's been out for months.

The new expose by Millenial Millie, if it doesn't include that Michael Dorsey - founder of the youth movement Sunrise Movement - assisted in founding Terramar, then we know Infowars is controlled opposition.

They were happy to point out that he used to work in the Obama admin, but the info he was in with Terramar is getting harder to find.

Guess we've just gotta wait til it comes out.

25790448? ago

Do you regularly post in the pizzagate sub? If not, you'd like it over there. Great comment.

25848837? ago

Creepy Sleaze bag Ehud Barak? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4050006/25848153

25790609? ago

Not regularly, might be something I should look into.

25790134? ago

This is not true.

25790321? ago

The evidence points to this being 100% true. The account has STILL not posted since her arrest.

25795232? ago

Which evidence? Don't just tell me there is evidence then leave it out.

I've gotten a reply from the account while Maxwell was in jail and Maxwell Hill is a creepy resort in Malaysia. I've posted screen shots. The owner of the accounts lives in Malaysia (known from account comment history).

The owner of the account is a creepy pedo in Malaysia, from what I can tell.

If you have 100% proof, then share, and I'll go ahead and file the appropriate reports.

25790116? ago

old news

25789956? ago

That figures. They are a bunch of slack jawed pedo faggots over there.

25789846? ago

This "news" is months old. Have you been asleep since june?

25789789? ago

The site’s declared founder Steven Huffman has his own sordid past. Before selling to Conde Naste. Huffman was ironically exposed and humiliated by his own website. Users researching him found posts that indicate he’s a cannibal. Having gone to special restaurants with barbecue style preparation of human flesh. WTN.

25793846? ago

Yes, a year before Q, the v/pizzagate sub destroyed Huffman, aka spez, the moderator of a cannibal sub he created!

25789680? ago

How many people knew and did nothing? Scary.

25789717? ago

The ex CEO a commie faghag mudshark named Ellen Pao admits going to a party with her

25789647? ago

Can somebody dig on Serena Williams's husband? Supposedly he is a Reddit co-founder and just "virtue signalled" by resigning from the board over the George Floyd issue. Wants to leave a seat ope for a black

25789686? ago

Not sure about Alexis Ohanian he seems like a creepy slimy bastard, her ex Brett Ratner was caught up in the whole # Metoo pizzagate rape pedo Weinstein thing.

25789305? ago

I saw a conspiracy that the reason why Aaron Schwartz got the book thrown at him and the doorknob treatment is because when browsing the MIT servers used to hold books, he may have found pedophile materials on the servers.

Why would they go after him so hard?

25790427? ago

I thought he had an algorithm or data that would prove the global warming narrative or climate change narrative was bullshit. I wouldn't be surprised if he found child exploitation images either, though.

25791236? ago


25792634? ago


  • Aaron Swartz found evidence of corporate funding of climate change research that lead to bias results.
  • The US Government persecuted Aaron Swartz claiming he tried to make monetary gain. They didnt even protect him, a whistle blower, but went against him!
  • All he tried to do however, was to reveal evil secrets to the public, how the evil powers in this world succeeded in lying about a fake climate change!
  • Swartz, an Internet activist, was found dead at age 26. Official records says suicide by hanging but many believed he was murdered.

25794691? ago

The idea that he found an algorithm “disproving” climate change is straight up retarded.

25796175? ago

Aaron Swartz found evidence of corporate funding of climate change research that lead to bias results.

How do you think he found that evidence?

25796334? ago

I don’t think he did. I think you’re full of shit.

25802030? ago

Aaron Swartz found evidence of corporate funding of climate change research that lead to bias results.

25804611? ago

Yes, you fucking moron, I can read and understand.

That’s not the same thing as finding “an algorithm that disproves climate change”.

Fucking low IQ imbecile

25809299? ago

[–] 25790427? 1 point (+2|-1) 1.6 days ago

I thought he had an algorithm or data that would prove the global warming narrative or climate change narrative was bullshit.



25789285? ago

I mean… Who cares? Maybe I’m missing it, but I don’t understand why this matters. Who gives a crap about reddit? It’s stupid and gay.

25789646? ago

Reddit censored Pizzgate, Conservative posts, Libertarian politics, the MDE comedy club, it censored the facts behind the Florida terror attacks and then censored calls to help with blood donations for victims, subs have gone full marxist communist, at reddit they made it a bannable offense to cite stats on islamist crimes or immigrant crime statistics, they have inside companies from Tel Aviv Londonistan push some corrupt anti American corporate share blue sharia politics. they openly called out death threats and terror threats to the Convington Catholic High students, it does perverted kike promoting on Reddit makes apologies for islamists, pushes degeracy pornography drugs, it censored Qanon stuff

25789555? ago

Influence operations. the Epstein blackmail operation was used to garner influence at the upper scallions of society. After that was busted, she was assigned a role she could do while taking a lower profile... Exerting influence on the grassroots.

As a moderator of major forums she could control what DIDN'T make the news, and steer commentary and thus public opinion via banning users who propagated wrong-think.

25789159? ago

God I fucking hate jews.

25789049? ago

She was around during the /r/jailbait days. Was she among the mods that pushed back?

25789014? ago

So, did they target the families of Reddit users that needed to be quieted?

One targeted and trafficked 12 year old can shut up a whole family.

25788994? ago

She's the cunt that banished me for calling out the Juice, and Stating that Hitler was most likely ordained by God to judge them just a Nebuchadnezzar was. Juice don't like it when you slap them upside the head with truth.

