25776793? ago

25767780? ago

We have cucks of the west aka anons and leftists. Is that enough?

25767841? ago

25767779? ago

Trump is going with reality instead.

He is our Lycurgus.

25767820? ago

The Sparta visionary lawgiver? Still not sure on Trump, waiting for Maxwell to name the names and for the Wall to be done. I guess he's better than last two fuck up Presidents but maybe a new term would show his real side. Q Boomers have faith but some worry he's Jew owned.

25767854? ago

He has bought the favor of all like a Borgia.

And in January, he will ratify his new constitution which gives all power to the people and him chance at civil monarch lineage.

Unless the Democrats realize what's going on and demand it to avoid being Florentine Pazzis.

25767806? ago

Yeah that 500 billion to BLM was a reality check for me.

25767878? ago

There's no way he can deliver on these promises without the new constitution.

White men get paid last.

Our rewards are liberation and maximization better than the golden ages of Europe.

It's worth it. These are pennies compared to what's in store.


25775915? ago

Different anon here. What you're saying resonates. I don't understand what President Trump does sometimes but I trust him.

25775949? ago

We're fucked, Citizen. Prepare for Plan B.

The people are too corrupt for Trump to release the constitution, so we have to enter civil war first for legal validity.

Getting closer to time to start burning people.

25775984? ago

All is well.

25767947? ago

No, I don't agree because this 500 billion sets a precedent for future elections. We give them money so that they stay well behaved does not strike me as a world I want to live in. One more thing shove you new constitution up your Orwellian ass.

25768005? ago

This is the last election.

The civil king will be on continual vote and the only elected position.

Everything else is run by direct meritocracy.

This money is nothing, and even more will be showered on the demos for direct approoriation.

Only those who support oligarchy support "Orwelian" policy.

You reference fiction. I reference history.

25768015? ago

So 500 billion is fiction...1984 much?

25768045? ago

It'll be the demos's problem.

We are about to create massive amounts of IP.

Labor moves into "R&D". Robots move into labor. And much more.

25768066? ago

sure sure