25783314? ago

God doesn't bless race-mixed societies, he destroys them.

Evolution is mathematically precise, and the math says whites are fucked - doomed - without mass removal on non-whites.

Anything short of "strictly white ethnostate"s is genocide against the planetary minority. Why do you support genocide?

25778330? ago


Get fucked faggot. The "hottest" QRV thread is mine. And of all the qanons who have seen it, only two downvoated it. They're tired of the bullshit and are learning the truth.

25778996? ago

So right anon.


25777785? ago

Don't get your hopes up. These are the same welfare people,
who burn it all on liquor, gambling, bling, whoring, drugs, and wild living.

They'll be broke again, in less than two months... always are.

25777820? ago

Then they don’t get the loans. The opportunity is there if they put down the vices created by NatSoc leaders (Clinton, Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer etc..) to keep them on the plantation.

You’re afraid of it because you’re a NatSoc worm.

25777834? ago

I don't need or want a gov't loan. Anybody who takes it? It's on them.

25777871? ago

Then it’s not for you. Congratulations on your success. Spread it, it’s good for American. America for the Americans.

25778088? ago

every dollar spent in the economy, generates seven more, as it moves along the line, downstream. Savers, mess up the flow, by taking money out of that circulation.

25777559? ago

Doesn't matter, niggers don't have the drive or foresight to take the loans. This is the perfect bait... An olive branch extended that won't be taken.

25777422? ago

Yeah, you're paying for it all, dumbass.

25777752? ago

And I’ll do it again and again and again...as long as it keeps you on the left from getting back into power.

25778223? ago

Why don't you niggers just go back to Africa and go build your own Wakanda? Leave America for good.

25779005? ago

Cool story, bro.


25777397? ago

They've had the opportunity shit for brains.

25776405? ago


What the fuck has been in their way?

We suffered 8 years under a foreign gay black muslim president.

25776317? ago

He's doing what the left has been doing for years, buying the black vote.

25777429? ago

Well, FUCK TRUMP then. Pandering to niggers is not the way to go.

25778250? ago

I'm not a trump supporter, but I'm waiting to see what happens. It's not like he come out in the open and say fuck niggers. And at the end of the day if he doesn't follow up on his promise of drawing the swamp, then all the qanons are going to be pissed. Keep redpilling them on Jews and race.

25776412? ago

The Left have been buying it, for free.

25776297? ago

Nazi leftists are fake & gay.

They're fake whites.

25777760? ago

Agreed. They’re pissed they’ve been out maneuvered.

25776296? ago

Same here. We are all Americans and it’s time that the Government actually support people for something that requires and inspires black people to build instead of wait for handouts. These loans are linked to business plans and solvency. This is brilliant.

25776295? ago

and you agree that whites must get the same treatment? What's that? I'm a racist for even suggesting it?- Typical Q and Trump response.

The OP is a racist white hating maggot

25777778? ago

This is about blacks...stop trying to change the subject. We’re doing quite well. Blacks should have a chance to do the same. I do t care if they get billions and billions....you NatSoc idiots are pissed about your loss of your slaves...

25776333? ago

Nope. It’s time to focus on getting blacks to see that the left is t the only option. NatSoc leftist Nazis are kissed.

25777450? ago

I'm going to apply for one of those loans and check the box and say I'm a nigger.

When they deny me the loan because I'm white, I'm going to sue the Federal Government over the Civil Rights Act.

You niggers are going to pay me.

25791955? ago

Good idea

25776587? ago


What a worthless nigger.

25791962? ago

Phonefagging it autocorrected to what your mom

Does to my cock

25803036? ago

No it didn't you lazy nigger.

25776223? ago

welfare for monkeys, they are not the equals of whites and they will fail.

25776262? ago

$500B is a great start. I think we should up it to $1.5T...really give them a chance to succeed and have the room to breathe to enjoy what they build.

GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP! The first fair President to all Americans since Lincoln.

25777406? ago

oy vey

25776438? ago

$1.5T? Have some compassion ya cheap bastard!

It should really be $6T for starters then another $6T when that doesn't work!

25777790? ago

I’m fine with it. It’s not my money...