25789165? ago

Reptile Juice

by Nestle

25789180? ago

Yep, my time on the Reddit was quite short lived.

25789198? ago

I used to stir up some shit on reddit as well. I got the boot once i started cracking jokes about yids. Like immediately lol

25789214? ago

They desperately protect their juice.

25789337? ago

Yep. (((Satan))) is always playing internet whack-a-mole

25788986? ago

and a close friend of Melania Trump.

25789953? ago


25790258? ago

Trump wishes Jeffrey Epstein's ex-partner Ghislaine Maxwell 'well'


25790926? ago

Ooh, lordy.

You have no idea how this works. This was just for optics.

You underestimate this president a thousandfold.

Yeah, because public statements is totally what gives high crimes away!

25819309? ago

Sorry dude, apologies if I got abit too over into it.

25795636? ago

Where is the 'optics' for witholding back the hcq, when everyone knows its the cure.

Why only publicly promote remdesivir, and blood, and even avoids mentioning hcq (except when cornered and asked about it) , when hcq is the one thats constantly pushed on here.

What about the 'demon semen' witchdoctor, how is that optics?

What about the optics of giving everything to the jews, including the whitehouse keys, when so many websites (here voat, 8kun etc) are vehemently antijew.

He could probably shit and piss on you, and you'd still sycophantically say "oh brilliant 17d chess move!"

25796621? ago

HCQ IS the cure. But haven't you figured out yet that the president is under a constant barrage of 5,000 deep state snakes? If he says ANYTHING it's used against him, and the people. If he promotes something it gets banned. What the president does and what the government does can be different at times, at least until the deep state is cleansed. Also, he is smart enough to deceive big pharma, to get them where he wants, or to catch them in the act. He sets traps for them. In the end, he'll do what's right for the people. Nothing is more important than cleaning up the deep state. Hostage situations are some of the most complex situations to deal with. Although often crossing paths, 'Joodom' isn't exactly the same as 'criminaldom'. If justice is to be trusted (optics), one can't administer justice with these kinds of tags.

25792215? ago

This was just for optics.

Imagine believing dumb shit like that. oh lordy, indeed.

25789424? ago

Don't be silly. Yes, he wished her well, as in good luck, you're gonna need it.

25789484? ago

You jews twist shit... its just unbelievable

25794256? ago

The projection is palpable.

25789007? ago

How close? Show me a source detailing their unyielding affection.

25789097? ago

A picture? LOL No, no, no. I meant a source. A detailed news article about their connections. I can be photographed near many people that doesn't mean I'm best buds or even know said other individuals. Provide real proof, please.

25789190? ago

Lol it is the only picture of these "close friends" the bot can find.

25789111? ago

lol you are doing damage control, jew pedo.

25789125? ago

Asking for legitimate proof? Me thinks you project too much.

25793018? ago

Trump doesn’t look hapoy to be photographed with Ghiz in that old picture.

25795725? ago

keep telling yourself that, cuck. He wished her well right after her arrest.

25789962? ago


25790246? ago

I just gave you proof. I smacked you in the face with it like the big black dong your wife takes while you watch and you still deny. You are the very definition of a SHILL!

25790940? ago

No, I hate shills.

Shills suck arse.

You drivel however, definitely gives YOU away as the shill.

25789342? ago

So your proof is multiple photos of multiple public events where people networking can be photographed publicly with a billionaire when that specific people networking had said they targeted billionaires. That's an irrefutable proof. Congrats.

25789511? ago

People have been convicted with less evidence than this. They were all close friends. Israel is blackmailing Trump, which would explain why he has given so much to israel.

25789272? ago

The point I'm making is that celebrities get photographed all the time. The only quote from the President was at a news conference subsequent to Maxwell's arrest. What I'm saying is prove that Melania or the President had close connections. Traveling in the same circles(10s of thousands or more) in NYC is like saying you might have bumped into someone a few times. Hardly damning.

Now ask about close ties Maxwell had with dems.

25789282? ago

You are a shill.

25789365? ago

Ok, chinabot

25789492? ago

Ok, israel baby dick sucker

25789611? ago

Take it easy, chinabot. You might blow a circuit.

25789619? ago

You might blow a toddler. jew pedo.

25789724? ago

So I'm going to say that's a "no," as far as any substantive evidence. Better luck next time.

25789746? ago

Trump is very degenerate. Listen to how he talks about women "grabbing them by the pussy" and all that.

25788837? ago

No wonder the sheep flock to Reddit.

25789292? ago

Because they knew maxwell was a moderator? What’s your point?

25790184? ago

It does attract a certain type of people. I couldn’t stand the comment sections of echo chamber circle jerking going on deleted the app.

25789709? ago

reddit is full of degerates, gays, marxists, pornographers ... not saying everyone over there is a pedo but it attracts certain types. There might be some good subs left like exmuslim or r / conspiracy but eventually every sub will be eaten by the marxist reddit monster

25794546? ago

ive got a 100k sub that I'm still there for. reddit has recently since started stepping in to mod. theyre removing comments over meaningless bullshit.

ive been waiting for the entire mod team i have all close friends to be completely removed and replaced with no word for the last year.

25790442? ago

Conspiracy is the reason I'm here today and was on the chans when Q showed up. I didn't realize what Reddit was until I started getting banned for certain things. Live and learn.

25791276? ago

Yep, I saw it happen on /r/syriancivilwar too.