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25778901? ago

Your missing the shot completely.

The jewish solemnise who push all this social Marxist shit simple hate Whites and use blacks and others as a way to attack us.

To the point where the Jewish lying press has whipped idiotic blacks into an anti white frenzy and they have murdered two white children this year just for being White.

25779312? ago


25779391? ago


You are better than making threads than I. I will try to emulate your technique.

25780527? ago

It's tough here in QRV. My success rate is not as high as you might think. However I have had more success once I stopped using slurs. I made this choice after I listened to Rockwell at Brown University say that's what he does at his speeches as a guest. In the street he would say whatever. Also note that with my low success rate I've taken to quicker to make posts like this, where I take a few minutes to just type up something real quick.

25780838? ago

I tried to cross post this

And it got sank with a quickness.

I guess the enemy poisioned the well for videos by posting gay porn.

25780922? ago

It happens but you can still have some success

25781073? ago

Would you mind knocking this one up to a positive number I don't want to make a 3rd thread of the same thing. Tyvm